The official beginning of 2024 starts February 1st 

February is the official start of the year after completing January. The month starts with the possibility of achieving everything you have on the vision board. February is your official do-over, and that's when the year begins and everything accounts. After all the obstacles and challenges made in January, it's time to refocus on February. February is your time to make your dreams or goals a reality. February is your opportunity to make shit happen for the next 11 months. February is when the year officially begins. 


1. Look at your vision board and to-do list 
2. Envision your goals, plans or lifestyle 
3. Determine your core values or belief
4. Create a clear vision or goals for what you want to accomplish
5. Break your goals into actionable steps - start small 
6. Let go of things that you need 
7. Make sacrifices for your goals 
8. Being more self-disciplined- start slow 
9. Keep a clear mind and create a positive mindset
11.Use redirection as a secret weapon 
12. Stay focused every day

This plan is to inspire you to get things done, think outside the box and believe in yourself at the finish line. These are tools to help shape your 2024.