Sometimes, we need some chemicals in our brains to boost our mood. The chemicals are Dopamine, Endorphins, Oxytocin and Serotonin. Knowing the chemicals you need and produce is the key to fixing or managing your mood. I need good chemicals coursing through my body.

Happy chemicals and how to produce them

for pleasure and reward 

Listen to music 
Seek out new experiences 
Do something creative 
Accomplish a small task 

for pain and stress 

Indulge with alchemic beverage 
Favourite snacks 
Take a hot bath 
Watch a comedy special 
At-home spa treatments 

for love 

Hug your family, friends and pets 
Spend time with the people you love 
Engage in sexual activity 
Do something nice for someone 
Enjoy some time with yourself 

for good moods 

Bask in the sun
Practice meditation 
Fix up a good hearty meal