According to Bree-Ann: a personal update 

My sexuality has changed since last year in a crazy year of self-discovery. I have been identified as an asexual woman since I was 22 years old. It was part of my life for so long, and now I’m not. I started to realize that I was having a sexual awakening. The label was how I would describe myself. I’m losing the label after five years. You could say mourn it and also learn so much about guys. I’m trying to pay the cool girl or down for whatever vibe and see how things go. I don’t mind playing those parts. I find guys so confusing, and the lack of communication is mind-blowing. My dating journey is me now not invested and moving on quickly if it fizzled out. I have been in a fizzled stage so many times now it didn’t phase me anymore. I’m usually causal serious about guys. Causal means no pressure and no investment. Serious is all about communicating with me, wants to keep this moving and easygoing. Dating as a 28-year-old is work. I want a relationship and a sexual one, too. I see myself with a book boyfriend for the rest of my life. The real boyfriend is my sidepiece. 

PS. The photo was my 22nd Birthday.