Hot girls drink their water every day. Drinking water has so many benefits that can improve your daily life. We should be drinking water daily, but we are not. There are no rules to drinking water and how to consume it. Water keeps us hydrated and is crucial for our health and well-being. We need water to survive; many people do not drink enough water daily. 

Water is required to cushion and lubricate your joints, protect your brain and other internal tissues, regulate your body temperature, and remove waste from your body through urination, bowel movements, and perspiration from Lifehacker.

The recommendation is we should be drinking over eight glasses of water a day. Nobody is going out of their way to drink eight glasses of water daily. Adult humans are 60 percent water, and our blood is 90 percent water from Medical News Today.

Water is the most refreshing drink ever. Water can boost your mood and provide instant energy. Finding ways to drink water starts with being creative. I drink water from my Simple Modern black 40oz Tumblr or my Stanley water bottle 64oz. I don't see myself drinking eight glasses of water daily; it's not possible or realistic for me. 

Water can 100% boost your energy level with every sip you take. Enhancing your daily water intake is easy if you set boundaries for yourself. I only drink water in pretty aesthetically pleasing Tumblr or glass.