NOTE TO SELF: "Self is a priority and necessity, not a luxury."

Self-care is all about taking care of yourself and making yourself a priority. Self-care is pure pleasure for your body, mind, and soul. 

Practicing self-care can improve your quality of life. Self-care includes:

  • A balanced lifestyle (sleep, nutrition, and exercise).
  • Self smoothing techniques 
  • Practicing self-acceptance and being mindful and aware. 

Taking care of yourself doesn't make you selfish; it makes you human. Self-care recognizes that you need time for yourself. You have a built-in intimate relationship with yourself. Self-care can be a series of exciting tasks or activities you love doing. 

Self-care is essential for your well-being. Self-care can be relaxing music, face mask, journaling, getting more sleep, turning your devices off, taking a bath, learning a new skill and practicing yoga. So, find your thing and do it unapologetically. 

I'm obsessed with self-care and making it a priority in my life. As a millennial woman, life isn't easy, but caring for yourself can relieve it. Self-care has to be a priority in every life; it keeps you sane. Self-care is more than taking care of yourself; It's a lifestyle. 


(Getting advice from Wholefully)

Give yourself a pedicure or a manicure.

Read a book or magazine for an hour.

Sit on the front porch. Just. Sit.

Take a bubble bath—complete with candles and calming music.

Pick or buy a bouquet of fresh flowers. 

Take a leisurely walk without a goal.

Put on a homemade face mask.

Give yourself permission to binge-watch my latest show obsession without guilt. 

Take a nap.

Order dinner. 

Do something crafty: colouring, knitting, sewing.

Go to the library or bookstore. Sit in a comfy chair and read.

Watch funny YouTube videos.

Sit in the grass and watch the clouds float by.

Look at the stars.

Have a dance party to my favourite music.

Take a mental health day—and don't feel guilty about it.

Burn a candle or diffuse some oils with scents that bring me joy.

Sit in a coffee shop and sip on a luxurious drink.

Walk around the fancy grocery store without a list. Buy some stuff just for fun.

Try out a new hobby.

Do yoga.

Cook breakfast for yourself before anyone else.

Sing at the top of my lungs, preferably in the car and with the windows down.

Go for a drive—no destination required.

Close me in a room and listen to the latest episode of my favourite podcast.

Have a 20-minute stretching session.

Go to the park and play on the playground. Be a kid again!

Go swimming (for fun, not exercise).

Plan out an extravagant vacation just for fun.

Wear an outfit that makes me feel great even if I have no reason to (I AM the reason!).

Declutter a spot in my house that's been bugging me.

Write a list of "annoying tasks" that have been weighing on me and knock them out in an hour.

Bake a dessert I love. And then eat it.

Watch the sun rise or set. Please don't take any pictures or post about them on social media. Just watch.

Have a picnic (by myself even).

Go to bed early or sleep in late.

Research something I've been interested in but have yet to have the time to dive into.

Edit who I follow on social media (if they don't bring me joy, they've got to go—no matter how nice, inspiring, or cool they are).

Go to a museum: art, children's, history, science—whatever brings me joy that day!

Go to a cocktail hour at a bar—enjoy a drink!

Have an at-home spa session—light a candle or diffuse some essential oils, put on calming music, do my skincare, and drink some warm tea or infused water.

Get a massage.

Spend time out in the garden.

Take the time to do my hair and makeup for no reason but to make me feel put together.

Write a list of 10 things I'm grateful for and why.

Make myself a batch of infused water to sip on.

Buy yourself a new set of pens or markers.

Write a letter (or an email) to an old friend.

Cook a fancy meal for no other reason than I deserve a fancy dinner.

Say "no" to someone.

Unplug for the rest of the day—put my devices in another room, meditate, engage in hobbies, or do anything else that soothes my soul.