The five-minute journal review by Intelligent change 


→ With an inspiring daily quote, a weekly challenge, and a guided structure, you will find The Five Minute Journal the simplest thing you can do to be happier.

→ This journal incorporates positive psychology into a practical routine you can easily implement, sparing you the dense academic jargon.

→ If you always wanted to journal but didn’t know how to start, look no further. This journal is based on 5 simple questions that only take 5 minutes a day. It’s a commitment you can stick to. 

→ This journal chronicles your special moments, discoveries, and dreams. Look back through this journal to zoom in on who you were, what you did, and how you felt on that day.

How it works

→ This science-backed journal harnesses the healing power of gratitude to help you refocus on the good. 

→ Consider it your mental insurance policy against negative thought loops, rejuvenating your mind and fortifying it against discontent. 

→ The Five Minute Journal’s guided and structured exercises will lead you down a path toward an enhanced version of the person you already are.

Morning Routine

As you wake up, you have the precious opportunity to set the tone for the rest of the day.

Reflect on what you are grateful for and think of what is within your power to make this new day great and fulfilling.

Boost your self-confidence by writing a positive affirmation about yourself and your life.

Night Routine

Before you sleep, craft a more fulfilling tomorrow by reflecting on what sparked your joy and the lessons you learned.

It can truly change your outlook on life because when you write down highlights and lessons of the day, you count your blessings—in reverse.

Weekly Challenges

Weekly Challenges encourage you to reflect on your values, enjoy the simple pleasures of life, and take actions beyond your comfort zone—where real growth happens.

Treat each challenge as an experiment in your life and enjoy yourself in the process.

The five-minute journal review by Intelligent change

The five-minute journal review by Intelligent change 


→ With an inspiring daily quote, a weekly challenge, and a guided structure, you will find The Five Minute Journal the simplest thing you can do to be happier.

→ This journal incorporates positive psychology into a practical routine you can easily implement, sparing you the dense academic jargon.

→ If you always wanted to journal but didn’t know how to start, look no further. This journal is based on 5 simple questions that only take 5 minutes a day. It’s a commitment you can stick to. 

→ This journal chronicles your special moments, discoveries, and dreams. Look back through this journal to zoom in on who you were, what you did, and how you felt on that day.

How it works

→ This science-backed journal harnesses the healing power of gratitude to help you refocus on the good. 

→ Consider it your mental insurance policy against negative thought loops, rejuvenating your mind and fortifying it against discontent. 

→ The Five Minute Journal’s guided and structured exercises will lead you down a path toward an enhanced version of the person you already are.

Morning Routine

As you wake up, you have the precious opportunity to set the tone for the rest of the day.

Reflect on what you are grateful for and think of what is within your power to make this new day great and fulfilling.

Boost your self-confidence by writing a positive affirmation about yourself and your life.

Night Routine

Before you sleep, craft a more fulfilling tomorrow by reflecting on what sparked your joy and the lessons you learned.

It can truly change your outlook on life because when you write down highlights and lessons of the day, you count your blessings—in reverse.

Weekly Challenges

Weekly Challenges encourage you to reflect on your values, enjoy the simple pleasures of life, and take actions beyond your comfort zone—where real growth happens.

Treat each challenge as an experiment in your life and enjoy yourself in the process.

Five-minute journal is worth buying for your wellness journey. The Intelligent Change journal has created the perfect journal for wellness girlies. It becomes part of your life and keeps you accountable. Your feelings are justified with every page. As a woman who uses the five-minute journal to get her life together and to feel her best knows what she's talking about. You can use a journal to transform your life as part of your wellness journey. Five Minute Journal lasts for six months of pages. On the busiest days, spend only five minutes practicing gratitude to boost positivity, reduce anxiety, and improve well-being. It's the simplest, science-backed way to a happier you, according to Intelligent Change. 

A gratitude journal includes.

  • Insightful and guided introduction to mindfulness and positive psychology
  • 6 months of daily journaling to stay in the habit of practicing gratitude
  • 5 daily prompts focused on gratitude and self-growth
  • Weekly Challenges to build confidence and leave the comfort zone

Your Five Minute Journal should be part of your morning. Find a place to write your thoughts in a journal. Make it a moment with coffee and breakfast. Put yourself into a positive mindset and feel the power of writing your stuff down. Be honest and be constant. 


I am grateful for 
What would make today great
Daily affirmation


Highlights of the day 
What did I learn today

How to use the five-minute journal and how it changes lives

Five-minute journal is worth buying for your wellness journey. The Intelligent Change journal has created the perfect journal for wellness girlies. It becomes part of your life and keeps you accountable. Your feelings are justified with every page. As a woman who uses the five-minute journal to get her life together and to feel her best knows what she's talking about. You can use a journal to transform your life as part of your wellness journey. Five Minute Journal lasts for six months of pages. On the busiest days, spend only five minutes practicing gratitude to boost positivity, reduce anxiety, and improve well-being. It's the simplest, science-backed way to a happier you, according to Intelligent Change. 

A gratitude journal includes.

  • Insightful and guided introduction to mindfulness and positive psychology
  • 6 months of daily journaling to stay in the habit of practicing gratitude
  • 5 daily prompts focused on gratitude and self-growth
  • Weekly Challenges to build confidence and leave the comfort zone

Your Five Minute Journal should be part of your morning. Find a place to write your thoughts in a journal. Make it a moment with coffee and breakfast. Put yourself into a positive mindset and feel the power of writing your stuff down. Be honest and be constant. 


I am grateful for 
What would make today great
Daily affirmation


Highlights of the day 
What did I learn today

Sometimes, we need some chemicals in our brains to boost our mood. The chemicals are Dopamine, Endorphins, Oxytocin and Serotonin. Knowing the chemicals you need and produce is the key to fixing or managing your mood. I need good chemicals coursing through my body.

Happy chemicals and how to produce them

for pleasure and reward 

Listen to music 
Seek out new experiences 
Do something creative 
Accomplish a small task 

for pain and stress 

Indulge with alchemic beverage 
Favourite snacks 
Take a hot bath 
Watch a comedy special 
At-home spa treatments 

for love 

Hug your family, friends and pets 
Spend time with the people you love 
Engage in sexual activity 
Do something nice for someone 
Enjoy some time with yourself 

for good moods 

Bask in the sun
Practice meditation 
Fix up a good hearty meal 

Happy chemicals for your brain and how to hack them (Pinterest approved)

Sometimes, we need some chemicals in our brains to boost our mood. The chemicals are Dopamine, Endorphins, Oxytocin and Serotonin. Knowing the chemicals you need and produce is the key to fixing or managing your mood. I need good chemicals coursing through my body.

Happy chemicals and how to produce them

for pleasure and reward 

Listen to music 
Seek out new experiences 
Do something creative 
Accomplish a small task 

for pain and stress 

Indulge with alchemic beverage 
Favourite snacks 
Take a hot bath 
Watch a comedy special 
At-home spa treatments 

for love 

Hug your family, friends and pets 
Spend time with the people you love 
Engage in sexual activity 
Do something nice for someone 
Enjoy some time with yourself 

for good moods 

Bask in the sun
Practice meditation 
Fix up a good hearty meal 

 Energy giver + energy takers 

Identifying Your Energy Givers and Takers is necessary to be self-aware. Self-awareness starts with identifying your personal energy givers and takers in your life. What's taking your energy, and what's giving you energy? Start with paying attention to how you feel after spending time with certain people or engaging in specific activities. Ask yourself the tough questions to help you further understand what's going on with you. What activities make you feel most fulfilled and energized? What activities leave you feeling drained and exhausted? Who are the people in your life that uplift and inspire you, and who are the ones that drain you, according to Sage and Bloom? 


Your energy is precious so giving energy needs to be more precious. When your energy leaves you feel inspired and recharged. It's necessary to do things that give you energy and satisfies you.

Examples of Energy Givers

a glass of water 
nourishing food 
cuddles with a pet 
fresh air 
friends + family 
sitting intentions 
A warm cup of coffee or tea
Fresh air
Supportive friends and family
People you can be yourself with
People that make you feel happy
Boundary setting
A warm hug
Working on your hobbies
Deep breathing
Nutritious, wholesome food
Power naps
Good sleep habits
Trying and learning new things
Dreams and goals that you are working towards
Practicing gratitude
Taking periodic vacations
Growth mindset


Draining your energy is hurting you more than you realize. 
People or things will constantly pull you down, or indulging in habits and activities that do not serve you leaves you with nothing. Takers steal your energy and leave you with nothing. 

Examples of Energy Takers 

screens + social media 
an inconsistent sleep 
possibly certain foods & alcohol, depending 
people pleasing 
setting unrealistic goals 
unclear + sloppy boundaries 
going-going -going without rest
Family members with persistent negative vibes or toxic behaviours
Social media accounts that trigger you 
People who make you feel inadequate
People who are always creating drama or chaos around you 
People who violate your boundaries
Not being clear about your boundaries
Psychoanalyzing every person, every conversation, every action
Constantly complaining
Repressing your emotions
Junk food
Poor sleep hygiene
Excessive screen time
Excessive stress
Excessive alcohol
Not taking a break
Being passive aggressive
Victim mindset

The difference between Energy Givers and Energy Takers: How to Protect Your Energy

 Energy giver + energy takers 

Identifying Your Energy Givers and Takers is necessary to be self-aware. Self-awareness starts with identifying your personal energy givers and takers in your life. What's taking your energy, and what's giving you energy? Start with paying attention to how you feel after spending time with certain people or engaging in specific activities. Ask yourself the tough questions to help you further understand what's going on with you. What activities make you feel most fulfilled and energized? What activities leave you feeling drained and exhausted? Who are the people in your life that uplift and inspire you, and who are the ones that drain you, according to Sage and Bloom? 


Your energy is precious so giving energy needs to be more precious. When your energy leaves you feel inspired and recharged. It's necessary to do things that give you energy and satisfies you.

Examples of Energy Givers

a glass of water 
nourishing food 
cuddles with a pet 
fresh air 
friends + family 
sitting intentions 
A warm cup of coffee or tea
Fresh air
Supportive friends and family
People you can be yourself with
People that make you feel happy
Boundary setting
A warm hug
Working on your hobbies
Deep breathing
Nutritious, wholesome food
Power naps
Good sleep habits
Trying and learning new things
Dreams and goals that you are working towards
Practicing gratitude
Taking periodic vacations
Growth mindset


Draining your energy is hurting you more than you realize. 
People or things will constantly pull you down, or indulging in habits and activities that do not serve you leaves you with nothing. Takers steal your energy and leave you with nothing. 

Examples of Energy Takers 

screens + social media 
an inconsistent sleep 
possibly certain foods & alcohol, depending 
people pleasing 
setting unrealistic goals 
unclear + sloppy boundaries 
going-going -going without rest
Family members with persistent negative vibes or toxic behaviours
Social media accounts that trigger you 
People who make you feel inadequate
People who are always creating drama or chaos around you 
People who violate your boundaries
Not being clear about your boundaries
Psychoanalyzing every person, every conversation, every action
Constantly complaining
Repressing your emotions
Junk food
Poor sleep hygiene
Excessive screen time
Excessive stress
Excessive alcohol
Not taking a break
Being passive aggressive
Victim mindset

The most intimate and complex relationship that you will have is with yourself. You are going to have to live for yourself every single day. We all need to date ourselves to understand what we want or need. Singlehood is defined as the state of living for women, not in a romantic partnership. There is nothing wrong with focusing on yourself and taking time to date yourself. Getting to know yourself better will help your future self. Our current culture pressures us to have it all, often at the expense of ourselves. Some of us wake up in the morning and do not have what society wants us to have in our lives. Getting to know yourself is the best investment. The term dating yourself is a mix between knowing who you are and taking care of yourself. Dating yourself should include a lot of self-exploration, journaling sessions, nights spent at home getting comfortable with being on your own, and solo outings in the city. Being with yourself will open opportunities and peace within yourself. No matter your relationship status, you should be dating yourself and here’s how.

Why you should start dating yourself

Dating yourself is essential for building your highest self with your mind, career, housing and finances. Take yourself on a date to feed your soul and reset yourself. The solo date makes you feel good and empowered. You will learn about your limits, boundaries and who you want in your life. This is the time to dedicate yourself to your goals. You are your top priority in life. It boosts our confidence and teaches us to be independent in the real world. 
You can thrive and enjoy nice things by yourself. We can do everything ourselves. This can prevent you from entering toxic, co-dependent relationships because you have boundaries and know your worth. You don't have to rely on the other person for validation, respect, or attention because you give yourself the validation, respect, and attention you deserve on your terms. 

Take yourself on a solo self-care date. 

You can date yourself even if you are single or in a relationship.
Take yourself out on dates and go to places you love; do things you enjoy. Try new things that you always wanted to do but with you. Explore things you’re too shy to ask someone else to do with you or go on a brave adventure. Go to dinners, movies, lectures, and workshops. Go on long hikes, visit the art museum, or stroll through a botanical garden. Enjoy coffee and baked goods in the bookstore café while you look at a few books.

Solo self-care date ideas

Go to a Museum or Art Gallery
Book a Yoga or Fitness Class
Have a Mini-Photoshoot.
Take a Cooking Class
Get Dinner and See a Movie
Be a Tourist in Your Own Town.
Go see a movie alone. 
Book a facial
Cook a fancy meal for yourself
Treat yourself to dinner out
Try an at-home spa night
Take a class
Plan a staycation
Get a manicure
Teach yourself a new craft
Host a solo wine and paint night
Try a new fitness class
Take yourself on a picnic
Go on a shopping spree
Hit up a new bookstore
Read in a coffee shop
Explore a new park
Plan a solo camping trip
Treat your pet to something they love
Get dolled up and take photos
Buy yourself some jewelry
Give yourself a massage
Spruce up your space for the night 
Visit a museum
Hit the local farmer's market
Run a bath and read a spicy romance novel
Take yourself to bed
Masturbate in your bedroom or bathroom
Spend an afternoon at a winery or brewery
Go to a concert alone
Plan a tech-free weekend
Meditate or find your zen 

How to date yourself + take yourself on a date & benefits of solo dating

The most intimate and complex relationship that you will have is with yourself. You are going to have to live for yourself every single day. We all need to date ourselves to understand what we want or need. Singlehood is defined as the state of living for women, not in a romantic partnership. There is nothing wrong with focusing on yourself and taking time to date yourself. Getting to know yourself better will help your future self. Our current culture pressures us to have it all, often at the expense of ourselves. Some of us wake up in the morning and do not have what society wants us to have in our lives. Getting to know yourself is the best investment. The term dating yourself is a mix between knowing who you are and taking care of yourself. Dating yourself should include a lot of self-exploration, journaling sessions, nights spent at home getting comfortable with being on your own, and solo outings in the city. Being with yourself will open opportunities and peace within yourself. No matter your relationship status, you should be dating yourself and here’s how.

Why you should start dating yourself

Dating yourself is essential for building your highest self with your mind, career, housing and finances. Take yourself on a date to feed your soul and reset yourself. The solo date makes you feel good and empowered. You will learn about your limits, boundaries and who you want in your life. This is the time to dedicate yourself to your goals. You are your top priority in life. It boosts our confidence and teaches us to be independent in the real world. 
You can thrive and enjoy nice things by yourself. We can do everything ourselves. This can prevent you from entering toxic, co-dependent relationships because you have boundaries and know your worth. You don't have to rely on the other person for validation, respect, or attention because you give yourself the validation, respect, and attention you deserve on your terms. 

Take yourself on a solo self-care date. 

You can date yourself even if you are single or in a relationship.
Take yourself out on dates and go to places you love; do things you enjoy. Try new things that you always wanted to do but with you. Explore things you’re too shy to ask someone else to do with you or go on a brave adventure. Go to dinners, movies, lectures, and workshops. Go on long hikes, visit the art museum, or stroll through a botanical garden. Enjoy coffee and baked goods in the bookstore café while you look at a few books.

Solo self-care date ideas

Go to a Museum or Art Gallery
Book a Yoga or Fitness Class
Have a Mini-Photoshoot.
Take a Cooking Class
Get Dinner and See a Movie
Be a Tourist in Your Own Town.
Go see a movie alone. 
Book a facial
Cook a fancy meal for yourself
Treat yourself to dinner out
Try an at-home spa night
Take a class
Plan a staycation
Get a manicure
Teach yourself a new craft
Host a solo wine and paint night
Try a new fitness class
Take yourself on a picnic
Go on a shopping spree
Hit up a new bookstore
Read in a coffee shop
Explore a new park
Plan a solo camping trip
Treat your pet to something they love
Get dolled up and take photos
Buy yourself some jewelry
Give yourself a massage
Spruce up your space for the night 
Visit a museum
Hit the local farmer's market
Run a bath and read a spicy romance novel
Take yourself to bed
Masturbate in your bedroom or bathroom
Spend an afternoon at a winery or brewery
Go to a concert alone
Plan a tech-free weekend
Meditate or find your zen 


"Turning Your Setback into a Comeback"

Entering your comeback era is more than movement. You have been living life in limbo, and it's time to make a comeback. Life is a bitch, just like the Luther Allison song says. Don't let your setback destroy your future or mindset. A setback can be soul-destroying but not life-ending. Taking the space or time off to reflect is necessary for a comeback. Your current situation isn't working, but a few months of work could change all that. Keep your mindset positive and take small steps every. It's not easy getting what you want because it's not to be easy. Hardship comes with territory. Doing the work is the only way to get results. Become a ghost, disappear and get your priority straight. Set up the stage for your comeback and make your move. 

"The stage is all yours."


Allow yourself to feel, break down and heal. 
Remind yourself that change is a normal part of everyday life.
Remind yourself of your strengths to make decisions 
Rally your support system or do solo self-discovery 
Make realistic plans over and over until you get it right
Think about the long-term goals 
Learn from your experiences and create a new experience
Do not beat yourself up
Get rid of negativity in your life 
Practice good self-care as a treat to look forward to 
 Be as flexible and open as possible to new opportunities 
Find the courage to live your life on your terms 
Make tough choices


Learn how to take responsibility 
Set realistic goals and do your research
Be honest with yourself 
Talk about your feelings to someone or get professional help 
Remove toxic people from your life or lesson you're expose to them
Stop procrastinating. 
Get organized - work, home, online & financial situation
Value the time you have + don't waste your time 

POV: You're entering your comeback era


"Turning Your Setback into a Comeback"

Entering your comeback era is more than movement. You have been living life in limbo, and it's time to make a comeback. Life is a bitch, just like the Luther Allison song says. Don't let your setback destroy your future or mindset. A setback can be soul-destroying but not life-ending. Taking the space or time off to reflect is necessary for a comeback. Your current situation isn't working, but a few months of work could change all that. Keep your mindset positive and take small steps every. It's not easy getting what you want because it's not to be easy. Hardship comes with territory. Doing the work is the only way to get results. Become a ghost, disappear and get your priority straight. Set up the stage for your comeback and make your move. 

"The stage is all yours."


Allow yourself to feel, break down and heal. 
Remind yourself that change is a normal part of everyday life.
Remind yourself of your strengths to make decisions 
Rally your support system or do solo self-discovery 
Make realistic plans over and over until you get it right
Think about the long-term goals 
Learn from your experiences and create a new experience
Do not beat yourself up
Get rid of negativity in your life 
Practice good self-care as a treat to look forward to 
 Be as flexible and open as possible to new opportunities 
Find the courage to live your life on your terms 
Make tough choices


Learn how to take responsibility 
Set realistic goals and do your research
Be honest with yourself 
Talk about your feelings to someone or get professional help 
Remove toxic people from your life or lesson you're expose to them
Stop procrastinating. 
Get organized - work, home, online & financial situation
Value the time you have + don't waste your time 
