We are officially halfway through the year. It means we are getting closer to the next chapter. Our time is previously, and our energy is more. Reflecting on 2023 right now is necessary to move forward this year. We all made goals, plans, new routines, and lifestyle changes and embraced changes. Revisiting your past goals will help you determine your next steps. Every year we make goals and plans but do commit ourselves to them. Checking in on your progress is only to achieve it. Start adjusting goals and make shit happen for yourself. 


In January 2023, we started making goals that we wanted to happen in a year. Did we forget them and didn't start or can't finish? Reflecting is a stepping stone to getting what you want in your life. Do the work, and the result will come with a positive mindset. 

Journal prompts

In the past six months:

What have I accomplished?

What milestones have I hit?

Which goals have I completed?

What were my favourite moments?

What were my low points?

What is working for me?

What is not working for me?

What can be improved?

What is no longer relevant?

What have I learned?

What habits have I developed?

What habits did I struggle with?

Which areas of my life are most important to focus on?

From Her Empowered Self.


Create a vision, start building goals and make your own endgame. Start a new direction for yourself. It's hard to change and grow, but time does help with the process. Reflecting and putting goals to paper is a game charger. Knowing what you need with get you to want to be. Take your time and make your goals a reality. There is no recipe or secret ingredient to your success. All you can do is be consistent and don't stop. 


Plans are all about focus, and they are how effective. If you need the right tools include a strong mindset and determination. Building your own detailed plan is work, but be okay with adjustment. Plans never go as planned, so be happy with what you have right now than build on what you need. Making any plans take time to be effective. Take a small step, then take a big step. 

mid-year check in

We are officially halfway through the year. It means we are getting closer to the next chapter. Our time is previously, and our energy is more. Reflecting on 2023 right now is necessary to move forward this year. We all made goals, plans, new routines, and lifestyle changes and embraced changes. Revisiting your past goals will help you determine your next steps. Every year we make goals and plans but do commit ourselves to them. Checking in on your progress is only to achieve it. Start adjusting goals and make shit happen for yourself. 


In January 2023, we started making goals that we wanted to happen in a year. Did we forget them and didn't start or can't finish? Reflecting is a stepping stone to getting what you want in your life. Do the work, and the result will come with a positive mindset. 

Journal prompts

In the past six months:

What have I accomplished?

What milestones have I hit?

Which goals have I completed?

What were my favourite moments?

What were my low points?

What is working for me?

What is not working for me?

What can be improved?

What is no longer relevant?

What have I learned?

What habits have I developed?

What habits did I struggle with?

Which areas of my life are most important to focus on?

From Her Empowered Self.


Create a vision, start building goals and make your own endgame. Start a new direction for yourself. It's hard to change and grow, but time does help with the process. Reflecting and putting goals to paper is a game charger. Knowing what you need with get you to want to be. Take your time and make your goals a reality. There is no recipe or secret ingredient to your success. All you can do is be consistent and don't stop. 


Plans are all about focus, and they are how effective. If you need the right tools include a strong mindset and determination. Building your own detailed plan is work, but be okay with adjustment. Plans never go as planned, so be happy with what you have right now than build on what you need. Making any plans take time to be effective. Take a small step, then take a big step. 
