A healthy lifestyle includes creating a wellness routine that works for you and only you. Wellness can be little daily choices we make that can lead to lifelong changes. Wellness routines focus on good nutrition, mental health, self-care practices, sleeping, and stress levels. 

Wellness is making new choices, being aware of your well-being, and creating a fulfilling lifestyle. It's necessary to maintain a wellness routine that is crucial for our quality of life. Our well-being always affects our physical actions and emotions in our real lives. Wellness can reduce stress and the risk of illness. 

Taking care of yourself is wellness. A wellness routine involves individual acts of self-care. Focusing on a wellness routine should include food, exercise, and mental health. Making your well-being a priority can be fun and freeing at the same time. Health experts say creating a manageable routine that you can stick with as part of a lifestyle — not something overly ambitious that you can't sustain. One way to do that is to start small and build upon it as you feel comfortable, according to CNN Health. 

Your well-being is all about being in the right mindset and feeling good about yourself. Your long-term health is necessary for you to take care of. The concept is improving daily life or week to create results. Scheduling and setting goals for your wellness routine will help you keep your mindset positive and stick to your goals. A wellness routine keeps the person sane to charge your batteries or level yourself up. 

Keep this routine going permanently. Focus on your well-being, body and mind by practicing new wellness techniques. Stay motivated by setting up a wellness routine that works for you. Look forward to your new rountine and add new techiques to your roster. It's necessary to take mini steps every day to build long-term results. 

"Find the best wellness techniques for your well-being. You can research or buy products to enhance your daily routine. Wellness is a personal experience. Find wellness techniques that inspire and motivate you. 

"Write all the wellness techniques you want to add to your daily routine. The list should be realistic and attainable in your life. Make little changes such as sleeping early, eating healthily and adding exercise into your routine." 

"Test each wellness technique out. Learn and explore which one works for you or your routine. Not everyone will work for you. Use the list you made for your wellness journey. Wellness improves your quality of life. 

"Let your body guide you through this journey. Consistency is the key to a good wellness routine. Your body is going to adjust to the routine. It's not easy but worth it in the long run." 



Going to the gym - 45 minutes to 60 minutes
At-home workout - 20 minutes to 30 minutes
Yoga mat, Youtube or a paid fitness program 
Making time and being consistent 
Always educating yourself 


Eating clean with 80% / 20% - 80% healthly and 20% junk 
Cook at home- Homemade meals 
One cheat day a week 
Drinking more water throughout the day 
7-8 hours 
Night rituals 
No phone 

Spiritual practice 

Meditation - 2 to 5 minutes
Breathing exercises - 2 to 5 minutes
Nature walks 


Taking a break - do nothing
Getting more sleep - 7 to 8 hours 
Therapeutic shopping
Self-care practices - Go to bed early, Netflix binge, DIY project, splurge, get dressed up and go out, eat a meal you enjoy and spend time in nature