The term clean girl aesthetic refers to a beauty, fashion, and lifestyle trend based on a look that looks elegantly casual, minimalist, and effortless. The term was popularized on and is particularly associated with TikTok, according to The clean girl aesthetic was popularized and is particularly associated with TikTok. The clean girl is an aesthetically pleasing lifestyle. A girl or woman who embodies the clean girl aesthetic lives an elegantly casual, minimalist, and effortless lifestyle. This trend should be associated with all women of different backgrounds, not focusing on only white women. Investing in yourself is creating a lifestyle that matches your needs and wants. The aesthetic is a positive outlet for women who wish to design their lives. Lifestyle components are stress-free, “clean” living, such as morning workout routines, healthy smoothies, and minimalist décor. Elements of this aesthetic include no makeup at all, your favourite hairstyle and wearing casual clothes in muted colour palettes. Aesthetics will always be criticized for creating unrealistic beauty and lifestyle standards.


Minimalism is the key to every aspect of the Clean Girl Aesthetic. 

10,000 daily steps 
Workouts 3-4 times a week 
Read a book 
Drink water daily - 60oz
Eating healthy - 80% / 20% 


1. Invest in your Skincare
2. Sunday Resets 
3. Self-care techniques
4. Clean your bedroom 
5. minimalism wardrobe - natural tones or monochromatic 
6. Fresh face / Simple hairstyles 
7. Reading a novel 
8. Low-impact exercise weekly 


Matching active set 
Simple Modern or Stanley Tumblr 
Tote bags 
Skincare products and natural nails colours
Face mask 
Organizing - planner, calendars 
Eating balanced meals 


Clean Girl Aesthetic

The term clean girl aesthetic refers to a beauty, fashion, and lifestyle trend based on a look that looks elegantly casual, minimalist, and effortless. The term was popularized on and is particularly associated with TikTok, according to The clean girl aesthetic was popularized and is particularly associated with TikTok. The clean girl is an aesthetically pleasing lifestyle. A girl or woman who embodies the clean girl aesthetic lives an elegantly casual, minimalist, and effortless lifestyle. This trend should be associated with all women of different backgrounds, not focusing on only white women. Investing in yourself is creating a lifestyle that matches your needs and wants. The aesthetic is a positive outlet for women who wish to design their lives. Lifestyle components are stress-free, “clean” living, such as morning workout routines, healthy smoothies, and minimalist décor. Elements of this aesthetic include no makeup at all, your favourite hairstyle and wearing casual clothes in muted colour palettes. Aesthetics will always be criticized for creating unrealistic beauty and lifestyle standards.


Minimalism is the key to every aspect of the Clean Girl Aesthetic. 

10,000 daily steps 
Workouts 3-4 times a week 
Read a book 
Drink water daily - 60oz
Eating healthy - 80% / 20% 


1. Invest in your Skincare
2. Sunday Resets 
3. Self-care techniques
4. Clean your bedroom 
5. minimalism wardrobe - natural tones or monochromatic 
6. Fresh face / Simple hairstyles 
7. Reading a novel 
8. Low-impact exercise weekly 


Matching active set 
Simple Modern or Stanley Tumblr 
Tote bags 
Skincare products and natural nails colours
Face mask 
Organizing - planner, calendars 
Eating balanced meals 


Finding pure inspiration creates an open space for creativity to flow through you. Inspiration can mean a lot of things to different people. Inspiration is everything. Being inspired does motivate a person. Inspiration can be empowering light bulb moment in your head. Your mind is working overtime to process every single content that comes into your mind. Inspiration has the power to lead to another idea. Finding inspiration is an essential tool for creativity. 

Write It Down
Find New Surroundings
Clear Away Distractions
Focus On Yourself
Stop Being A Perfectionist
Have Quiet Time
Pump Up The Music
Evaluate Your Goals

Write It Down

Please write down everything in a notebook or piece of paper. Come up with your worst ideas, your best ideas, nonsense, and random stuff. Putting your thoughts on paper can lead to an inspirational moment in your head. When you revisit your notes, you will have a different perspective.


Reading can get your brain thinking. Make sure to read magazines, books, blogs, and newspapers. Inspirational content opens you up to ideas from a different perspective.

Find New Surroundings

Changing your surrounding can be refreshing. Staying in one place limits your creativity and inspiration. Your space has an impact on your productivity level. You can brainstorm better when you're surrounding are inspiring.

Clear Away Distractions

Sometimes, you must minimize your cellphone and internet usage to find inspiration for a project. Put your device on airplane mode. You can't have any distractions in your surrounding. 

Focus On Yourself

Take a break and pamper yourself. You can't force yourself to produce ideas or projects. Feeling burnt out can lead to stress. Sleep, take a relaxing bath, watch some Netflix and get some food to recharge and reset.

Stop Being A Perfectionist

Allow yourself to be imperfect, and it's okay that it's not perfect. Things go differently than planned, so don't get worked up. Your plans will always be challenging. Let what happens to happen and find the beauty in it.

Have Quiet Time

Having a moment with yourself is essential. Being mindful of where you are and being aware can improve your well-being. It's necessary to rest and meditate to break your creative slump. Inspiration can hit you at any time.

Pump Up The Music

Listening to music can clear your head and stop you from overthinking. Allows your ideas to come through your mind. Music can trigger an opinion based on a song's tempo beat. Music can be a pick-me-up when needed.

Evaluate Your Goals

What are your goals, and how can you reach them? Your plans should inspire you to achieve a specific purpose. Inspiration can help you motivate yourself to stay focused on your goals or reevaluate your goals. Goals are an instant spark of inspiration

How to find daily inspiration + romanizing inspiration process

Finding pure inspiration creates an open space for creativity to flow through you. Inspiration can mean a lot of things to different people. Inspiration is everything. Being inspired does motivate a person. Inspiration can be empowering light bulb moment in your head. Your mind is working overtime to process every single content that comes into your mind. Inspiration has the power to lead to another idea. Finding inspiration is an essential tool for creativity. 

Write It Down
Find New Surroundings
Clear Away Distractions
Focus On Yourself
Stop Being A Perfectionist
Have Quiet Time
Pump Up The Music
Evaluate Your Goals

Write It Down

Please write down everything in a notebook or piece of paper. Come up with your worst ideas, your best ideas, nonsense, and random stuff. Putting your thoughts on paper can lead to an inspirational moment in your head. When you revisit your notes, you will have a different perspective.


Reading can get your brain thinking. Make sure to read magazines, books, blogs, and newspapers. Inspirational content opens you up to ideas from a different perspective.

Find New Surroundings

Changing your surrounding can be refreshing. Staying in one place limits your creativity and inspiration. Your space has an impact on your productivity level. You can brainstorm better when you're surrounding are inspiring.

Clear Away Distractions

Sometimes, you must minimize your cellphone and internet usage to find inspiration for a project. Put your device on airplane mode. You can't have any distractions in your surrounding. 

Focus On Yourself

Take a break and pamper yourself. You can't force yourself to produce ideas or projects. Feeling burnt out can lead to stress. Sleep, take a relaxing bath, watch some Netflix and get some food to recharge and reset.

Stop Being A Perfectionist

Allow yourself to be imperfect, and it's okay that it's not perfect. Things go differently than planned, so don't get worked up. Your plans will always be challenging. Let what happens to happen and find the beauty in it.

Have Quiet Time

Having a moment with yourself is essential. Being mindful of where you are and being aware can improve your well-being. It's necessary to rest and meditate to break your creative slump. Inspiration can hit you at any time.

Pump Up The Music

Listening to music can clear your head and stop you from overthinking. Allows your ideas to come through your mind. Music can trigger an opinion based on a song's tempo beat. Music can be a pick-me-up when needed.

Evaluate Your Goals

What are your goals, and how can you reach them? Your plans should inspire you to achieve a specific purpose. Inspiration can help you motivate yourself to stay focused on your goals or reevaluate your goals. Goals are an instant spark of inspiration

NOTE TO SELF: "Self is a priority and necessity, not a luxury."

Self-care is all about taking care of yourself and making yourself a priority. Self-care is pure pleasure for your body, mind, and soul. 

Practicing self-care can improve your quality of life. Self-care includes:

  • A balanced lifestyle (sleep, nutrition, and exercise).
  • Self smoothing techniques 
  • Practicing self-acceptance and being mindful and aware. 

Taking care of yourself doesn't make you selfish; it makes you human. Self-care recognizes that you need time for yourself. You have a built-in intimate relationship with yourself. Self-care can be a series of exciting tasks or activities you love doing. 

Self-care is essential for your well-being. Self-care can be relaxing music, face mask, journaling, getting more sleep, turning your devices off, taking a bath, learning a new skill and practicing yoga. So, find your thing and do it unapologetically. 

I'm obsessed with self-care and making it a priority in my life. As a millennial woman, life isn't easy, but caring for yourself can relieve it. Self-care has to be a priority in every life; it keeps you sane. Self-care is more than taking care of yourself; It's a lifestyle. 


(Getting advice from Wholefully)

Give yourself a pedicure or a manicure.

Read a book or magazine for an hour.

Sit on the front porch. Just. Sit.

Take a bubble bath—complete with candles and calming music.

Pick or buy a bouquet of fresh flowers. 

Take a leisurely walk without a goal.

Put on a homemade face mask.

Give yourself permission to binge-watch my latest show obsession without guilt. 

Take a nap.

Order dinner. 

Do something crafty: colouring, knitting, sewing.

Go to the library or bookstore. Sit in a comfy chair and read.

Watch funny YouTube videos.

Sit in the grass and watch the clouds float by.

Look at the stars.

Have a dance party to my favourite music.

Take a mental health day—and don't feel guilty about it.

Burn a candle or diffuse some oils with scents that bring me joy.

Sit in a coffee shop and sip on a luxurious drink.

Walk around the fancy grocery store without a list. Buy some stuff just for fun.

Try out a new hobby.

Do yoga.

Cook breakfast for yourself before anyone else.

Sing at the top of my lungs, preferably in the car and with the windows down.

Go for a drive—no destination required.

Close me in a room and listen to the latest episode of my favourite podcast.

Have a 20-minute stretching session.

Go to the park and play on the playground. Be a kid again!

Go swimming (for fun, not exercise).

Plan out an extravagant vacation just for fun.

Wear an outfit that makes me feel great even if I have no reason to (I AM the reason!).

Declutter a spot in my house that's been bugging me.

Write a list of "annoying tasks" that have been weighing on me and knock them out in an hour.

Bake a dessert I love. And then eat it.

Watch the sun rise or set. Please don't take any pictures or post about them on social media. Just watch.

Have a picnic (by myself even).

Go to bed early or sleep in late.

Research something I've been interested in but have yet to have the time to dive into.

Edit who I follow on social media (if they don't bring me joy, they've got to go—no matter how nice, inspiring, or cool they are).

Go to a museum: art, children's, history, science—whatever brings me joy that day!

Go to a cocktail hour at a bar—enjoy a drink!

Have an at-home spa session—light a candle or diffuse some essential oils, put on calming music, do my skincare, and drink some warm tea or infused water.

Get a massage.

Spend time out in the garden.

Take the time to do my hair and makeup for no reason but to make me feel put together.

Write a list of 10 things I'm grateful for and why.

Make myself a batch of infused water to sip on.

Buy yourself a new set of pens or markers.

Write a letter (or an email) to an old friend.

Cook a fancy meal for no other reason than I deserve a fancy dinner.

Say "no" to someone.

Unplug for the rest of the day—put my devices in another room, meditate, engage in hobbies, or do anything else that soothes my soul.

how to make self-care a priority + 52 self-care ideas

NOTE TO SELF: "Self is a priority and necessity, not a luxury."

Self-care is all about taking care of yourself and making yourself a priority. Self-care is pure pleasure for your body, mind, and soul. 

Practicing self-care can improve your quality of life. Self-care includes:

  • A balanced lifestyle (sleep, nutrition, and exercise).
  • Self smoothing techniques 
  • Practicing self-acceptance and being mindful and aware. 

Taking care of yourself doesn't make you selfish; it makes you human. Self-care recognizes that you need time for yourself. You have a built-in intimate relationship with yourself. Self-care can be a series of exciting tasks or activities you love doing. 

Self-care is essential for your well-being. Self-care can be relaxing music, face mask, journaling, getting more sleep, turning your devices off, taking a bath, learning a new skill and practicing yoga. So, find your thing and do it unapologetically. 

I'm obsessed with self-care and making it a priority in my life. As a millennial woman, life isn't easy, but caring for yourself can relieve it. Self-care has to be a priority in every life; it keeps you sane. Self-care is more than taking care of yourself; It's a lifestyle. 


(Getting advice from Wholefully)

Give yourself a pedicure or a manicure.

Read a book or magazine for an hour.

Sit on the front porch. Just. Sit.

Take a bubble bath—complete with candles and calming music.

Pick or buy a bouquet of fresh flowers. 

Take a leisurely walk without a goal.

Put on a homemade face mask.

Give yourself permission to binge-watch my latest show obsession without guilt. 

Take a nap.

Order dinner. 

Do something crafty: colouring, knitting, sewing.

Go to the library or bookstore. Sit in a comfy chair and read.

Watch funny YouTube videos.

Sit in the grass and watch the clouds float by.

Look at the stars.

Have a dance party to my favourite music.

Take a mental health day—and don't feel guilty about it.

Burn a candle or diffuse some oils with scents that bring me joy.

Sit in a coffee shop and sip on a luxurious drink.

Walk around the fancy grocery store without a list. Buy some stuff just for fun.

Try out a new hobby.

Do yoga.

Cook breakfast for yourself before anyone else.

Sing at the top of my lungs, preferably in the car and with the windows down.

Go for a drive—no destination required.

Close me in a room and listen to the latest episode of my favourite podcast.

Have a 20-minute stretching session.

Go to the park and play on the playground. Be a kid again!

Go swimming (for fun, not exercise).

Plan out an extravagant vacation just for fun.

Wear an outfit that makes me feel great even if I have no reason to (I AM the reason!).

Declutter a spot in my house that's been bugging me.

Write a list of "annoying tasks" that have been weighing on me and knock them out in an hour.

Bake a dessert I love. And then eat it.

Watch the sun rise or set. Please don't take any pictures or post about them on social media. Just watch.

Have a picnic (by myself even).

Go to bed early or sleep in late.

Research something I've been interested in but have yet to have the time to dive into.

Edit who I follow on social media (if they don't bring me joy, they've got to go—no matter how nice, inspiring, or cool they are).

Go to a museum: art, children's, history, science—whatever brings me joy that day!

Go to a cocktail hour at a bar—enjoy a drink!

Have an at-home spa session—light a candle or diffuse some essential oils, put on calming music, do my skincare, and drink some warm tea or infused water.

Get a massage.

Spend time out in the garden.

Take the time to do my hair and makeup for no reason but to make me feel put together.

Write a list of 10 things I'm grateful for and why.

Make myself a batch of infused water to sip on.

Buy yourself a new set of pens or markers.

Write a letter (or an email) to an old friend.

Cook a fancy meal for no other reason than I deserve a fancy dinner.

Say "no" to someone.

Unplug for the rest of the day—put my devices in another room, meditate, engage in hobbies, or do anything else that soothes my soul.

Once upon a time, we obsessed over fairytale stories about a princess and prince falling in love. I thought all l needed was prince charming to find me. He would be the only person for me. We would live happily ever after. The fairytale dream isn't happening in real life. Sadly, that dream can't happen because I am an asexual woman who does not want a romantic partner. I am not going to be alone. People must reject the notion that true love is the only way to find happiness. Being Self-partnered is embracing your status without the negativity of being single. 

In an article in British Vogue, Harry Potter star Emma Waston describes herself as self-partnered. "I never believed the whole 'I'm happy single' spiel," she continues. "I was like, 'This is spiel.' It took me a long time, but I'm very happy [being single]. I call it being self-partnered, according to British Vogue.

Self-partnered is more than a millennial concept; it's a lifestyle choice. Being single is usually associated with something wrong with you, desperate, unattractive, and even antisocial. Choosing to identify as a self-partner needs to be 100% embraced by women in today's society. 

Being a single person is necessary for our growth. Self-partnered focuses on the positive aspects of being a single woman. It's beautiful to be alone and figure out who you are as a woman. Self-partnered is about enjoying your own company. Being the main character of your life should be taking yourself by having solo self-care dates and romanticizing running errands. You don't need someone to complete you as a person. 

Do the work on yourself so your future self is thriving. It's all about personal growth in your life. There are so many other things focused including personal goals, saving energy for friends and family, career aspirations, health, financial issues, and living situation. Build on this opportunity in your dream life. 

Self-partnered is challenging narratives behind the phrases being single. Embracing your single status should be celebrated. Life doesn't always happen like in the fairytale. Real life is messy, complicated and painful. Being a self-partner is living your fairytale, and you're the main character. Single-positivity is creating your path and rejecting the notion that you need a partner. 

One of the most important relationships you will have is with yourself and yourself only. This relationship is so intimate and does not bull shit you. Being single is a chance for valuable. Having the opportunity to learn about your likes/dislikes happen when you focus on yourself. Your authentic self will emerge whenever you open yourself to new possibilities.

Spoiler alert: Do whatever you want when you want to do it. It's okay to invest in what you want or need. Our life is about archiving things such as dream careers, relationship status, property, material items, etc. Being a single person can focus on your dreams without anyone distracting you. Someday, it will click your dream person or life will be there. 

Little Miss Singleton: a self-partner story

Once upon a time, we obsessed over fairytale stories about a princess and prince falling in love. I thought all l needed was prince charming to find me. He would be the only person for me. We would live happily ever after. The fairytale dream isn't happening in real life. Sadly, that dream can't happen because I am an asexual woman who does not want a romantic partner. I am not going to be alone. People must reject the notion that true love is the only way to find happiness. Being Self-partnered is embracing your status without the negativity of being single. 

In an article in British Vogue, Harry Potter star Emma Waston describes herself as self-partnered. "I never believed the whole 'I'm happy single' spiel," she continues. "I was like, 'This is spiel.' It took me a long time, but I'm very happy [being single]. I call it being self-partnered, according to British Vogue.

Self-partnered is more than a millennial concept; it's a lifestyle choice. Being single is usually associated with something wrong with you, desperate, unattractive, and even antisocial. Choosing to identify as a self-partner needs to be 100% embraced by women in today's society. 

Being a single person is necessary for our growth. Self-partnered focuses on the positive aspects of being a single woman. It's beautiful to be alone and figure out who you are as a woman. Self-partnered is about enjoying your own company. Being the main character of your life should be taking yourself by having solo self-care dates and romanticizing running errands. You don't need someone to complete you as a person. 

Do the work on yourself so your future self is thriving. It's all about personal growth in your life. There are so many other things focused including personal goals, saving energy for friends and family, career aspirations, health, financial issues, and living situation. Build on this opportunity in your dream life. 

Self-partnered is challenging narratives behind the phrases being single. Embracing your single status should be celebrated. Life doesn't always happen like in the fairytale. Real life is messy, complicated and painful. Being a self-partner is living your fairytale, and you're the main character. Single-positivity is creating your path and rejecting the notion that you need a partner. 

One of the most important relationships you will have is with yourself and yourself only. This relationship is so intimate and does not bull shit you. Being single is a chance for valuable. Having the opportunity to learn about your likes/dislikes happen when you focus on yourself. Your authentic self will emerge whenever you open yourself to new possibilities.

Spoiler alert: Do whatever you want when you want to do it. It's okay to invest in what you want or need. Our life is about archiving things such as dream careers, relationship status, property, material items, etc. Being a single person can focus on your dreams without anyone distracting you. Someday, it will click your dream person or life will be there. 
