Invest more time on yourself during the day and night. 

Self-care is taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Self-care is not self-indulgence or being selfish. Self-care means taking care of yourself so you can live your life. Self-care can require $0 to get started. 

SPA bath 
Journaling date
Making a mood board
Focus on your mental health
Take a walk in your neighbourhood
Spending time outside seeing changing colours and falling leaves.
Unplug from social media
Snuggle up with a good book
Movie marathon
Cook a homemade meal
Clean up your space 
Write a to-do list 

$0 Fall self-care ideas - info guide

Invest more time on yourself during the day and night. 

Self-care is taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Self-care is not self-indulgence or being selfish. Self-care means taking care of yourself so you can live your life. Self-care can require $0 to get started. 

SPA bath 
Journaling date
Making a mood board
Focus on your mental health
Take a walk in your neighbourhood
Spending time outside seeing changing colours and falling leaves.
Unplug from social media
Snuggle up with a good book
Movie marathon
Cook a homemade meal
Clean up your space 
Write a to-do list 

Welcome to fall, and it's been waiting for you. 

The fall season is officially here. I'm ready for a fresh start and get my life back in order. Fall is the season to make this happen. The weather makes being outside luxurious and being indoors cozy. There are so many fall season activities to do in one month. I love creating a list of events to do inside and outdoors all season. 

Outdoor Fall Activities

Go apple picking
Take a mini road trip
Play a game of touch football
Go for a hike
Collect colourful fall leaves
Run a race
Visit a pumpkin patch and pick pumpkins
Farmers market

Indoor Fall Activities

Make a list of things you're thankful for.
Enjoy the newest season of your favourite fall TV shows.
Go to a pumpkin patch and take pictures
Start wearing sweaters 
Learn to knit
Bake an apple or pumpkin pie
Start Christmas shopping
Drink hot chocolate by the fireplace via YouTube 

A Pinterest-approved fall activity guide

Welcome to fall, and it's been waiting for you. 

The fall season is officially here. I'm ready for a fresh start and get my life back in order. Fall is the season to make this happen. The weather makes being outside luxurious and being indoors cozy. There are so many fall season activities to do in one month. I love creating a list of events to do inside and outdoors all season. 

Outdoor Fall Activities

Go apple picking
Take a mini road trip
Play a game of touch football
Go for a hike
Collect colourful fall leaves
Run a race
Visit a pumpkin patch and pick pumpkins
Farmers market

Indoor Fall Activities

Make a list of things you're thankful for.
Enjoy the newest season of your favourite fall TV shows.
Go to a pumpkin patch and take pictures
Start wearing sweaters 
Learn to knit
Bake an apple or pumpkin pie
Start Christmas shopping
Drink hot chocolate by the fireplace via YouTube 
