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I’m not a relationship expert or had a long-term relationship. I’m just a girl who has an opinion and wants to write about it. Let’s manifest book boyfriend or girlfriend energy into real life. I imagine a hot boyfriend who does it for me and a hot book boyfriend who feeds my desire mentally. I want both instead of one. All day every day, I choose Nathan Hawkins and Alex Volkov as my guys. There not real, and there just words on paper. 

Manifestation according the interest

What does manifest mean in a relationship?

In a relationship, manifest is like making good things happen through your thoughts, actions, and feelings. It's about creating a loving and positive connection with your partner according to the website Marriage. 

Tips for Manifesting Someone Specific

Be clear about who you want.

Focus on your wishes and let go of any expectations

Use affirmations and visualizations 

Believe in yourself and do things with the right mindset.
Be patient.

Put in the hard work and surrender to the universe.

Do not attach yourself to the outcome.

Align yourself with what you want. 

Information from Now and Me

Relationship standards 

Thoughtful and logical
Ambitious or going places 
Matches my vibe 
Positive views on gender rules 
Open the door 
Says nice things 
Preferences on appearance
Make sure you’re being reasonable
They want the same thing as you
They’re willing to take things slow
Has a car 
Can communicate 
Obsessed with getting to know me 
Puts the effort in 
Does gentleman things or follows dating rules
Has a dark side 
Good kisser 
Has life together or working on his life 
Nice manners
Create goals for himself/ herself/ they/them 

PS. Don't chase, attract and it meant to be.