Strolling through social media or being on the internet is an activity all 21st-century women and men participate in. Our lives are online from Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Threads, apps and searching on the internet. Our lives are showcased on social media, and we consume content daily. Consumers never get a break from uploading content to strolling through pages of posts and videos. Social media users market multiple products and brands every day. This generation loves being online, and the industry is worth 16 Billion dollars today. Some people work full-time on social media, and people are creating their brands or using platforms just for fun. Getting caught up in the digital world is so easy with new videos or posting a video or photos that make you feel happy and entertained. Consumers will not stop watching videos and posting them online for the world to see. The digital age pushes people into creating content or consuming content. Social media hurts your mental well-being, and it can depress you. Disconnecting is necessary when it comes to social media. As a consumer or creative who is online need to consider taking a break, and the length is up to you. The instant need to be online is addictive. Being updated every hour of the day is unhealthy. Distancing yourself from your devices can lead to feeling more connected within yourself and your life. 

Take a micro-break

Social media or digital detox are necessary. It's okay to take a break and detox from everything. The blue light in technology can keep you up and strain your eyes. Take a two-hour gap between you and your device. Just be in the moment and keep your mind business. 
No technology weekend 
Throw a no-technology weekend at home. The weekend is perfect for taking your phone off or shutting your laptop. Television is the only technology you can use. The goal is to sit down and watch an entire movie of your choice and let it take you there. You can escape your mind consuming the content with a two-hour movie. Leave all your devices in another room. 

Joy the moment 

Being present without being on your cell phone and embracing your surroundings in nature is a fresh breath of air.  It only takes a second to be in the moment. The digital age makes it so hard to enjoy a moment. Being present involves giving yourself the space to be there and letting go. Being disconnected from your technology leads to breakthroughs. 

Make more human connections

Less technology means talking to someone face to face. Your cell phone makes it so hard to connect with others in person. Your friends and family are the best people to talk to or a stranger. Conversations can lead anywhere, which makes them very special. Communicating is a big part of our daily life, so balancing online and in-person is good for the soul. Being present and not on your device can help us make a human connection. 

The art of DISCONNECTING to reconnect IN THE DIGITAL world

Strolling through social media or being on the internet is an activity all 21st-century women and men participate in. Our lives are online from Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Threads, apps and searching on the internet. Our lives are showcased on social media, and we consume content daily. Consumers never get a break from uploading content to strolling through pages of posts and videos. Social media users market multiple products and brands every day. This generation loves being online, and the industry is worth 16 Billion dollars today. Some people work full-time on social media, and people are creating their brands or using platforms just for fun. Getting caught up in the digital world is so easy with new videos or posting a video or photos that make you feel happy and entertained. Consumers will not stop watching videos and posting them online for the world to see. The digital age pushes people into creating content or consuming content. Social media hurts your mental well-being, and it can depress you. Disconnecting is necessary when it comes to social media. As a consumer or creative who is online need to consider taking a break, and the length is up to you. The instant need to be online is addictive. Being updated every hour of the day is unhealthy. Distancing yourself from your devices can lead to feeling more connected within yourself and your life. 

Take a micro-break

Social media or digital detox are necessary. It's okay to take a break and detox from everything. The blue light in technology can keep you up and strain your eyes. Take a two-hour gap between you and your device. Just be in the moment and keep your mind business. 
No technology weekend 
Throw a no-technology weekend at home. The weekend is perfect for taking your phone off or shutting your laptop. Television is the only technology you can use. The goal is to sit down and watch an entire movie of your choice and let it take you there. You can escape your mind consuming the content with a two-hour movie. Leave all your devices in another room. 

Joy the moment 

Being present without being on your cell phone and embracing your surroundings in nature is a fresh breath of air.  It only takes a second to be in the moment. The digital age makes it so hard to enjoy a moment. Being present involves giving yourself the space to be there and letting go. Being disconnected from your technology leads to breakthroughs. 

Make more human connections

Less technology means talking to someone face to face. Your cell phone makes it so hard to connect with others in person. Your friends and family are the best people to talk to or a stranger. Conversations can lead anywhere, which makes them very special. Communicating is a big part of our daily life, so balancing online and in-person is good for the soul. Being present and not on your device can help us make a human connection. 

Add more wellness to your daily life. Make wellness your top priority in your everyday life. Wellness is a tool to advance and unlock your body. Our body and mind go through so much in one day. Adding a little wellness can make a difference. Every year, our body changes, and what it needs does too. Wellness is a healthly lifestyle change to build on throughout your life. Making new choices can help boost your mood and mindset. Take a new approach to your wellness. 


Meditate for 5-10 minutes.
Cook healthy recipes at home.
Create a Sunday routine 
Walk around the neighbourhood 
Spending time in nature
Participating in virtual fitness programs 
Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual.
Listen to a podcast with wireless headphone 
Find new exercise 
Try Yoga at home 
Make Sleep a priority
Change up your Diet
Practice mindfulness 
Try Aromatherapy weekly
Invest in a healthy diet
Work on your Breathwork
Find your version of therapy
Escape with books, music and movies 
Call or text someone and check-in 
Technology detox- no phone and computer
Drink More Water Throughout the Day
Add Low Impact Movement Into Your Routine 

Wellness non-negotiables to add to your daily routine + Healthy Girl wellness menu

Add more wellness to your daily life. Make wellness your top priority in your everyday life. Wellness is a tool to advance and unlock your body. Our body and mind go through so much in one day. Adding a little wellness can make a difference. Every year, our body changes, and what it needs does too. Wellness is a healthly lifestyle change to build on throughout your life. Making new choices can help boost your mood and mindset. Take a new approach to your wellness. 


Meditate for 5-10 minutes.
Cook healthy recipes at home.
Create a Sunday routine 
Walk around the neighbourhood 
Spending time in nature
Participating in virtual fitness programs 
Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual.
Listen to a podcast with wireless headphone 
Find new exercise 
Try Yoga at home 
Make Sleep a priority
Change up your Diet
Practice mindfulness 
Try Aromatherapy weekly
Invest in a healthy diet
Work on your Breathwork
Find your version of therapy
Escape with books, music and movies 
Call or text someone and check-in 
Technology detox- no phone and computer
Drink More Water Throughout the Day
Add Low Impact Movement Into Your Routine 

A healthy lifestyle includes creating a wellness routine that works for you and only you. Wellness can be little daily choices we make that can lead to lifelong changes. Wellness routines focus on good nutrition, mental health, self-care practices, sleeping, and stress levels. 

Wellness is making new choices, being aware of your well-being, and creating a fulfilling lifestyle. It's necessary to maintain a wellness routine that is crucial for our quality of life. Our well-being always affects our physical actions and emotions in our real lives. Wellness can reduce stress and the risk of illness. 

Taking care of yourself is wellness. A wellness routine involves individual acts of self-care. Focusing on a wellness routine should include food, exercise, and mental health. Making your well-being a priority can be fun and freeing at the same time. Health experts say creating a manageable routine that you can stick with as part of a lifestyle — not something overly ambitious that you can't sustain. One way to do that is to start small and build upon it as you feel comfortable, according to CNN Health. 

Your well-being is all about being in the right mindset and feeling good about yourself. Your long-term health is necessary for you to take care of. The concept is improving daily life or week to create results. Scheduling and setting goals for your wellness routine will help you keep your mindset positive and stick to your goals. A wellness routine keeps the person sane to charge your batteries or level yourself up. 

Keep this routine going permanently. Focus on your well-being, body and mind by practicing new wellness techniques. Stay motivated by setting up a wellness routine that works for you. Look forward to your new rountine and add new techiques to your roster. It's necessary to take mini steps every day to build long-term results. 

"Find the best wellness techniques for your well-being. You can research or buy products to enhance your daily routine. Wellness is a personal experience. Find wellness techniques that inspire and motivate you. 

"Write all the wellness techniques you want to add to your daily routine. The list should be realistic and attainable in your life. Make little changes such as sleeping early, eating healthily and adding exercise into your routine." 

"Test each wellness technique out. Learn and explore which one works for you or your routine. Not everyone will work for you. Use the list you made for your wellness journey. Wellness improves your quality of life. 

"Let your body guide you through this journey. Consistency is the key to a good wellness routine. Your body is going to adjust to the routine. It's not easy but worth it in the long run." 



Going to the gym - 45 minutes to 60 minutes
At-home workout - 20 minutes to 30 minutes
Yoga mat, Youtube or a paid fitness program 
Making time and being consistent 
Always educating yourself 


Eating clean with 80% / 20% - 80% healthly and 20% junk 
Cook at home- Homemade meals 
One cheat day a week 
Drinking more water throughout the day 
7-8 hours 
Night rituals 
No phone 

Spiritual practice 

Meditation - 2 to 5 minutes
Breathing exercises - 2 to 5 minutes
Nature walks 


Taking a break - do nothing
Getting more sleep - 7 to 8 hours 
Therapeutic shopping
Self-care practices - Go to bed early, Netflix binge, DIY project, splurge, get dressed up and go out, eat a meal you enjoy and spend time in nature

How to start a wellness routine to Support Your Health & daily wellbeing

A healthy lifestyle includes creating a wellness routine that works for you and only you. Wellness can be little daily choices we make that can lead to lifelong changes. Wellness routines focus on good nutrition, mental health, self-care practices, sleeping, and stress levels. 

Wellness is making new choices, being aware of your well-being, and creating a fulfilling lifestyle. It's necessary to maintain a wellness routine that is crucial for our quality of life. Our well-being always affects our physical actions and emotions in our real lives. Wellness can reduce stress and the risk of illness. 

Taking care of yourself is wellness. A wellness routine involves individual acts of self-care. Focusing on a wellness routine should include food, exercise, and mental health. Making your well-being a priority can be fun and freeing at the same time. Health experts say creating a manageable routine that you can stick with as part of a lifestyle — not something overly ambitious that you can't sustain. One way to do that is to start small and build upon it as you feel comfortable, according to CNN Health. 

Your well-being is all about being in the right mindset and feeling good about yourself. Your long-term health is necessary for you to take care of. The concept is improving daily life or week to create results. Scheduling and setting goals for your wellness routine will help you keep your mindset positive and stick to your goals. A wellness routine keeps the person sane to charge your batteries or level yourself up. 

Keep this routine going permanently. Focus on your well-being, body and mind by practicing new wellness techniques. Stay motivated by setting up a wellness routine that works for you. Look forward to your new rountine and add new techiques to your roster. It's necessary to take mini steps every day to build long-term results. 

"Find the best wellness techniques for your well-being. You can research or buy products to enhance your daily routine. Wellness is a personal experience. Find wellness techniques that inspire and motivate you. 

"Write all the wellness techniques you want to add to your daily routine. The list should be realistic and attainable in your life. Make little changes such as sleeping early, eating healthily and adding exercise into your routine." 

"Test each wellness technique out. Learn and explore which one works for you or your routine. Not everyone will work for you. Use the list you made for your wellness journey. Wellness improves your quality of life. 

"Let your body guide you through this journey. Consistency is the key to a good wellness routine. Your body is going to adjust to the routine. It's not easy but worth it in the long run." 



Going to the gym - 45 minutes to 60 minutes
At-home workout - 20 minutes to 30 minutes
Yoga mat, Youtube or a paid fitness program 
Making time and being consistent 
Always educating yourself 


Eating clean with 80% / 20% - 80% healthly and 20% junk 
Cook at home- Homemade meals 
One cheat day a week 
Drinking more water throughout the day 
7-8 hours 
Night rituals 
No phone 

Spiritual practice 

Meditation - 2 to 5 minutes
Breathing exercises - 2 to 5 minutes
Nature walks 


Taking a break - do nothing
Getting more sleep - 7 to 8 hours 
Therapeutic shopping
Self-care practices - Go to bed early, Netflix binge, DIY project, splurge, get dressed up and go out, eat a meal you enjoy and spend time in nature

Girl Dinner began as a viral TikTok video by @liviemaher. It’s a good name for a large snack. It targets today’s women who love to eat healthier snacks on a plate. Creating a girl dinner is so easy. You can create a tray or a plate full of your favourite things. There are no rules when it comes to TikTok trends. You are joining a community of women who love the same time as you. You can make your design and layout and show it on social media. Buy an aesthetic plate and create a custom plate. 

Girl Dinner Menu Ideas 

The original girl dinner is a medieval peasant-inspired plate of bread, cheese, pickles, wine, and grapes. 


Pita and hummus 
Cherry tomatoes
Bell peppers
Baby carrots
Apple slices
Olive oil
Nut butters
Fatty fish (smoked salmon, tinned mackerel, etc.)
Dips and sauces 
Avocado and guacamole 
Nuts and seeds
Deli meat 
Hardboiled eggs 
Cottage cheese
Greek yogurt 
Tinned fish


Soft drink 

Build a tray or plate full of your favourites. 

Bree-Ann’s version of the Girl Dinner 

TikTok approved: How to make a Girl Dinner + Bree-Ann’s version of the Girl Dinner

Girl Dinner began as a viral TikTok video by @liviemaher. It’s a good name for a large snack. It targets today’s women who love to eat healthier snacks on a plate. Creating a girl dinner is so easy. You can create a tray or a plate full of your favourite things. There are no rules when it comes to TikTok trends. You are joining a community of women who love the same time as you. You can make your design and layout and show it on social media. Buy an aesthetic plate and create a custom plate. 

Girl Dinner Menu Ideas 

The original girl dinner is a medieval peasant-inspired plate of bread, cheese, pickles, wine, and grapes. 


Pita and hummus 
Cherry tomatoes
Bell peppers
Baby carrots
Apple slices
Olive oil
Nut butters
Fatty fish (smoked salmon, tinned mackerel, etc.)
Dips and sauces 
Avocado and guacamole 
Nuts and seeds
Deli meat 
Hardboiled eggs 
Cottage cheese
Greek yogurt 
Tinned fish


Soft drink 

Build a tray or plate full of your favourites. 

Bree-Ann’s version of the Girl Dinner 

Created by Bree-Ann Gittens

Launching the Miss Well Energetic Network on YouTube

Created by Bree-Ann Gittens

It’s officially a girl with a 9-5 job in Scarborough with a balanced lifestyle. It took me years to get a job in Scarborough. Sometimes, I don’t believe I have a job. I wait for the shoe to drop, then I practice gratitude. Working the hours of 9 to 5 is different. I have the energy to complete tasks or go out after work. I worked the night shift until early 2023. It was a living nightmare working for a Fortune 500 company. Working the day shift is much better for your well-being and your life. I have the ability to practice self-care every day. I am happy that I work during the day now. My energy flows, and my intentions are real. All I ever wanted was balance. I have manifested a job that is in the morning and not labour-intensive. I have a lazy girl job, and dreams come true.  

I’m officially a morning person who wakes up after 7:30 a.m. I have my morning path to get me out of my house. Starting the day early has its perks. You can get a lot of stuff done during the day, and I wrap my days up earlier. Being a night owl was a big part of my life. Now, I can’t be up late like I used to. I am too drowsy after 11 p.m. to be operational, and it causes me to wind down early. Being a morning person is new to me, and I have written an article to help you become a morning person.  

My current favourites 

Real Fruit smoothies 
Strawberries smoothies with mango and strawberries bobbins

Homemade coffee
Espresso, creamer & brown sugar

 64oz water bottle 

Go Getter Bag 2.0 25L

New York Yankees 
Baseball cap

Life lately: In my working 9-5 era, being a morning person & current favourites

It’s officially a girl with a 9-5 job in Scarborough with a balanced lifestyle. It took me years to get a job in Scarborough. Sometimes, I don’t believe I have a job. I wait for the shoe to drop, then I practice gratitude. Working the hours of 9 to 5 is different. I have the energy to complete tasks or go out after work. I worked the night shift until early 2023. It was a living nightmare working for a Fortune 500 company. Working the day shift is much better for your well-being and your life. I have the ability to practice self-care every day. I am happy that I work during the day now. My energy flows, and my intentions are real. All I ever wanted was balance. I have manifested a job that is in the morning and not labour-intensive. I have a lazy girl job, and dreams come true.  

I’m officially a morning person who wakes up after 7:30 a.m. I have my morning path to get me out of my house. Starting the day early has its perks. You can get a lot of stuff done during the day, and I wrap my days up earlier. Being a night owl was a big part of my life. Now, I can’t be up late like I used to. I am too drowsy after 11 p.m. to be operational, and it causes me to wind down early. Being a morning person is new to me, and I have written an article to help you become a morning person.  

My current favourites 

Real Fruit smoothies 
Strawberries smoothies with mango and strawberries bobbins

Homemade coffee
Espresso, creamer & brown sugar

 64oz water bottle 

Go Getter Bag 2.0 25L

New York Yankees 
Baseball cap

Hot girls drink their water every day. Drinking water has so many benefits that can improve your daily life. We should be drinking water daily, but we are not. There are no rules to drinking water and how to consume it. Water keeps us hydrated and is crucial for our health and well-being. We need water to survive; many people do not drink enough water daily. 

Water is required to cushion and lubricate your joints, protect your brain and other internal tissues, regulate your body temperature, and remove waste from your body through urination, bowel movements, and perspiration from Lifehacker.

The recommendation is we should be drinking over eight glasses of water a day. Nobody is going out of their way to drink eight glasses of water daily. Adult humans are 60 percent water, and our blood is 90 percent water from Medical News Today.

Water is the most refreshing drink ever. Water can boost your mood and provide instant energy. Finding ways to drink water starts with being creative. I drink water from my Simple Modern black 40oz Tumblr or my Stanley water bottle 64oz. I don't see myself drinking eight glasses of water daily; it's not possible or realistic for me. 

Water can 100% boost your energy level with every sip you take. Enhancing your daily water intake is easy if you set boundaries for yourself. I only drink water in pretty aesthetically pleasing Tumblr or glass. 

How to enhance your daily water intake + stay hydrated

Hot girls drink their water every day. Drinking water has so many benefits that can improve your daily life. We should be drinking water daily, but we are not. There are no rules to drinking water and how to consume it. Water keeps us hydrated and is crucial for our health and well-being. We need water to survive; many people do not drink enough water daily. 

Water is required to cushion and lubricate your joints, protect your brain and other internal tissues, regulate your body temperature, and remove waste from your body through urination, bowel movements, and perspiration from Lifehacker.

The recommendation is we should be drinking over eight glasses of water a day. Nobody is going out of their way to drink eight glasses of water daily. Adult humans are 60 percent water, and our blood is 90 percent water from Medical News Today.

Water is the most refreshing drink ever. Water can boost your mood and provide instant energy. Finding ways to drink water starts with being creative. I drink water from my Simple Modern black 40oz Tumblr or my Stanley water bottle 64oz. I don't see myself drinking eight glasses of water daily; it's not possible or realistic for me. 

Water can 100% boost your energy level with every sip you take. Enhancing your daily water intake is easy if you set boundaries for yourself. I only drink water in pretty aesthetically pleasing Tumblr or glass. 


Bath & Body Works Promotes 'Wellness' with  Aromatherapy collection

Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy Stress relief works. This collection is the perfect at-home Wellness product for everyone. Aromatherapy offers calming products ranging from creams, lotions, body washes and home essentials such as scented candles, oil plug-ins, and body spray. 

Bath & Body's Aromatherapy does what works, and it's a best seller.  I take care of myself using Aromatherapy products. Aromatherapy is aromatic materials, including essential oils and other aroma compounds, with claims to improve psychological or physical well-being. 

Taking care of myself involves using Aromatherapy products. I like to soak in the bath with my Aromatherapy products. My shower routine includes aromatherapy body washes and creams. The products provide total relief and relaxation for your whole body. Aromatherapy is worth splurging on.

Product Brief: Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy stress relief


Bath & Body Works Promotes 'Wellness' with  Aromatherapy collection

Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy Stress relief works. This collection is the perfect at-home Wellness product for everyone. Aromatherapy offers calming products ranging from creams, lotions, body washes and home essentials such as scented candles, oil plug-ins, and body spray. 

Bath & Body's Aromatherapy does what works, and it's a best seller.  I take care of myself using Aromatherapy products. Aromatherapy is aromatic materials, including essential oils and other aroma compounds, with claims to improve psychological or physical well-being. 

Taking care of myself involves using Aromatherapy products. I like to soak in the bath with my Aromatherapy products. My shower routine includes aromatherapy body washes and creams. The products provide total relief and relaxation for your whole body. Aromatherapy is worth splurging on.

Email etiquette 101


There is no proper formula to spend an email. Emailing is an art form. An email has to make sense, have a good tone and get to the point. Emailing a friend to your boss requires practice and clear and concise language to be delivered. 

Receiving a hard-to-follow email leads to a terrible tone that comes off as rude. Scrolling through my inbox and junk email, I learned that simple language and a clear point of view get the best response. 

Getting the response you want is easy with words and tone. Starting an e-conversation is all about navigating what you communicate in a few sentences. Signing off with cliché is perfectly normal. 

Before sending an email, know who you are spending this email with. Always have accurate information before beginning. Get the email address, name, personal information and anything the email needs. Writing the email does involve using the right words to explain your point of view. 

Always use simple language in an email. Usually, you receive a simple response or length based on what you say in the email. Simple language is clear and precise. Getting the best response from someone is using simple sentences for a person to process. People don't want to read a long email. Sweet and short, with good information, get a response. 

Your tone will affect the delivery of your message. People don't think about their tone when sending emails. You don't want to come off rude through your email. We all want to come across as being respectful and understanding. Think about your use of words and rewrite some sentences. Say your email out loud to avoid any mistakes. 

This week's hot tip: a course in email etiquette

Email etiquette 101


There is no proper formula to spend an email. Emailing is an art form. An email has to make sense, have a good tone and get to the point. Emailing a friend to your boss requires practice and clear and concise language to be delivered. 

Receiving a hard-to-follow email leads to a terrible tone that comes off as rude. Scrolling through my inbox and junk email, I learned that simple language and a clear point of view get the best response. 

Getting the response you want is easy with words and tone. Starting an e-conversation is all about navigating what you communicate in a few sentences. Signing off with cliché is perfectly normal. 

Before sending an email, know who you are spending this email with. Always have accurate information before beginning. Get the email address, name, personal information and anything the email needs. Writing the email does involve using the right words to explain your point of view. 

Always use simple language in an email. Usually, you receive a simple response or length based on what you say in the email. Simple language is clear and precise. Getting the best response from someone is using simple sentences for a person to process. People don't want to read a long email. Sweet and short, with good information, get a response. 

Your tone will affect the delivery of your message. People don't think about their tone when sending emails. You don't want to come off rude through your email. We all want to come across as being respectful and understanding. Think about your use of words and rewrite some sentences. Say your email out loud to avoid any mistakes. 

Image sourced


Fill up your plate, stomach & soul with healthy-balanced meals. 

Cooking a homemade meal has become the best way to eat healthy food. We all stroll online for new recipes that are healthy and easy to cook. Eating clean is more than a diet. Create healthy recipes throughout the week with some guilty pleasure foods. All healthy diet includes fresh, wholesome foods that are clean. Clean eating involves purchasing whole foods and avoiding processed foods. Remove all unnecessary fats, sugars, and high carbs from your diet. 

Your body needs nutritious food that keeps your body moving. Eating healthy will change your body and eating habits. Cut the worst foods out of your daily diet, and be conscious of the foods you consume. Stay away from junk food, processed foods, artificial flavours and sugars. Other foods to consider cutting off are salt and high saturated fat, refined foods, and foods that don't have any nutritional value. Choose foods with nutritional benefits that you can eat. Consume foods are fresh products and mix with frozen. Be more socially aware of what you are eating. It's necessary to change your habits to be consistent with healthy eating.

The 80/20 rule is about eating healthy foods 80 percent of the time and less healthy foods for 20 percent of your diet. Use the 80/20 rule weekly instead of daily. Create a week-long food plan by using the 80/20 rule in your weekly meals. Add a cheat day to your meal plan or schedule. The 20 percent is guilty pleasure food to keep you sane.

Continue to educate yourself with new approaches. Healthy meals should include water, green smoothies, whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. Make eating healthy a priority by sticking to a healthy lifestyle plan. Start creating a meal plan for the week or make one every day. Eating fresh foods, you know where it comes from, or do your research. Your meals should include breakfast, lunch, and dinner or lunch and dinner. The internet is the best tool to find healthy recipes. You don't have to follow the recipe, and you can change it to your liking

Eating healthy requires focus and time to achieve your goals. Focus on surviving the week and use the plan you have written. Buy groceries for a meal you want to try out for dinner. Changing your habits or lifestyle every day and the result will come. Your energy levels will change, and what you depend on will change, too.

EATING Healthy meals WITH 80/20 RULE

Image sourced


Fill up your plate, stomach & soul with healthy-balanced meals. 

Cooking a homemade meal has become the best way to eat healthy food. We all stroll online for new recipes that are healthy and easy to cook. Eating clean is more than a diet. Create healthy recipes throughout the week with some guilty pleasure foods. All healthy diet includes fresh, wholesome foods that are clean. Clean eating involves purchasing whole foods and avoiding processed foods. Remove all unnecessary fats, sugars, and high carbs from your diet. 

Your body needs nutritious food that keeps your body moving. Eating healthy will change your body and eating habits. Cut the worst foods out of your daily diet, and be conscious of the foods you consume. Stay away from junk food, processed foods, artificial flavours and sugars. Other foods to consider cutting off are salt and high saturated fat, refined foods, and foods that don't have any nutritional value. Choose foods with nutritional benefits that you can eat. Consume foods are fresh products and mix with frozen. Be more socially aware of what you are eating. It's necessary to change your habits to be consistent with healthy eating.

The 80/20 rule is about eating healthy foods 80 percent of the time and less healthy foods for 20 percent of your diet. Use the 80/20 rule weekly instead of daily. Create a week-long food plan by using the 80/20 rule in your weekly meals. Add a cheat day to your meal plan or schedule. The 20 percent is guilty pleasure food to keep you sane.

Continue to educate yourself with new approaches. Healthy meals should include water, green smoothies, whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. Make eating healthy a priority by sticking to a healthy lifestyle plan. Start creating a meal plan for the week or make one every day. Eating fresh foods, you know where it comes from, or do your research. Your meals should include breakfast, lunch, and dinner or lunch and dinner. The internet is the best tool to find healthy recipes. You don't have to follow the recipe, and you can change it to your liking

Eating healthy requires focus and time to achieve your goals. Focus on surviving the week and use the plan you have written. Buy groceries for a meal you want to try out for dinner. Changing your habits or lifestyle every day and the result will come. Your energy levels will change, and what you depend on will change, too.

Healthy Grocery List 

The 80/20 rule is your everyday diet plan—eat nutritious foods 80 percent of the time and have a serving of your favourite treat with the other 20 percent







bell peppers

brussels sprouts 









fresh herbs like basil and parsley

potatoes and sweet potatoes


butternut squash


avocados (choose at different stages of ripeness)

fresh blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, or raspberries (buy frozen to save $)


oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit


grapes (green or red)




mango, papaya, and star fruit

Dairy products, nondairy products, eggs, and fermented foods

eggs(preferably pasture-raised)

pasture butter

grass-fed full fat or 2 percent yogurt or coconut yogurt

dairy milk, almond milk, or coconut milk (unsweetened, nondairy milk that contains limited ingredients)

full-fat cheeses such as goat cheese, cheddar, and feta

Meat, fish, and vegetarian proteins

whole chicken or skin-on chicken breasts (Use all of it to make soup!)

canned wild-caught salmon (Tip: Almost all canned salmon is wild-caught!)

fresh fish fillets such as flounder or cod

shellfish such as shrimp or crab

ground turkey or grass-fed beef or pork

vegetarian protein sources such as extra-firm tofu or tempeh 

Legumes and grain products

Canned beans such as garbanzo beans, black beans, kidney beans

canned or dried lentils  

grains such as quinoa, amaranth, brown rice, teff, farro, buckwheat, barley, and millet (Find them in individual packages or the bulk food section of some grocery stores.)

rolled or steel-cut oat (Stay away from sugary instant oatmeal — instead choose plain rolled or steel-cut oats and add your toppings.)

corn tortillas made with minimal ingredients

Freezer staples

Veggies and fruits

Frozen greens like spinach and kale
Frozen chopped veggies like broccoli and cauliflower
Frozen fruits like berries, cherries, cubed mango, and pomegranate seeds

Bread and flour

Ezekiel bread 

almond flour 

coconut flour

wheat germ

whole wheat flour


Frozen skin-on chicken breast

frozen ground turkey

Frozen wild-caught fish and shellfish

Pantry staples

Fats and oils

The following are healthy, minimally processed fats that promote health in various ways:

olive oil

avocado oil

ghee or grass-fed butter

coconut oil


unsweetened coconut flakes and coconut butter

Nuts and nut butter


pumpkin seeds

natural peanut butter (the only ingredients should be peanuts and salt)

almond butter

sunflower seeds

chia seeds 



Hemp seeds (These tiny seeds can be packed with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. They make an excellent addition to smoothies, yogurt, and oatmeal.)

ground flaxseed



hot sauce

pure maple syrup

tamari, soy sauce, or coconut aminos



vanilla extract

salt and pepper






red pepper flakes

garlic powder



curry powder

chilli powder

Canned goods

Canned full-fat coconut milk 


crushed tomatoes

pumpkin puree 


chicken broth 
baking powder

baking soda

cacao and cacao nibs

sun-dried tomatoes


tea bags (green and black are great)

herbal teas such as peppermint, hibiscus, and ginger

sparkling water


Snack foods

dark chocolate 

Unsweetened dried fruits like raisins, figs, mango, or apple rings

grass-fed, nitrite- and sugar-free meat or turkey sticks or jerky



With this in mind, the 80/20 rule encourages you to eat a healthy, balanced diet that is designed to meet your personal goals and nutritional needs. 

The complete Healthy Girl Grocery List + product ideas

Healthy Grocery List 

The 80/20 rule is your everyday diet plan—eat nutritious foods 80 percent of the time and have a serving of your favourite treat with the other 20 percent







bell peppers

brussels sprouts 









fresh herbs like basil and parsley

potatoes and sweet potatoes


butternut squash


avocados (choose at different stages of ripeness)

fresh blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, or raspberries (buy frozen to save $)


oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit


grapes (green or red)




mango, papaya, and star fruit

Dairy products, nondairy products, eggs, and fermented foods

eggs(preferably pasture-raised)

pasture butter

grass-fed full fat or 2 percent yogurt or coconut yogurt

dairy milk, almond milk, or coconut milk (unsweetened, nondairy milk that contains limited ingredients)

full-fat cheeses such as goat cheese, cheddar, and feta

Meat, fish, and vegetarian proteins

whole chicken or skin-on chicken breasts (Use all of it to make soup!)

canned wild-caught salmon (Tip: Almost all canned salmon is wild-caught!)

fresh fish fillets such as flounder or cod

shellfish such as shrimp or crab

ground turkey or grass-fed beef or pork

vegetarian protein sources such as extra-firm tofu or tempeh 

Legumes and grain products

Canned beans such as garbanzo beans, black beans, kidney beans

canned or dried lentils  

grains such as quinoa, amaranth, brown rice, teff, farro, buckwheat, barley, and millet (Find them in individual packages or the bulk food section of some grocery stores.)

rolled or steel-cut oat (Stay away from sugary instant oatmeal — instead choose plain rolled or steel-cut oats and add your toppings.)

corn tortillas made with minimal ingredients

Freezer staples

Veggies and fruits

Frozen greens like spinach and kale
Frozen chopped veggies like broccoli and cauliflower
Frozen fruits like berries, cherries, cubed mango, and pomegranate seeds

Bread and flour

Ezekiel bread 

almond flour 

coconut flour

wheat germ

whole wheat flour


Frozen skin-on chicken breast

frozen ground turkey

Frozen wild-caught fish and shellfish

Pantry staples

Fats and oils

The following are healthy, minimally processed fats that promote health in various ways:

olive oil

avocado oil

ghee or grass-fed butter

coconut oil


unsweetened coconut flakes and coconut butter

Nuts and nut butter


pumpkin seeds

natural peanut butter (the only ingredients should be peanuts and salt)

almond butter

sunflower seeds

chia seeds 



Hemp seeds (These tiny seeds can be packed with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. They make an excellent addition to smoothies, yogurt, and oatmeal.)

ground flaxseed



hot sauce

pure maple syrup

tamari, soy sauce, or coconut aminos



vanilla extract

salt and pepper






red pepper flakes

garlic powder



curry powder

chilli powder

Canned goods

Canned full-fat coconut milk 


crushed tomatoes

pumpkin puree 


chicken broth 
baking powder

baking soda

cacao and cacao nibs

sun-dried tomatoes


tea bags (green and black are great)

herbal teas such as peppermint, hibiscus, and ginger

sparkling water


Snack foods

dark chocolate 

Unsweetened dried fruits like raisins, figs, mango, or apple rings

grass-fed, nitrite- and sugar-free meat or turkey sticks or jerky



With this in mind, the 80/20 rule encourages you to eat a healthy, balanced diet that is designed to meet your personal goals and nutritional needs. 
