Weekly Blog Catalogue Archive

Bree-Ann Gittens, Writer & Editor

Bree-Ann Gittens, Writer & Editor
Bree-Ann Gittens is a lifestyle journalist and the founder of Miss Well Energetic. She is a graduate of Centennial College's Journalism School. In her personal life, she loves Starbucks coffee, going to local events in the city, watching movies/ TV shows, wellness, reading novels and taking hot girl walks. When she's not writing, you can mostly find Bree-Ann taking a spa bath, cooking pasta, going on solo dates and online shopping.


What makes dating so hard, and why is no one on my level? My mind keeps asking me these questions. I am a 28-year-old woman who just started dating. I never had a boyfriend before. It doesn’t bother me anymore because I’m happy being self-parented. Dating was a challenging experience for me.
It's so hard for a straight woman to deal with men and their tactics when she wants to date men. It would be nice to know what they are thinking and why they aren't able to express it. A person loses a lot of energy when dating. Your energy levels decrease because it is so exhausting. I’m taking a break from the dating scene and focusing on myself. Actively working on my own pleasure and studying men. I believe that chasing someone or a thing makes it not happen.

I would rather invest in myself than be in a relationship or look for a relationship. Your energy is so precious and why are you wasting your time on someone who doesn’t match your vibe? I am not willing to waste my time or energy on someone. The process of building relationships is hard work, and finding someone with whom you can connect is even harder. Whenever I come across someone who acts silly, I find it difficult to give myself to them. Someone who is on the same level as me would be ideal for me. Modern day dating is like a dumpster fire and the pool is tainted badly. Waiting for a boy to reply to my texts is not the type of girl I want to be. Today's men are not giving you anything or courting you like or need and I know it's old fashion. It will take time for the right person to come so investing in myself will make me stronger and less insecure in the future. This is my time to build me aka the dream girl of my own version.

At this point in my life, I choose to date myself. I'm closing that chapter about wanting a relationship for now. I am interested in intentionally dating myself and seeing what happens. Dating is a challenge in today's society, and men are not like in rom-coms. I've never successfully dated anyone before, but I'm fine with looking and waiting. Taking myself out will be a priority, as well as spending more time at home. This is an opportunity to explore and learn. I want to invest in myself and build my dream life. The energy is important so I'm using it on myself. When dating yourself put yourself first and chase your dreams. Invest time in your finances, housing, family, fitness, mental health, self-improvement passion projects, and children, if you have any. Dating can get you into your feelings so we'll date ourselves now. There's nothing worse than feeling insecure and not being yourself without feeling like you're performing. Date yourself and fall in love with yourself. 

OPINION: Date yourself instead: an independent woman guide to love

What makes dating so hard, and why is no one on my level? My mind keeps asking me these questions. I am a 28-year-old woman who just started dating. I never had a boyfriend before. It doesn’t bother me anymore because I’m happy being self-parented. Dating was a challenging experience for me.
It's so hard for a straight woman to deal with men and their tactics when she wants to date men. It would be nice to know what they are thinking and why they aren't able to express it. A person loses a lot of energy when dating. Your energy levels decrease because it is so exhausting. I’m taking a break from the dating scene and focusing on myself. Actively working on my own pleasure and studying men. I believe that chasing someone or a thing makes it not happen.

I would rather invest in myself than be in a relationship or look for a relationship. Your energy is so precious and why are you wasting your time on someone who doesn’t match your vibe? I am not willing to waste my time or energy on someone. The process of building relationships is hard work, and finding someone with whom you can connect is even harder. Whenever I come across someone who acts silly, I find it difficult to give myself to them. Someone who is on the same level as me would be ideal for me. Modern day dating is like a dumpster fire and the pool is tainted badly. Waiting for a boy to reply to my texts is not the type of girl I want to be. Today's men are not giving you anything or courting you like or need and I know it's old fashion. It will take time for the right person to come so investing in myself will make me stronger and less insecure in the future. This is my time to build me aka the dream girl of my own version.

At this point in my life, I choose to date myself. I'm closing that chapter about wanting a relationship for now. I am interested in intentionally dating myself and seeing what happens. Dating is a challenge in today's society, and men are not like in rom-coms. I've never successfully dated anyone before, but I'm fine with looking and waiting. Taking myself out will be a priority, as well as spending more time at home. This is an opportunity to explore and learn. I want to invest in myself and build my dream life. The energy is important so I'm using it on myself. When dating yourself put yourself first and chase your dreams. Invest time in your finances, housing, family, fitness, mental health, self-improvement passion projects, and children, if you have any. Dating can get you into your feelings so we'll date ourselves now. There's nothing worse than feeling insecure and not being yourself without feeling like you're performing. Date yourself and fall in love with yourself. 


In this era of pretty girls, you shouldn't care what other people have to say, and she's doing what she wants. The inspiration for this song comes from Lu Kala's song in my pretty girl era. It takes maintenance to keep every girl looking beautiful. Taking care of your appearance is not an easy task for any girl. The Pretty Girl Era is a self-love personal movement about celebrating individuality and what makes you unique as a woman.

To feel and look pretty both inside and out, it's essential to focus on holistic well-being. Here are some tips:

Inner Beauty

1. Positive Mindset

- Gratitude: Practice gratitude daily by noting things you're thankful for.
- Positive Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to boost your self-esteem.

2. Emotional Health

- Mindfulness and Meditation: Engage in mindfulness or meditation to reduce stress and enhance emotional clarity.
- Therapy: Consider therapy or counselling for professional support.

3. Personal Growth

- Learning: Continuously learn and grow by reading, taking courses, or picking up new hobbies.
- Goals: Set and achieve personal goals, no matter how small.

4. Healthy Relationships

- Social Connections: Maintain strong, positive relationships with friends and family.
- Boundaries: Set healthy boundaries to protect your emotional well-being.

5. Kindness

- Acts of Kindness: Perform acts of kindness for others, which can also boost your own happiness.
- Empathy: Practice empathy and understanding in your interactions.

Outer Beauty

1. Skincare

- Routine: Follow a consistent skincare routine tailored to your skin type, including cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection.
- Hydration: Keep your skin hydrated by drinking water and using hydrating skincare products.

2. Haircare

- Regular Maintenance: Keep your hair healthy with regular trims and suitable hair care products.
- Nourishment: Use hair masks or treatments to maintain shine and strength.

3. Nutrition

- Balanced Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
- Supplements: Consider taking vitamins and supplements if needed, such as biotin for hair and nails.

4. Fitness

- Exercise: Incorporate regular physical activity, such as walking, yoga, or strength training, to maintain a healthy body.
- **Posture**: Practice good posture to improve your appearance and confidence.

5. Style

- Wardrobe: Choose clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable.
- Grooming: Maintain personal grooming, including manicures, pedicures, and hair styling.

6. Makeup

- Natural Look: Opt for a natural makeup look that enhances your features without being overwhelming.
- Quality Products: Use quality makeup products that suit your skin type and tone.

7. Relaxation

- Sleep: Ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to help your body and mind rejuvenate.
- Relaxation: Take time to relax and de-stress through activities you enjoy.

Balancing these elements can help you feel beautiful from the inside out, enhancing both your inner well-being and outer appearance. 

CUSTOM your own pretty era, take notes and create own version of the pretty girl era. 

In our pretty girl era: get the total package from inner and outer beauty


In this era of pretty girls, you shouldn't care what other people have to say, and she's doing what she wants. The inspiration for this song comes from Lu Kala's song in my pretty girl era. It takes maintenance to keep every girl looking beautiful. Taking care of your appearance is not an easy task for any girl. The Pretty Girl Era is a self-love personal movement about celebrating individuality and what makes you unique as a woman.

To feel and look pretty both inside and out, it's essential to focus on holistic well-being. Here are some tips:

Inner Beauty

1. Positive Mindset

- Gratitude: Practice gratitude daily by noting things you're thankful for.
- Positive Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to boost your self-esteem.

2. Emotional Health

- Mindfulness and Meditation: Engage in mindfulness or meditation to reduce stress and enhance emotional clarity.
- Therapy: Consider therapy or counselling for professional support.

3. Personal Growth

- Learning: Continuously learn and grow by reading, taking courses, or picking up new hobbies.
- Goals: Set and achieve personal goals, no matter how small.

4. Healthy Relationships

- Social Connections: Maintain strong, positive relationships with friends and family.
- Boundaries: Set healthy boundaries to protect your emotional well-being.

5. Kindness

- Acts of Kindness: Perform acts of kindness for others, which can also boost your own happiness.
- Empathy: Practice empathy and understanding in your interactions.

Outer Beauty

1. Skincare

- Routine: Follow a consistent skincare routine tailored to your skin type, including cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection.
- Hydration: Keep your skin hydrated by drinking water and using hydrating skincare products.

2. Haircare

- Regular Maintenance: Keep your hair healthy with regular trims and suitable hair care products.
- Nourishment: Use hair masks or treatments to maintain shine and strength.

3. Nutrition

- Balanced Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
- Supplements: Consider taking vitamins and supplements if needed, such as biotin for hair and nails.

4. Fitness

- Exercise: Incorporate regular physical activity, such as walking, yoga, or strength training, to maintain a healthy body.
- **Posture**: Practice good posture to improve your appearance and confidence.

5. Style

- Wardrobe: Choose clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable.
- Grooming: Maintain personal grooming, including manicures, pedicures, and hair styling.

6. Makeup

- Natural Look: Opt for a natural makeup look that enhances your features without being overwhelming.
- Quality Products: Use quality makeup products that suit your skin type and tone.

7. Relaxation

- Sleep: Ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to help your body and mind rejuvenate.
- Relaxation: Take time to relax and de-stress through activities you enjoy.

Balancing these elements can help you feel beautiful from the inside out, enhancing both your inner well-being and outer appearance. 

CUSTOM your own pretty era, take notes and create own version of the pretty girl era. 

IN THE SIX: Going to most popular park in the city

Location: Riverdale Park 

This was random and unexpected trip to Riverdale Park. I can't lie it was so much. Tim's Horton was my meal: a bagel, coffee and dount. I love this park  and I will counite to go to Riverdale park. This good for my meatal health. 

Last minute appointment: Day brunch at Riverdale Park

IN THE SIX: Going to most popular park in the city

Location: Riverdale Park 

This was random and unexpected trip to Riverdale Park. I can't lie it was so much. Tim's Horton was my meal: a bagel, coffee and dount. I love this park  and I will counite to go to Riverdale park. This good for my meatal health. 

The life of Being a single woman: Choosing to be happy for myself

Being a happy single woman today should be celebrated. Women today choose the life they want for themselves. Women today are educated, earning good money, and living the lives they want. Having chosen to live a life of happiness alone, she celebrates how normal it is to opt out of society's rules. Having intentions and a purpose in life is what drives me forward.

Being single keeps me sane when relationships drive me crazy. I have never been in a romantic relationship. My brief dating history has taught me that being single isn't as bad as it sounds. My expectations for a relationship have never been met and that’s okay. I’m not in the business of building a relationship with someone who doesn’t give me the time and energy I deserve back. In the words of Trace Ellis Ross, I’m a rare breed. What happens to a rare breed is it takes time to find something.

Singlehood is about being unbothered and unphased. A lot of people wish they had the freedom to do what they want. You're doing your own thing. I appreciate being single more than ever. There is nothing better than being single with intention. Dating yourself and investing in your quality of life is essential to growth. Relationships are nice but you have to complete yourself as a person by yourself.

Being at an age where people your age are in relationships, getting married, having children, traveling, buying a house and having a high paying job is weird. I see people my age starting families. I want to lay in my bed and slowly start my day. Life moves at its own pace for each individual. Being single is an opportunity to achieve a lot or figure things out. In my adulthood, I am moving at a slow pace. I live an untraditional life and I'm the definition of failure to launch. I put a lot of energy into myself because I have been single all my life. I see children as the end game. Adults should know who they are and have financial backing before having children. As I prepare for my future, I am living a child-free life. 

Living my happy single woman life, who is child free in today's society - personal essay

The life of Being a single woman: Choosing to be happy for myself

Being a happy single woman today should be celebrated. Women today choose the life they want for themselves. Women today are educated, earning good money, and living the lives they want. Having chosen to live a life of happiness alone, she celebrates how normal it is to opt out of society's rules. Having intentions and a purpose in life is what drives me forward.

Being single keeps me sane when relationships drive me crazy. I have never been in a romantic relationship. My brief dating history has taught me that being single isn't as bad as it sounds. My expectations for a relationship have never been met and that’s okay. I’m not in the business of building a relationship with someone who doesn’t give me the time and energy I deserve back. In the words of Trace Ellis Ross, I’m a rare breed. What happens to a rare breed is it takes time to find something.

Singlehood is about being unbothered and unphased. A lot of people wish they had the freedom to do what they want. You're doing your own thing. I appreciate being single more than ever. There is nothing better than being single with intention. Dating yourself and investing in your quality of life is essential to growth. Relationships are nice but you have to complete yourself as a person by yourself.

Being at an age where people your age are in relationships, getting married, having children, traveling, buying a house and having a high paying job is weird. I see people my age starting families. I want to lay in my bed and slowly start my day. Life moves at its own pace for each individual. Being single is an opportunity to achieve a lot or figure things out. In my adulthood, I am moving at a slow pace. I live an untraditional life and I'm the definition of failure to launch. I put a lot of energy into myself because I have been single all my life. I see children as the end game. Adults should know who they are and have financial backing before having children. As I prepare for my future, I am living a child-free life. 

Refresh and refocus for the second half of the year

June marks mid-year, and the reset has begun. It has been six months since 2024 began. It's time to reflect and use the next six months to achieve your goals. Get serious about the things that matter to you. The time has come for you to live the best life you can. Maybe this is the time to reinvent yourself and level up.


Get your notebook, planner, cellphone notes, and favourite productivity app start planning now. 

1. Review Your Goals: Revisit the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Asses your process and adjust them if needed. 

2. Declutter and Organize: Clean up your physical space and digital life. Organize your workspace, declutter your home, and tidy up your files and emails.

3. Reflect and Journal: Take time to reflect on your achievements and challenges. Journaling can help you gain clarity and set new intentions.

4. Plan and Prioritize: Create a plan for the next six months. Prioritize tasks and projects that align with your goals.

5. Self-Care: Make sure to include self-care in your routine. This could be exercise, meditation, or simply taking time to relax.

6. Learn Something New: Pick up a new hobby or skill. This can reinvigorate your passion and creativity.

7. Reconnect: Reach out to friends, family, or professional contacts. Strengthening your support network can provide motivation and new opportunities.

8. Set Boundaries: Reevaluate your commitments and set boundaries to ensure you’re not overextending yourself.

9. Health Check: Schedule any necessary health check-ups and focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

10. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate what you’ve accomplished so far. This positive reinforcement can boost your morale and motivation.

Our intense MID-YEAR RESET: Goal check-in, goal setting, reflecting and making plans

Refresh and refocus for the second half of the year

June marks mid-year, and the reset has begun. It has been six months since 2024 began. It's time to reflect and use the next six months to achieve your goals. Get serious about the things that matter to you. The time has come for you to live the best life you can. Maybe this is the time to reinvent yourself and level up.


Get your notebook, planner, cellphone notes, and favourite productivity app start planning now. 

1. Review Your Goals: Revisit the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Asses your process and adjust them if needed. 

2. Declutter and Organize: Clean up your physical space and digital life. Organize your workspace, declutter your home, and tidy up your files and emails.

3. Reflect and Journal: Take time to reflect on your achievements and challenges. Journaling can help you gain clarity and set new intentions.

4. Plan and Prioritize: Create a plan for the next six months. Prioritize tasks and projects that align with your goals.

5. Self-Care: Make sure to include self-care in your routine. This could be exercise, meditation, or simply taking time to relax.

6. Learn Something New: Pick up a new hobby or skill. This can reinvigorate your passion and creativity.

7. Reconnect: Reach out to friends, family, or professional contacts. Strengthening your support network can provide motivation and new opportunities.

8. Set Boundaries: Reevaluate your commitments and set boundaries to ensure you’re not overextending yourself.

9. Health Check: Schedule any necessary health check-ups and focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

10. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate what you’ve accomplished so far. This positive reinforcement can boost your morale and motivation.


Finding the perfect outlet for your ideas is part of being creative. Art is the express flow you have in a medium of your choice. The art therapy process combines creative expression with psychotherapy, providing an opportunity for self-exploration and understanding. Using imagery, colours and shape as part of this creative therapeutic process, thoughts and feelings can be expressed that would otherwise be difficult to articulate, according to Canadian Art Therapy.


Collage making 
Digital art 
Mixed media
Decorative Arts 


Listen to music 
Play instruments 


Tap dancing 
Ballroom dancing 
Dance Choreography 
Viennese Waltz or Waltz in general 


Storytelling/ Therapeutic storytelling 
Dramatic Play 
Forum Theatre 

4 TYPES OF ART THERAPY + INFO GUIDE into finding your favourite type ART THERAPY


Finding the perfect outlet for your ideas is part of being creative. Art is the express flow you have in a medium of your choice. The art therapy process combines creative expression with psychotherapy, providing an opportunity for self-exploration and understanding. Using imagery, colours and shape as part of this creative therapeutic process, thoughts and feelings can be expressed that would otherwise be difficult to articulate, according to Canadian Art Therapy.


Collage making 
Digital art 
Mixed media
Decorative Arts 


Listen to music 
Play instruments 


Tap dancing 
Ballroom dancing 
Dance Choreography 
Viennese Waltz or Waltz in general 


Storytelling/ Therapeutic storytelling 
Dramatic Play 
Forum Theatre 


Reviving the finance bro or manifesting a rich man is going viral. I'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund. 6'5. Blue eyes are words all over TikTok these days. Megan Boni, a 26-year-old New York-based TikToker created an accidental trendy statement. Boni, who posted a clip from her account @girl_on_couch on April 30, hash out a new song. The lyrics are simply: “I’m looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6′5″, blue eyes…” Her 20-second video has more than 38 million views and counting according to CNBC. The idea that we should search for a wealthy, tall, blue-eyed Wall Street-type is to bring romance books into real life. This is an inspiration to find your guy.

I’m looking for a man, I’m looking for a man, I’m looking for a, looking for a, looking for a man in finance. Trust fund. 6’ 5”. Blue eyes. Finance. Trust fund. 6’ 5”. Blue eyes are repeated multiple times.

The video by Boni has gone viral and is now being remixed and interpreted across TikTok. Men in finance are in demand due to a popular trend. In the creative world of social media, these viral theme songs romanticize finding a perfect partner. The qualities of men in financial are hot because they have money. 

Creating your dating standards to find your version of the man in finance 

High Maintenance Dating Standards for High Value Women

Setting dating standards can help women find their dream guy by ensuring they are clear about their values, needs, and boundaries. Here are some key dating standards to consider:

1. Shared Values and Goals: Look for someone whose values and life goals align with yours.

2. Respect and Communication: Prioritize mutual respect and clear, honest communication.

3. Emotional Intelligence: Seek a partner who is emotionally mature and can handle conflicts constructively.

4. Support and Encouragement: Choose someone who supports your ambitions and personal growth.

5. Mutual Attraction: Ensure there is a strong physical and emotional attraction.

6. Trust and Loyalty: A dream partner should be trustworthy and committed.

7. Sense of Humor: Finding someone who can laugh with you and lighten up stressful times can be crucial for a happy relationship.

8. Kindness: Valuing compassion, empathy, and a caring nature.

9. Ambition: Looking for someone who has goals and is motivated to achieve them.

10. Family Orientation: Aligning the importance of family and future family plans.

11. Communication: Valuing open, honest, and effective communication.

12.  Integrity: Seeking someone who acts with strong moral principles.

13. Independence: Respecting each other's personal space and independence.

14. Supportiveness: Finding someone who encourages and supports your personal and professional growth.

15. Compatibility: Ensuring shared interests, hobbies, and activities.

'I'm looking for a man in finance. Trust fund. 6'5. Blue eyes. Looking for the guy of your dreams + dating standards


Reviving the finance bro or manifesting a rich man is going viral. I'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund. 6'5. Blue eyes are words all over TikTok these days. Megan Boni, a 26-year-old New York-based TikToker created an accidental trendy statement. Boni, who posted a clip from her account @girl_on_couch on April 30, hash out a new song. The lyrics are simply: “I’m looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6′5″, blue eyes…” Her 20-second video has more than 38 million views and counting according to CNBC. The idea that we should search for a wealthy, tall, blue-eyed Wall Street-type is to bring romance books into real life. This is an inspiration to find your guy.

I’m looking for a man, I’m looking for a man, I’m looking for a, looking for a, looking for a man in finance. Trust fund. 6’ 5”. Blue eyes. Finance. Trust fund. 6’ 5”. Blue eyes are repeated multiple times.

The video by Boni has gone viral and is now being remixed and interpreted across TikTok. Men in finance are in demand due to a popular trend. In the creative world of social media, these viral theme songs romanticize finding a perfect partner. The qualities of men in financial are hot because they have money. 

Creating your dating standards to find your version of the man in finance 

High Maintenance Dating Standards for High Value Women

Setting dating standards can help women find their dream guy by ensuring they are clear about their values, needs, and boundaries. Here are some key dating standards to consider:

1. Shared Values and Goals: Look for someone whose values and life goals align with yours.

2. Respect and Communication: Prioritize mutual respect and clear, honest communication.

3. Emotional Intelligence: Seek a partner who is emotionally mature and can handle conflicts constructively.

4. Support and Encouragement: Choose someone who supports your ambitions and personal growth.

5. Mutual Attraction: Ensure there is a strong physical and emotional attraction.

6. Trust and Loyalty: A dream partner should be trustworthy and committed.

7. Sense of Humor: Finding someone who can laugh with you and lighten up stressful times can be crucial for a happy relationship.

8. Kindness: Valuing compassion, empathy, and a caring nature.

9. Ambition: Looking for someone who has goals and is motivated to achieve them.

10. Family Orientation: Aligning the importance of family and future family plans.

11. Communication: Valuing open, honest, and effective communication.

12.  Integrity: Seeking someone who acts with strong moral principles.

13. Independence: Respecting each other's personal space and independence.

14. Supportiveness: Finding someone who encourages and supports your personal and professional growth.

15. Compatibility: Ensuring shared interests, hobbies, and activities.

Financial self-care

Achieving financial independence means being in control of your finances. By understanding your financial situation, you can increase your chances of success. Your relationship with money is a long process until you get it right. The only way to become independent is to learn financial literacy.                                                          


1. Create and stick to a budget
2. Educate yourself on your finances
3. Prioritize your debt repayment or educate you
4. Build and maintain an emergency-funded
6. Seek financial education resources
7. Cultivate a mindset of gratitude and abundance
8. Avoid impulsive spending


1. Regular intentional check-ins with your finances
2. Be present in your spending and saving choices
3. Equip yourself with knowledge
4. Shirt from scarcity thinking to embrace possibilities
5. Celebrate every financial win, big or small


1. Create a realistic monthly budget which you use to control where your money goes
2. Set financial goals for the future
3. Write down positive money affirmations and read them aloud
4. Listen to financial or money-related podcast
5. Use an app to help you organize and keep track of spending
6. Deal with debt head-on by prioritizing debt payments
7. Forgive yourself for any previous bad money habits and expensive mistakes
8. Save money each month for a treat or investment fund

Financial self-care: daily practices, continuous cycle and financial checklist

Financial self-care

Achieving financial independence means being in control of your finances. By understanding your financial situation, you can increase your chances of success. Your relationship with money is a long process until you get it right. The only way to become independent is to learn financial literacy.                                                          


1. Create and stick to a budget
2. Educate yourself on your finances
3. Prioritize your debt repayment or educate you
4. Build and maintain an emergency-funded
6. Seek financial education resources
7. Cultivate a mindset of gratitude and abundance
8. Avoid impulsive spending


1. Regular intentional check-ins with your finances
2. Be present in your spending and saving choices
3. Equip yourself with knowledge
4. Shirt from scarcity thinking to embrace possibilities
5. Celebrate every financial win, big or small


1. Create a realistic monthly budget which you use to control where your money goes
2. Set financial goals for the future
3. Write down positive money affirmations and read them aloud
4. Listen to financial or money-related podcast
5. Use an app to help you organize and keep track of spending
6. Deal with debt head-on by prioritizing debt payments
7. Forgive yourself for any previous bad money habits and expensive mistakes
8. Save money each month for a treat or investment fund

Toronto summer guide 2024

Summer is just around the corner, so get ready for long city days. This summer is all about creating plans in your local city or community. Summer 2024 is a plan to be fun and spent in the outdoors. The weather is not the same as it used to be. When the weather gets warmer it means soaking up the sun and having fun. Toronto has so many events during the summertime. More sunlight means longer days out.


Toronto Pride

Date(s): Festival Weekend – June 28 to 30, 2024
Location: Downtown Toronto
Pride Festival is more than just the vibrant parade that snakes up Yonge Street, Gerrard and Bloor in the Church-Wellesley Village. 

Salsa in Toronto Festival

Date(s): July 6 & 7, 2024
Location: Midtown Toronto
For two days out of the year, Toronto’s Midtown district thrums with clave beats and congas during an epic fiesta. 
Experience Toronto’s multicultural flair for yourself at the TD Salsa In Toronto Festival, Canada’s largest celebration of all things Latin that takes place every July. 

Beaches International Jazz Festival

Date(s): July 4 - 28, 2024
Location: The Beaches
Each July, Toronto’s Beaches neighbourhood is filled with the zigzag sounds of jazz at the Beaches International Jazz Festival. It has been a staple of Toronto summers since 1989. It's a free concert with local fast-food trucks.

Toronto Caribbean Carnival (formerly Caribana Toronto)

Date(s): August 1 to 5, 2024
Location: Downtown Toronto
Toronto’s Caribbean Carnival is a colourful celebration of the hundreds of thousands of Jamaicans, Trinidadians, Haitians, Dominicans, Bermudans and Guyanans who make up the city’s Afro-Caribbean community.

CNE Toronto

Date(s): August 16 to September 2, 2024
Location: Exhibition Place
The Canadian National Exhibition, better known asThe Ex’ to locals, is the event that Toronto’s beloved Exhibition Place is the official end-of-summer event.  There is great
food, merchandise, and entertainment at this local fair for all Canadians.  

Toronto International Buskerfest

Date(s): August 30 - September 2, 2024
Location: Woodbine Park 
BuskerFest fills Toronto’s Woodbine Park with weird, wacky and wild performances for a good cause — this is Epilepsy Toronto’s biggest fundraiser of the year. 

Resources: Annual Festivals & Events in Toronto | Concerts & Celebrations (destinationtoronto.com)

For the love of long summer days in Toronto + your Toronto summer guide 2024

Toronto summer guide 2024

Summer is just around the corner, so get ready for long city days. This summer is all about creating plans in your local city or community. Summer 2024 is a plan to be fun and spent in the outdoors. The weather is not the same as it used to be. When the weather gets warmer it means soaking up the sun and having fun. Toronto has so many events during the summertime. More sunlight means longer days out.


Toronto Pride

Date(s): Festival Weekend – June 28 to 30, 2024
Location: Downtown Toronto
Pride Festival is more than just the vibrant parade that snakes up Yonge Street, Gerrard and Bloor in the Church-Wellesley Village. 

Salsa in Toronto Festival

Date(s): July 6 & 7, 2024
Location: Midtown Toronto
For two days out of the year, Toronto’s Midtown district thrums with clave beats and congas during an epic fiesta. 
Experience Toronto’s multicultural flair for yourself at the TD Salsa In Toronto Festival, Canada’s largest celebration of all things Latin that takes place every July. 

Beaches International Jazz Festival

Date(s): July 4 - 28, 2024
Location: The Beaches
Each July, Toronto’s Beaches neighbourhood is filled with the zigzag sounds of jazz at the Beaches International Jazz Festival. It has been a staple of Toronto summers since 1989. It's a free concert with local fast-food trucks.

Toronto Caribbean Carnival (formerly Caribana Toronto)

Date(s): August 1 to 5, 2024
Location: Downtown Toronto
Toronto’s Caribbean Carnival is a colourful celebration of the hundreds of thousands of Jamaicans, Trinidadians, Haitians, Dominicans, Bermudans and Guyanans who make up the city’s Afro-Caribbean community.

CNE Toronto

Date(s): August 16 to September 2, 2024
Location: Exhibition Place
The Canadian National Exhibition, better known asThe Ex’ to locals, is the event that Toronto’s beloved Exhibition Place is the official end-of-summer event.  There is great
food, merchandise, and entertainment at this local fair for all Canadians.  

Toronto International Buskerfest

Date(s): August 30 - September 2, 2024
Location: Woodbine Park 
BuskerFest fills Toronto’s Woodbine Park with weird, wacky and wild performances for a good cause — this is Epilepsy Toronto’s biggest fundraiser of the year. 

Resources: Annual Festivals & Events in Toronto | Concerts & Celebrations (destinationtoronto.com)

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Miss Well Energetic is a digital media brand for modern independent women living life on their own terms. An online community club featuring wellness, lifestyle, mindset & self-improvement content. At Miss Well Energetic we are a safe space to be 100% yourself and the unapologetically modern woman you are. Our stories are based on the true aspects of a woman's life and written in our own words.
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