Being single on Valentine's Day is a tradition to live by every February. I have never been in a relationship or been called a girlfriend. I'm older now, and I see myself as a woman who can buy your own flowers. I want to explore more while working on my career, financial situation and how I want to live my life. I'm choosing myself this year while letting someone in on the side. I want to focus on myself and have fun in between. I'm going to be my own Valentine until someone is worthy of the title.

How to spend Valentine's Day as a single woman

Host a Singles-Only Dinner Party

cook an amazing dinner
pop some bubbly
toast to your independence.

Enjoy a Beauty Treatment


Stay In and Pamper Yourself

Take a long bath
Put on a face mask

Catch Up With Feel Good Movies 

Order pizza from your favourite place
binge-watch movies 

Explore a New Neighborhood

Walk up and down the streets
Grab a coffee at the hip café
Browse the racks of stores 

Avoid Social Media

Make V-day a phone-free day. 
Stalking your ex or crush or satitionship 
Be happy for yourself instead

Buy Yourself Flowers

Treat yourself to a beautiful arrangement of flowers 
Place your flowers near you