Self-love is a Valentine's Day must-have. I believe in celebrating Valentine's Day as an independent woman. You can buy yourself flowers is the 2024 vibe every girl needs. Using affirmations is the best way to manifest all your desires. Because working on yourself and having a maintenance routine can help you achieve it. 


I am worthy of love
I am proud of myself
I Am Enough
I Believe in You
I deserve the best
I am confident and strong
I am deeply in love
I am loved
I appreciate your help
I love and respect myself
I love your heart for
I put myself first
My beauty shines from within
My relationship fulfills me
You are Brave
You are filled with unspeakable joy
You are full of love
Your soul is beautiful
Greatly loved
I AM Creative
I am deserving of love
I Belong Here
I Can Do Hard Things
I deserve loving relationships


I am proud of the person I’m becoming.
I am exuding inner and outer beauty.
I give myself the unconditional love and care I deserve.
I have high standards for myself, and I don’t feel bad about it.
I deserve only the very best.
I have abundant love for both myself and the loved ones in my life.
I have so much to be grateful for and feel good about this Valentine’s Day.
I am so blessed.
I am the luckiest girl in the world.
I don’t need to justify myself to others.
I have so much love to give.
I am growing into the best version of myself each day.
I’ve come so far.
I am impressed by all the good qualities I possess. 


Self-love is a Valentine's Day must-have. I believe in celebrating Valentine's Day as an independent woman. You can buy yourself flowers is the 2024 vibe every girl needs. Using affirmations is the best way to manifest all your desires. Because working on yourself and having a maintenance routine can help you achieve it. 


I am worthy of love
I am proud of myself
I Am Enough
I Believe in You
I deserve the best
I am confident and strong
I am deeply in love
I am loved
I appreciate your help
I love and respect myself
I love your heart for
I put myself first
My beauty shines from within
My relationship fulfills me
You are Brave
You are filled with unspeakable joy
You are full of love
Your soul is beautiful
Greatly loved
I AM Creative
I am deserving of love
I Belong Here
I Can Do Hard Things
I deserve loving relationships


I am proud of the person I’m becoming.
I am exuding inner and outer beauty.
I give myself the unconditional love and care I deserve.
I have high standards for myself, and I don’t feel bad about it.
I deserve only the very best.
I have abundant love for both myself and the loved ones in my life.
I have so much to be grateful for and feel good about this Valentine’s Day.
I am so blessed.
I am the luckiest girl in the world.
I don’t need to justify myself to others.
I have so much love to give.
I am growing into the best version of myself each day.
I’ve come so far.
I am impressed by all the good qualities I possess. 

Being single on Valentine's Day is a tradition to live by every February. I have never been in a relationship or been called a girlfriend. I'm older now, and I see myself as a woman who can buy your own flowers. I want to explore more while working on my career, financial situation and how I want to live my life. I'm choosing myself this year while letting someone in on the side. I want to focus on myself and have fun in between. I'm going to be my own Valentine until someone is worthy of the title.

How to spend Valentine's Day as a single woman

Host a Singles-Only Dinner Party

cook an amazing dinner
pop some bubbly
toast to your independence.

Enjoy a Beauty Treatment


Stay In and Pamper Yourself

Take a long bath
Put on a face mask

Catch Up With Feel Good Movies 

Order pizza from your favourite place
binge-watch movies 

Explore a New Neighborhood

Walk up and down the streets
Grab a coffee at the hip café
Browse the racks of stores 

Avoid Social Media

Make V-day a phone-free day. 
Stalking your ex or crush or satitionship 
Be happy for yourself instead

Buy Yourself Flowers

Treat yourself to a beautiful arrangement of flowers 
Place your flowers near you 

NOTE TO SELF: Choosing yourself on Valentine's Day

Being single on Valentine's Day is a tradition to live by every February. I have never been in a relationship or been called a girlfriend. I'm older now, and I see myself as a woman who can buy your own flowers. I want to explore more while working on my career, financial situation and how I want to live my life. I'm choosing myself this year while letting someone in on the side. I want to focus on myself and have fun in between. I'm going to be my own Valentine until someone is worthy of the title.

How to spend Valentine's Day as a single woman

Host a Singles-Only Dinner Party

cook an amazing dinner
pop some bubbly
toast to your independence.

Enjoy a Beauty Treatment


Stay In and Pamper Yourself

Take a long bath
Put on a face mask

Catch Up With Feel Good Movies 

Order pizza from your favourite place
binge-watch movies 

Explore a New Neighborhood

Walk up and down the streets
Grab a coffee at the hip café
Browse the racks of stores 

Avoid Social Media

Make V-day a phone-free day. 
Stalking your ex or crush or satitionship 
Be happy for yourself instead

Buy Yourself Flowers

Treat yourself to a beautiful arrangement of flowers 
Place your flowers near you 

Every girl needs to put themself on a pedestal and love herself like it’s their religion. You need to preach every day that you are that girl. Embrace your inner romantic with feminine energy. Self-romance is a way of life. Being romantic for yourself starts with self-love, self-acceptance and serious self-care. Romance is a feeling or action to engage in a display of a romantic or love action. 

Romance is a concept of true love, but it can be designed for yourself. Self-romantic should be celebrated for all women. Give yourself a romantic treatment weekly. Being self-romantic is embracing your inner romantic. You deserve to be treated love and adored, but you need to treat yourself like that first. 

Self-romance can be a way to connect within yourself. This should be an opportunity to go deeper and figure out what you want. Every girl needs girl therapy as a romantic gesture for themselves. Being romantic is a way to give back to yourself. The truth is you’re going to be with yourself for the rest of your life, so be interested in yourself. Be a self-romantic. 


Find your girl therapy
Work on your passion project
Buy yourself gifts 
Buy yourself a new outfit
Buy a coffee, hot chocolate, etc
Use love language on yourself
Buy some chocolates 
Buy yourself deserts
Cook something new
Make plans with your friends
Movie night at home 


Have a date with yourself - outside
Buy yourself a bouquet or pick yourself a bunch of flowers.
Go on a hike with yourself.
Cozy reading date 
Write yourself a love letter
Book a therapy session
Go see a movie alone
Go on a picnic
Run a romantic spa bath at home


Accept yourself as you are
Set boundaries with yourself
Be curious and listen to yourself
Speak kindly to yourself
Ask yourself what you need
Be honest with yourself
Be kind to yourself
Develop positive habits
Express Yourself
Feel your feelings
Keep an accomplishments folder

Put yourself on a pedestal: How to be self-romantic

Every girl needs to put themself on a pedestal and love herself like it’s their religion. You need to preach every day that you are that girl. Embrace your inner romantic with feminine energy. Self-romance is a way of life. Being romantic for yourself starts with self-love, self-acceptance and serious self-care. Romance is a feeling or action to engage in a display of a romantic or love action. 

Romance is a concept of true love, but it can be designed for yourself. Self-romantic should be celebrated for all women. Give yourself a romantic treatment weekly. Being self-romantic is embracing your inner romantic. You deserve to be treated love and adored, but you need to treat yourself like that first. 

Self-romance can be a way to connect within yourself. This should be an opportunity to go deeper and figure out what you want. Every girl needs girl therapy as a romantic gesture for themselves. Being romantic is a way to give back to yourself. The truth is you’re going to be with yourself for the rest of your life, so be interested in yourself. Be a self-romantic. 


Find your girl therapy
Work on your passion project
Buy yourself gifts 
Buy yourself a new outfit
Buy a coffee, hot chocolate, etc
Use love language on yourself
Buy some chocolates 
Buy yourself deserts
Cook something new
Make plans with your friends
Movie night at home 


Have a date with yourself - outside
Buy yourself a bouquet or pick yourself a bunch of flowers.
Go on a hike with yourself.
Cozy reading date 
Write yourself a love letter
Book a therapy session
Go see a movie alone
Go on a picnic
Run a romantic spa bath at home


Accept yourself as you are
Set boundaries with yourself
Be curious and listen to yourself
Speak kindly to yourself
Ask yourself what you need
Be honest with yourself
Be kind to yourself
Develop positive habits
Express Yourself
Feel your feelings
Keep an accomplishments folder

My relationship status is self-partnered and kind of seeing someone.  I have never been in a relationship before. I'm a 28-year-old woman living her best life mentally. My life needs so much work. I started dating after using an app called Chatme. 

BACK IN  2023 

I am choosing to live a different life than others. Being in a romantic relationship is not for me. Putting in the work for a relationship seems hard. I don't want to do it personally.  I am tired of dating online, and the same old insecurities come back. I wanted more but I don't know how. I wanted to see if there were more out there.

Dating yourself Challenge 

Solo Date Ideas and Activities


Explore your hometown
Book a yoga or fitness class
Do a DIY solo spa day
Take a cooking class
Cook yourself dinner
Book a photoshoot
Go for a bike ride
Schedule a massage


Dress up and enjoy a meal at your favourite restaurant.
Go for a leisurely walk in a beautiful park.
Attend a museum show or gallery exhibition.
Buy yourself popcorn and attend a movie you want to see.
List your core values.
Throw a vision board party
Galentine's Day party at home - Potluck style
Spend money on your with a mini shopping spree

My relationship status update + dating yourself challenge

My relationship status is self-partnered and kind of seeing someone.  I have never been in a relationship before. I'm a 28-year-old woman living her best life mentally. My life needs so much work. I started dating after using an app called Chatme. 

BACK IN  2023 

I am choosing to live a different life than others. Being in a romantic relationship is not for me. Putting in the work for a relationship seems hard. I don't want to do it personally.  I am tired of dating online, and the same old insecurities come back. I wanted more but I don't know how. I wanted to see if there were more out there.

Dating yourself Challenge 

Solo Date Ideas and Activities


Explore your hometown
Book a yoga or fitness class
Do a DIY solo spa day
Take a cooking class
Cook yourself dinner
Book a photoshoot
Go for a bike ride
Schedule a massage


Dress up and enjoy a meal at your favourite restaurant.
Go for a leisurely walk in a beautiful park.
Attend a museum show or gallery exhibition.
Buy yourself popcorn and attend a movie you want to see.
List your core values.
Throw a vision board party
Galentine's Day party at home - Potluck style
Spend money on your with a mini shopping spree

According to Bree-Ann: a personal update 

My sexuality has changed since last year in a crazy year of self-discovery. I have been identified as an asexual woman since I was 22 years old. It was part of my life for so long, and now I’m not. I started to realize that I was having a sexual awakening. The label was how I would describe myself. I’m losing the label after five years. You could say mourn it and also learn so much about guys. I’m trying to pay the cool girl or down for whatever vibe and see how things go. I don’t mind playing those parts. I find guys so confusing, and the lack of communication is mind-blowing. My dating journey is me now not invested and moving on quickly if it fizzled out. I have been in a fizzled stage so many times now it didn’t phase me anymore. I’m usually causal serious about guys. Causal means no pressure and no investment. Serious is all about communicating with me, wants to keep this moving and easygoing. Dating as a 28-year-old is work. I want a relationship and a sexual one, too. I see myself with a book boyfriend for the rest of my life. The real boyfriend is my sidepiece. 

PS. The photo was my 22nd Birthday. 

Personal Update: I’m no longer asexual after 5 years + started dating for the first time ever

According to Bree-Ann: a personal update 

My sexuality has changed since last year in a crazy year of self-discovery. I have been identified as an asexual woman since I was 22 years old. It was part of my life for so long, and now I’m not. I started to realize that I was having a sexual awakening. The label was how I would describe myself. I’m losing the label after five years. You could say mourn it and also learn so much about guys. I’m trying to pay the cool girl or down for whatever vibe and see how things go. I don’t mind playing those parts. I find guys so confusing, and the lack of communication is mind-blowing. My dating journey is me now not invested and moving on quickly if it fizzled out. I have been in a fizzled stage so many times now it didn’t phase me anymore. I’m usually causal serious about guys. Causal means no pressure and no investment. Serious is all about communicating with me, wants to keep this moving and easygoing. Dating as a 28-year-old is work. I want a relationship and a sexual one, too. I see myself with a book boyfriend for the rest of my life. The real boyfriend is my sidepiece. 

PS. The photo was my 22nd Birthday. 
