Image sourced: Coachella 

Welcome to Couchella 

Coachella is a popular festival that represents the best of pop culture. Influencers and music lovers are documenting the festival. As a Canadian girl, Coachella doesn't happen to me. Coachella is a pop culture destination. Bring the Valley Music and Arts Festival to your home. Coachella is where you play your favourite music or stream the festival on YouTube at home. Buy takeout at your favourite fast food restaurant. Get up and dance while you listen to music. Set the mood and get the vibe going at home. Party from day to night like a festival. 


Streaming the festival

Custom Music playlist 

Buy Fast food 

Make alcohol drinks 

Dance Sessions 

Lay down and listen to music 

How to throw a Couchella Festival at home + Couchella Lineup

Image sourced: Coachella 

Welcome to Couchella 

Coachella is a popular festival that represents the best of pop culture. Influencers and music lovers are documenting the festival. As a Canadian girl, Coachella doesn't happen to me. Coachella is a pop culture destination. Bring the Valley Music and Arts Festival to your home. Coachella is where you play your favourite music or stream the festival on YouTube at home. Buy takeout at your favourite fast food restaurant. Get up and dance while you listen to music. Set the mood and get the vibe going at home. Party from day to night like a festival. 


Streaming the festival

Custom Music playlist 

Buy Fast food 

Make alcohol drinks 

Dance Sessions 

Lay down and listen to music 

Spring can be a time when you are inspired and motivated to move forward to create a new picture of yourself. A spring lifestyle is refreshing for your life and there's nothing better than it. There is a change in the weather, and it is time to head outside. Spring is an ideal time to reset. Spring is the perfect time to start fresh by changing your mindset, your routine, and your self-care habits.



Redefine challenges as opportunities
Challenge negative thoughts
Gratitude practice
Celebrate your successes
Expanding your learning
Embracing a growth mindset
Learning from mistakes
Mindful meditation
Review your goals
Value the process over the result


Start with a Spring Cleaning list
Get Active Outdoors

Update your morning routine
Stay hydrate throughout the day 
Set Realistic Goals for the season 
Incorporate Movement Throughout the Day
Make Sleep a Priority.
Eat Seasonally
Connect with Others.


Take a walk in nature
Give yourself flowers
Eat your lunch outside
Bring natural lighting indoors.
Get creative.
Make a homemade smoothie or juice with fresh fruits and vegetables
Watch the sunrise or sunset
Attend a sound bath or meditation session
Open the windows and air out your home
Spring clean your house, bedroom, inbox and social media “following” list
Declutter your closet and donate clothes you no longer wear

SPRING RENEWAL INFO GUIDE - shifting my mindset, getting back into a routine & self-care ideas

Spring can be a time when you are inspired and motivated to move forward to create a new picture of yourself. A spring lifestyle is refreshing for your life and there's nothing better than it. There is a change in the weather, and it is time to head outside. Spring is an ideal time to reset. Spring is the perfect time to start fresh by changing your mindset, your routine, and your self-care habits.



Redefine challenges as opportunities
Challenge negative thoughts
Gratitude practice
Celebrate your successes
Expanding your learning
Embracing a growth mindset
Learning from mistakes
Mindful meditation
Review your goals
Value the process over the result


Start with a Spring Cleaning list
Get Active Outdoors

Update your morning routine
Stay hydrate throughout the day 
Set Realistic Goals for the season 
Incorporate Movement Throughout the Day
Make Sleep a Priority.
Eat Seasonally
Connect with Others.


Take a walk in nature
Give yourself flowers
Eat your lunch outside
Bring natural lighting indoors.
Get creative.
Make a homemade smoothie or juice with fresh fruits and vegetables
Watch the sunrise or sunset
Attend a sound bath or meditation session
Open the windows and air out your home
Spring clean your house, bedroom, inbox and social media “following” list
Declutter your closet and donate clothes you no longer wear

Welcome to the little book of mantras for daily affirmations 

Mantras are motivating chants you repeat repeatedly to yourself, such as "I believe I can". A mantra is usually any repeated word or phrase, but it can also refer more specifically to a word repeated in meditation according to vocabulary. A mantra can be a powerful tool for your soul. Being kind to yourself starts with what you say. Learning how to say the right mantra will increase your quality of life.

The method

Find a mantra
Say it out loud
Believe in the words
Let's feel the words
Embrace the change in your mindset

Sadhguru is the founder and head of the Isha Foundation. A mantra means a sound, a certain utterance or a syllable. Today, modern science sees the whole existence as reverberations of energy, different levels of vibrations. Where there is a vibration, there is bound to be a sound. So, that means, the whole existence is a kind of sound or a complex amalgamation of sounds – the whole existence is an amalgamation of multiple mantras. Of these, a few mantras or a few sounds have been identified, which could be like keys. If you use them in a certain way, they become a key to open up a different dimension of life and experience within you according to the Isha Foundation.

Positive mantra to repeat to add to your daily routine - morning to night. 

A mantra is a motivating chant, like the “I think I can, I think I can” you repeat over and over to yourself on the last stretch of every marathon you run. A mantra is usually any repeated word or phrase, but it can also refer more specifically to a word repeated in meditation according to Vocabulary. Creating your manta can be good for your soul. Being kind to yourself starts with what you say. 

That girl mantra

I visualize my highest self and then show up as her.
I breathe in confidence and exhale fear.
If I put my mind to it, I will achieve it.
I deserve all of the good things that are happening to me and all of the good things that are coming.
I release anything that does not support my highest good.
I am unaffected by the judgment of others.
I love my body and all it does for me.
My voice is valuable and my opinion matters.
I am worthy of love.
I am grateful for everything I have in my life.

Daily basic mantras

I Am Enough
I am capable
I am grateful for this moment
I am loved and worthy
I love myself
I welcome abundance
I believe in myself
I have everything I need
Doing my best is enough
I am grateful for my body
I radiate confidence
Healing takes time
I am a work in progress
I am courageous
I am energized
I am proud of myself

Positive everyday mantras

Money comes frequently and easily to me.

I trust my inner guidance and follow it.

I accept my emotions and let them move through me.

I take care of myself, mind, body, and spirit.

I trust myself to make the right decisions.

I give myself permission to take up space.

I use my voice to speak up for myself and others.

I trust that I’m heading in the right direction.

I allow myself to make mistakes as they help me grow.

I accept myself exactly as I am without judgment.

I have everything I need to achieve my goals.

I am constantly generating brilliant ideas.

Mantras for Succuss

Never give up
I will figure it out
Stop fixating on failure
Take time to reflect
You get what you focus on
Acceptance of the failures gracefully
Believe in yourself
Better on time than perfect
Decide to succeed
Dream big and dare to fail
Focus on the purpose
Mistakes are an opportunity to grow
One year equals 365 possibilities
Right planning
Strive for excellence

Mantras for Self-love

I am worthy of good things
I deserve the best
Being kind to yourself
Good things continually happen to me
I Love My Body
Honouring your feelings is okay 
Everything is Under Control
I am creating a beautiful life
I am intelligent
I trust my decisions
My peace is my power
I accept my awesomeness
I accept my worthiness and value
I am a magnet for positivity

The little info digital book of mantras for daily affirmations

Welcome to the little book of mantras for daily affirmations 

Mantras are motivating chants you repeat repeatedly to yourself, such as "I believe I can". A mantra is usually any repeated word or phrase, but it can also refer more specifically to a word repeated in meditation according to vocabulary. A mantra can be a powerful tool for your soul. Being kind to yourself starts with what you say. Learning how to say the right mantra will increase your quality of life.

The method

Find a mantra
Say it out loud
Believe in the words
Let's feel the words
Embrace the change in your mindset

Sadhguru is the founder and head of the Isha Foundation. A mantra means a sound, a certain utterance or a syllable. Today, modern science sees the whole existence as reverberations of energy, different levels of vibrations. Where there is a vibration, there is bound to be a sound. So, that means, the whole existence is a kind of sound or a complex amalgamation of sounds – the whole existence is an amalgamation of multiple mantras. Of these, a few mantras or a few sounds have been identified, which could be like keys. If you use them in a certain way, they become a key to open up a different dimension of life and experience within you according to the Isha Foundation.

Positive mantra to repeat to add to your daily routine - morning to night. 

A mantra is a motivating chant, like the “I think I can, I think I can” you repeat over and over to yourself on the last stretch of every marathon you run. A mantra is usually any repeated word or phrase, but it can also refer more specifically to a word repeated in meditation according to Vocabulary. Creating your manta can be good for your soul. Being kind to yourself starts with what you say. 

That girl mantra

I visualize my highest self and then show up as her.
I breathe in confidence and exhale fear.
If I put my mind to it, I will achieve it.
I deserve all of the good things that are happening to me and all of the good things that are coming.
I release anything that does not support my highest good.
I am unaffected by the judgment of others.
I love my body and all it does for me.
My voice is valuable and my opinion matters.
I am worthy of love.
I am grateful for everything I have in my life.

Daily basic mantras

I Am Enough
I am capable
I am grateful for this moment
I am loved and worthy
I love myself
I welcome abundance
I believe in myself
I have everything I need
Doing my best is enough
I am grateful for my body
I radiate confidence
Healing takes time
I am a work in progress
I am courageous
I am energized
I am proud of myself

Positive everyday mantras

Money comes frequently and easily to me.

I trust my inner guidance and follow it.

I accept my emotions and let them move through me.

I take care of myself, mind, body, and spirit.

I trust myself to make the right decisions.

I give myself permission to take up space.

I use my voice to speak up for myself and others.

I trust that I’m heading in the right direction.

I allow myself to make mistakes as they help me grow.

I accept myself exactly as I am without judgment.

I have everything I need to achieve my goals.

I am constantly generating brilliant ideas.

Mantras for Succuss

Never give up
I will figure it out
Stop fixating on failure
Take time to reflect
You get what you focus on
Acceptance of the failures gracefully
Believe in yourself
Better on time than perfect
Decide to succeed
Dream big and dare to fail
Focus on the purpose
Mistakes are an opportunity to grow
One year equals 365 possibilities
Right planning
Strive for excellence

Mantras for Self-love

I am worthy of good things
I deserve the best
Being kind to yourself
Good things continually happen to me
I Love My Body
Honouring your feelings is okay 
Everything is Under Control
I am creating a beautiful life
I am intelligent
I trust my decisions
My peace is my power
I accept my awesomeness
I accept my worthiness and value
I am a magnet for positivity

This is my official self-partnered engagement announcement. I'm throwing a sologamy ceremony and committed to myself for the rest of my life. I want to honour myself because I see myself long-term. This is it and I like it. My journey in life has led to falling for myself and enjoying my life solo. I'm also going to date men but I'm committed to myself first. Let's celebrate my self-partnered engagement. 

Self-partnered engagement announcement: Bree-Ann Gittens is engaged

This is my official self-partnered engagement announcement. I'm throwing a sologamy ceremony and committed to myself for the rest of my life. I want to honour myself because I see myself long-term. This is it and I like it. My journey in life has led to falling for myself and enjoying my life solo. I'm also going to date men but I'm committed to myself first. Let's celebrate my self-partnered engagement. 

This is my first update for 2024. This year has been a slow start and nothing to report. Last year, I was laid off from my job after turning 28 years old. I was job searching, had three job interviews, dated a boy for the first time and got dumped over text. It was an experience and the boy hurt me deeply. My life has improved since he left and I am getting to know myself better. Situationships aren't fun and the boy didn't care at all. I'm healed from job loss and the boy.

In this economic climate, finding a new job is difficult. Job hunting is tough and the job application process is complicated. I have not worked in 6 months and I don't care anymore. I'm completely broke and there and I have no solution to my problems. As far as my fashion career is concerned, I still have one more plan to work in it. I'm going to fashion school to gain the skills I need to get a career in Canada. I'm officially attending a fast-track program and getting the experience for future employment. Finding a career or job is difficult in Canada due to immigration, struggling Canadian-born and racial basis. The only option now is to get my career started with a steady income.

It will be less than a year until I turn 30. I'm thinking about my life in my 30s and making long-term plans. My life has many setbacks and I'm working on not letting them control me. I'm ready to start my career in Toronto. It is essential that you work hard in today's economy and earn money in order to survive. I want to be independent in things that matter to me. I am putting in the work now in order to be successful when I am in my 30s. The idea of turning 30 right now is scary and confusing. I'm losing my youth. 

Life Lately: Slow start to 2024, going back to school sitting & thinking about my 30's

This is my first update for 2024. This year has been a slow start and nothing to report. Last year, I was laid off from my job after turning 28 years old. I was job searching, had three job interviews, dated a boy for the first time and got dumped over text. It was an experience and the boy hurt me deeply. My life has improved since he left and I am getting to know myself better. Situationships aren't fun and the boy didn't care at all. I'm healed from job loss and the boy.

In this economic climate, finding a new job is difficult. Job hunting is tough and the job application process is complicated. I have not worked in 6 months and I don't care anymore. I'm completely broke and there and I have no solution to my problems. As far as my fashion career is concerned, I still have one more plan to work in it. I'm going to fashion school to gain the skills I need to get a career in Canada. I'm officially attending a fast-track program and getting the experience for future employment. Finding a career or job is difficult in Canada due to immigration, struggling Canadian-born and racial basis. The only option now is to get my career started with a steady income.

It will be less than a year until I turn 30. I'm thinking about my life in my 30s and making long-term plans. My life has many setbacks and I'm working on not letting them control me. I'm ready to start my career in Toronto. It is essential that you work hard in today's economy and earn money in order to survive. I want to be independent in things that matter to me. I am putting in the work now in order to be successful when I am in my 30s. The idea of turning 30 right now is scary and confusing. I'm losing my youth. 

Today, financial literacy is so crucial for young women. Financial independence is a sign of success today. Being financially independent as an adult is one of the most challenging things you can do. Money is so important to be an adult. It is not easy to take care of yourself financially. Since becoming an adult, I have failed to be successful in that apartment. Females have a higher level of education and can provide for their families. Due to the shift in gender roles, our perspective on society has changed. Financial literacy and the ability to make sound decisions are two qualities that women possess. Literature will help women become financially independent. I'm learning to change my mindset about money and how I spend money. In today's economy, I am focused on saving and improving my financial situation. Living in a high-cost society means being financially independent with a savings account. 

Level up your financials.  

Spend less on what you earn 
Fully funded emergency fund
Setting up a budget
Set up automatic transfers to another 
Increase income 
Reduce spending 
Find new ways to improve your financial literacy 
Spending aligned with your values 
Set meaningful goals 
Declutter and sell stuff 
Create a second stream of income

Level up your financials with an abundance mindset

Today, financial literacy is so crucial for young women. Financial independence is a sign of success today. Being financially independent as an adult is one of the most challenging things you can do. Money is so important to be an adult. It is not easy to take care of yourself financially. Since becoming an adult, I have failed to be successful in that apartment. Females have a higher level of education and can provide for their families. Due to the shift in gender roles, our perspective on society has changed. Financial literacy and the ability to make sound decisions are two qualities that women possess. Literature will help women become financially independent. I'm learning to change my mindset about money and how I spend money. In today's economy, I am focused on saving and improving my financial situation. Living in a high-cost society means being financially independent with a savings account. 

Level up your financials.  

Spend less on what you earn 
Fully funded emergency fund
Setting up a budget
Set up automatic transfers to another 
Increase income 
Reduce spending 
Find new ways to improve your financial literacy 
Spending aligned with your values 
Set meaningful goals 
Declutter and sell stuff 
Create a second stream of income
