
Be a bitch that you are always meant to be in real life. Take the power of bitch back and make it your own. Women are bad bitches who run the world and live longer lives. Be the nice girl but also be that bitch. The word bitch has a different meaning to women today. A bitch is not what you think is in today's society, and everyone has their vision of bitch. Being a bitch starts with knowing your worth and calling it what it is. She's a strong, beautiful, self-reliant female and has a bitchy attitude. It's okay to be bitch and let it out. Bitch has this negative assumption to it. Bitch is a term to weaponize for your own benefit. Why not be a bitch and live your best life without any hesitation. There's wrong with taking bitch energy and making it your own. 



I stand up for myself and my belief 
I stand up for those l love 
I speak my mind, think my feelings and do things my way
I won't compromise what's in my heart
I live my life my way 
I won't allow anyone to step on me
I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be me. 


Keep your head up high 
Stay in your lane 
Strut your stuff 
Speak their mind 
Don't be a yes man 
Act like you own everything 
Don't be a basic bitch 
Dress to impress 
Cut off toxic people 
Have a life plan
Don't trust everyone. 


I know my worth 
I know who I am 
No thank you 
This is not for me
This doesn't serve me 
I'm leaving this situation 
Best response is no response 
Call out people at the right time 
Say no 
Say fuck you with a smile 
I don't need this 
Call out as what it is 

This is where you study Bitchology + the power of being a bitch starts now


Be a bitch that you are always meant to be in real life. Take the power of bitch back and make it your own. Women are bad bitches who run the world and live longer lives. Be the nice girl but also be that bitch. The word bitch has a different meaning to women today. A bitch is not what you think is in today's society, and everyone has their vision of bitch. Being a bitch starts with knowing your worth and calling it what it is. She's a strong, beautiful, self-reliant female and has a bitchy attitude. It's okay to be bitch and let it out. Bitch has this negative assumption to it. Bitch is a term to weaponize for your own benefit. Why not be a bitch and live your best life without any hesitation. There's wrong with taking bitch energy and making it your own. 



I stand up for myself and my belief 
I stand up for those l love 
I speak my mind, think my feelings and do things my way
I won't compromise what's in my heart
I live my life my way 
I won't allow anyone to step on me
I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be me. 


Keep your head up high 
Stay in your lane 
Strut your stuff 
Speak their mind 
Don't be a yes man 
Act like you own everything 
Don't be a basic bitch 
Dress to impress 
Cut off toxic people 
Have a life plan
Don't trust everyone. 


I know my worth 
I know who I am 
No thank you 
This is not for me
This doesn't serve me 
I'm leaving this situation 
Best response is no response 
Call out people at the right time 
Say no 
Say fuck you with a smile 
I don't need this 
Call out as what it is 

Anatomy of a modern woman

Today's woman isn't like the other generations. Women today are more educated and not taking shit in today's society. Women can be anything they want to be in society.  We are more empowered than ever. This is Bree-Ann Gittens opinion but modern has many visions. 

A brain full of ideas 

Speaks her truth

Knows her worth
Eye for spotting opportunities and seeing past bullshit 

A heart of passion and forgiveness

Strong and beautiful body that is capable of anything

She's found her Independence 

She's open-minded but also uses her own judgement 

Selective on who she gives access to 

Trust her intuition - she's always right

Social acceptance in today's society

She makes the right choices for herself

She uses self-improvement for her benefit 

Strong, capable and determined 

Healthily mindset 

Having financial literacy 

Take care of herself 

Prioritize self-care

Traditional or non-traditional
Lives life on her terms

Anatomy of a modern woman with her own vision of a traditional woman

Anatomy of a modern woman

Today's woman isn't like the other generations. Women today are more educated and not taking shit in today's society. Women can be anything they want to be in society.  We are more empowered than ever. This is Bree-Ann Gittens opinion but modern has many visions. 

A brain full of ideas 

Speaks her truth

Knows her worth
Eye for spotting opportunities and seeing past bullshit 

A heart of passion and forgiveness

Strong and beautiful body that is capable of anything

She's found her Independence 

She's open-minded but also uses her own judgement 

Selective on who she gives access to 

Trust her intuition - she's always right

Social acceptance in today's society

She makes the right choices for herself

She uses self-improvement for her benefit 

Strong, capable and determined 

Healthily mindset 

Having financial literacy 

Take care of herself 

Prioritize self-care

Traditional or non-traditional
Lives life on her terms

Resource Hub

Creating a woman written by a woman

1. Practice good personal grooming habits. If you are going to have coloured hair, keep your roots covered. If you are going to have fake nails, keep them filled. Take care of your skin, take care of your teeth. 

2. Dress modestly. Gain attention through who you are rather than the parts of your body you choose to expose. It is worth far more in the long run. 

3. Certain fashion staples will always remain timeless. A few conservative dresses, a string of pearls, a nice handbag and a good pair of pumps should always be in your wardrobe. 

4. Write thank you notes. It is one of the best ways to make a good impression and literally takes five seconds. It is a dying art that so desperately needs to be revived. If someone is nice enough to give you a gift or recommend you to a position, the least you can do is give them a proper thank you. People remember thank you notes. 

5. Get involved. Join societies and organizations that have a positive influence in your community. Create positive exposure for yourself. 

6. Learn how to write checks and keep a check book. You may never need to use it, but if there comes a time that you need to, you’ll feel stupid if you don’t know how. 

7. Form opinions. On political matters. On current events. Be able to contribute to a conversation as an informed member of society. Knowing when to exert these opinions and when to keep them to yourself is just as important. 

8. Take a stance and do not falter. Reach security in your beliefs and live your life in accordance to those you hold true. 

9. Get an education and make use of it. Women all too often hide their intelligence which is truly the greatest waste of ability in the world. 

10. Learn to handle your liquor. And if you can not handle your liquor, simply do not drink. 

11. Learn to walk in high heels. And if you can not walk in high heels, buy cute flats instead. There is nothing attractive about a woman wobbling around like a newly hatched chicken. 

12. Allow yourself to be treated like lady. If more women would sit down and be ladies, more men would stand up and be men. Just because you are capable of opening your own door, in the presence of a man, you should not have to. Allow men the indulgence of being men and take pride in the privilege of being a lady. 

13. Keep your business to yourself. Be leery of who you trust and realize there are certain things you should keep to yourself. 

14. Handle confrontation with grace and dignity. There will be people with which you do not agree. Respect the opinions of others and their right to disagree with you. 

15. Use social media sparingly and in a way that only further dignifies you as a woman. In an age of digital exposure, we make the mistake of becoming too present in social media. If it’s not going to present you in a positive light, don’t post it. 

16. Do not be afraid to admit that sometimes you need help. Even if it is a man’s help. 

17. Practice good telephone manners. 

18. Be kind and courteous to all those you encounter for you never know who their impression of you will reach. 

19. Find your own personal faith and do not allow it to be shaken. 

20. Do not restrict yourself to gender stereotypes, but do not blatantly defy them for sport. 

21. Accept defeat gracefully. At some point you will fail. Accept it and bow out gracefully. Move on. 

22. Cultivate yourself as an interesting person and develop a personality that is unique to yourself. 

23. Be the woman a man needs, not the woman that needs a man. 

24. Understand your self worth and never settle for less than what you deserve. 

25. Cross your legs. 

26. Do not lower your standards. 

27. Find your passion and pursue it. Wholeheartedly and fearlessly. 

28. Bend the rules when necessary, but observe them whenever possible. 

29. Do not develop a reputation as a gossip. People will not trust you and will not have mercy towards you when it is your name being slung through the mud. Which will happen at some point or another. 

30. Do not validate your self worth around a man. You are more than someone’s girlfriend. You are more than someone’s wife. 

31. Do not pursue a college education to platonically find a husband. 

32. Do not outwardly reject society’s conventions of a woman just because they differ from your personal convictions. 

33. Know there is a time and place for everything and observe this advice accordingly. 

34. Laugh. A woman’s laugh is infectious and there is so much to laugh about. You just have to find it. 

35. Find beauty in every day. It’s there. You just have to find it and you will be glad that you did. 31. Do not pursue a college education to platonically find a husband.

32. Do not outwardly reject society’s conventions of a woman just because they differ from your personal convictions. 

33. Know there is a time and place for everything and observe this advice accordingly. 

34. Laugh. A woman’s laugh is infectious and there is so much to laugh about. You just have to find it. 

35. Find beauty in every day. It’s there. You just have to find it and you will be glad that you did. 

36. Find your bliss. Life is too short to be unhappy and an unhappy woman is very unattractive. 

37. Do not be afraid to put yourself first. 

38. Do not feel guilty for having ambitions and pursuing those ambitions. Wanting to have a career does not make you any less of a woman than wanting to stay at home. 

39. Do not be ashamed for seizing the opportunity to stay at home to raise your children. If it is the right decision for you and your family, it is a wonderful opportunity you should consider yourself fortunate to have. 

40. Respect your fellow women. 

41. Do not feel ashamed of your femineity. Embrace it. Wear pink. 

42. Develop a certain extent of self-reliance. You are not expected to change your own tires, but as a grown woman, you should know how to pump your own gas. 

43. Protect your financial interests and remain aware of your financial situations as a family, couple, or single woman.

44. Do not be afraid to say no. 

45. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated.

46. Become an advocate for other women. We are all in this together. 

47. Never allow a man to make you feel inferior. 

48. Be the kind of woman you’d want your daughters to be and your sons to date. Hold yourself to a higher accountability and serve as a role model for other young women. 

49. See the big picture and make your decisions accordingly. You are someone’s daughter. One day you may be someone’s wife. You may be someone’s mother. You may be someone’s boss. You may be someone’s Sunday school teacher. Your life could go in so many ways you may not realize at 18. 

50. Respect yourself.


Publishing date April 8th, 2014

SOURCE: 50 Ways To Be A Woman | Page 10 | Thought Catalog

How to be a woman written by a woman: a series of 50 rules for all women should follow

Resource Hub

Creating a woman written by a woman

1. Practice good personal grooming habits. If you are going to have coloured hair, keep your roots covered. If you are going to have fake nails, keep them filled. Take care of your skin, take care of your teeth. 

2. Dress modestly. Gain attention through who you are rather than the parts of your body you choose to expose. It is worth far more in the long run. 

3. Certain fashion staples will always remain timeless. A few conservative dresses, a string of pearls, a nice handbag and a good pair of pumps should always be in your wardrobe. 

4. Write thank you notes. It is one of the best ways to make a good impression and literally takes five seconds. It is a dying art that so desperately needs to be revived. If someone is nice enough to give you a gift or recommend you to a position, the least you can do is give them a proper thank you. People remember thank you notes. 

5. Get involved. Join societies and organizations that have a positive influence in your community. Create positive exposure for yourself. 

6. Learn how to write checks and keep a check book. You may never need to use it, but if there comes a time that you need to, you’ll feel stupid if you don’t know how. 

7. Form opinions. On political matters. On current events. Be able to contribute to a conversation as an informed member of society. Knowing when to exert these opinions and when to keep them to yourself is just as important. 

8. Take a stance and do not falter. Reach security in your beliefs and live your life in accordance to those you hold true. 

9. Get an education and make use of it. Women all too often hide their intelligence which is truly the greatest waste of ability in the world. 

10. Learn to handle your liquor. And if you can not handle your liquor, simply do not drink. 

11. Learn to walk in high heels. And if you can not walk in high heels, buy cute flats instead. There is nothing attractive about a woman wobbling around like a newly hatched chicken. 

12. Allow yourself to be treated like lady. If more women would sit down and be ladies, more men would stand up and be men. Just because you are capable of opening your own door, in the presence of a man, you should not have to. Allow men the indulgence of being men and take pride in the privilege of being a lady. 

13. Keep your business to yourself. Be leery of who you trust and realize there are certain things you should keep to yourself. 

14. Handle confrontation with grace and dignity. There will be people with which you do not agree. Respect the opinions of others and their right to disagree with you. 

15. Use social media sparingly and in a way that only further dignifies you as a woman. In an age of digital exposure, we make the mistake of becoming too present in social media. If it’s not going to present you in a positive light, don’t post it. 

16. Do not be afraid to admit that sometimes you need help. Even if it is a man’s help. 

17. Practice good telephone manners. 

18. Be kind and courteous to all those you encounter for you never know who their impression of you will reach. 

19. Find your own personal faith and do not allow it to be shaken. 

20. Do not restrict yourself to gender stereotypes, but do not blatantly defy them for sport. 

21. Accept defeat gracefully. At some point you will fail. Accept it and bow out gracefully. Move on. 

22. Cultivate yourself as an interesting person and develop a personality that is unique to yourself. 

23. Be the woman a man needs, not the woman that needs a man. 

24. Understand your self worth and never settle for less than what you deserve. 

25. Cross your legs. 

26. Do not lower your standards. 

27. Find your passion and pursue it. Wholeheartedly and fearlessly. 

28. Bend the rules when necessary, but observe them whenever possible. 

29. Do not develop a reputation as a gossip. People will not trust you and will not have mercy towards you when it is your name being slung through the mud. Which will happen at some point or another. 

30. Do not validate your self worth around a man. You are more than someone’s girlfriend. You are more than someone’s wife. 

31. Do not pursue a college education to platonically find a husband. 

32. Do not outwardly reject society’s conventions of a woman just because they differ from your personal convictions. 

33. Know there is a time and place for everything and observe this advice accordingly. 

34. Laugh. A woman’s laugh is infectious and there is so much to laugh about. You just have to find it. 

35. Find beauty in every day. It’s there. You just have to find it and you will be glad that you did. 31. Do not pursue a college education to platonically find a husband.

32. Do not outwardly reject society’s conventions of a woman just because they differ from your personal convictions. 

33. Know there is a time and place for everything and observe this advice accordingly. 

34. Laugh. A woman’s laugh is infectious and there is so much to laugh about. You just have to find it. 

35. Find beauty in every day. It’s there. You just have to find it and you will be glad that you did. 

36. Find your bliss. Life is too short to be unhappy and an unhappy woman is very unattractive. 

37. Do not be afraid to put yourself first. 

38. Do not feel guilty for having ambitions and pursuing those ambitions. Wanting to have a career does not make you any less of a woman than wanting to stay at home. 

39. Do not be ashamed for seizing the opportunity to stay at home to raise your children. If it is the right decision for you and your family, it is a wonderful opportunity you should consider yourself fortunate to have. 

40. Respect your fellow women. 

41. Do not feel ashamed of your femineity. Embrace it. Wear pink. 

42. Develop a certain extent of self-reliance. You are not expected to change your own tires, but as a grown woman, you should know how to pump your own gas. 

43. Protect your financial interests and remain aware of your financial situations as a family, couple, or single woman.

44. Do not be afraid to say no. 

45. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated.

46. Become an advocate for other women. We are all in this together. 

47. Never allow a man to make you feel inferior. 

48. Be the kind of woman you’d want your daughters to be and your sons to date. Hold yourself to a higher accountability and serve as a role model for other young women. 

49. See the big picture and make your decisions accordingly. You are someone’s daughter. One day you may be someone’s wife. You may be someone’s mother. You may be someone’s boss. You may be someone’s Sunday school teacher. Your life could go in so many ways you may not realize at 18. 

50. Respect yourself.


Publishing date April 8th, 2014

SOURCE: 50 Ways To Be A Woman | Page 10 | Thought Catalog

Life experience means learning many life lessons. 

Listening to the older generation is something we should consider as young adults. Today's world is a different place with a high cost of living, changes in gender roles and more social acceptance in society. I like the idea of learning and growing as an adult. The more information you get the wiser you get in today's society. There are so many things I wish I had known earlier in my life but becoming an adult was a long process. Today, we are listening to a 71-year-old who has accomplished a lot in his life. Kevin Kelly helped launch the magazine, Wired and wrote the bestselling book on the technological forces that will shape our future. 

1. How to talk to people: Listening is a superpower. When talking to someone you love, keep asking them, "Is there more?" (until there is no more).

2. How to learn from people: If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. Hang out with, and learn from, people smarter than yourself. Even better, find smart folks who will disagree with you.

3. How to be interesting: The more you are interested in others, the more interesting they'll find you.

4. How to save money: Live as cheaply as you can when you're young, for at least six months. Own as little as possible. Live in a tiny room — and eat beans and rice. This way, any time you have to risk something in the future, you won't be afraid of the worst-case scenario.

5. How to earn respect: Be honest about your faults. Nothing elevates a person higher than taking responsibility.

6. How to handle rude peopleTreat their behaviour like an affliction or illness they have. This will make it easier to have empathy towards them, which can soften the conflict.

7. How to find your passion: The best way to start is to be an expert on one thing. Through mastery, you'll command a viewpoint to steadily find where your bliss is.

8. How to raise confident kids: Reinforce their sense of belonging to a family. Articulate exactly what is distinctive about your family. Your kids should be able to proudly say, "Our family does [X]."

9. How to raise smart kids: When they ask an endless string of "Why?" questions, don't answer all of them. The smartest reply is, "I don't know. What do you think?"

10. How to buy and sell stock: If you are buying stock, the person selling it thinks it's worth less than you do. If you're selling, they think it's worth more than you do. Each time you're ready to buy or sell stock, ask yourself, "What do I know that they don't?"

11. How to spend wisely: Select a few interests that you can gleefully splurge on. Be all-around thrifty so that you can splurge on your passions.

12. How much to tip: As long as the experience was pleasant, always tip at least between 15% and 20%. And if you stop to listen to a musician for more than a minute, you owe them a dollar.

13. How to be resilientThere are three things you need in life: the ability to not give up on something until it works; the ability to give up on something that doesn't work; and the trust in other people to help you distinguish between the two.

14. How to boost your salary: The best time to negotiate a salary for a new job is the moment they say they want you, and not before. Then it becomes a game of chicken for each side to name an amount first, but it is to your advantage to get them to give a number before you do.

15. How to identify imposter syndrome: When you create things that only you with your unique talents and experiences can do, then you are absolutely not an imposter. You are the ordained. It is your destiny to work on things that only you can do.

16. How to be happy: Unhappiness comes from wanting what other people have. Happiness comes from wanting what you already have.

17. How to get better at public speaking: Watch a recording of yourself speaking. It will be shocking and painful, but it's the best way to improve.

18. How to give a proper apology: Express genuine empathy with the other person, take responsibility, and offer a remedy to fix things.

19. How to ask stupid questions: Just do it. Ninety-nine percent of the time, everyone else is thinking the same question and is too embarrassed to ask.

20. How to make good decisions: Ask yourself, "Which choice will pay off now more than later?" The easy choice pays off right away, but the best choice will pay off at the end.

21. How to measure wealth: It's not by the things you can buy, but by the things that no money can buy.

22. How to pick the right advice: Advice like these are not laws — they are simply hats! If one doesn't fit, try another.

According to CNBC article written by Kevin Kelly 

Getting advice from the older generation from a 71-year-old man sharing useful life lessons for young people

Life experience means learning many life lessons. 

Listening to the older generation is something we should consider as young adults. Today's world is a different place with a high cost of living, changes in gender roles and more social acceptance in society. I like the idea of learning and growing as an adult. The more information you get the wiser you get in today's society. There are so many things I wish I had known earlier in my life but becoming an adult was a long process. Today, we are listening to a 71-year-old who has accomplished a lot in his life. Kevin Kelly helped launch the magazine, Wired and wrote the bestselling book on the technological forces that will shape our future. 

1. How to talk to people: Listening is a superpower. When talking to someone you love, keep asking them, "Is there more?" (until there is no more).

2. How to learn from people: If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. Hang out with, and learn from, people smarter than yourself. Even better, find smart folks who will disagree with you.

3. How to be interesting: The more you are interested in others, the more interesting they'll find you.

4. How to save money: Live as cheaply as you can when you're young, for at least six months. Own as little as possible. Live in a tiny room — and eat beans and rice. This way, any time you have to risk something in the future, you won't be afraid of the worst-case scenario.

5. How to earn respect: Be honest about your faults. Nothing elevates a person higher than taking responsibility.

6. How to handle rude peopleTreat their behaviour like an affliction or illness they have. This will make it easier to have empathy towards them, which can soften the conflict.

7. How to find your passion: The best way to start is to be an expert on one thing. Through mastery, you'll command a viewpoint to steadily find where your bliss is.

8. How to raise confident kids: Reinforce their sense of belonging to a family. Articulate exactly what is distinctive about your family. Your kids should be able to proudly say, "Our family does [X]."

9. How to raise smart kids: When they ask an endless string of "Why?" questions, don't answer all of them. The smartest reply is, "I don't know. What do you think?"

10. How to buy and sell stock: If you are buying stock, the person selling it thinks it's worth less than you do. If you're selling, they think it's worth more than you do. Each time you're ready to buy or sell stock, ask yourself, "What do I know that they don't?"

11. How to spend wisely: Select a few interests that you can gleefully splurge on. Be all-around thrifty so that you can splurge on your passions.

12. How much to tip: As long as the experience was pleasant, always tip at least between 15% and 20%. And if you stop to listen to a musician for more than a minute, you owe them a dollar.

13. How to be resilientThere are three things you need in life: the ability to not give up on something until it works; the ability to give up on something that doesn't work; and the trust in other people to help you distinguish between the two.

14. How to boost your salary: The best time to negotiate a salary for a new job is the moment they say they want you, and not before. Then it becomes a game of chicken for each side to name an amount first, but it is to your advantage to get them to give a number before you do.

15. How to identify imposter syndrome: When you create things that only you with your unique talents and experiences can do, then you are absolutely not an imposter. You are the ordained. It is your destiny to work on things that only you can do.

16. How to be happy: Unhappiness comes from wanting what other people have. Happiness comes from wanting what you already have.

17. How to get better at public speaking: Watch a recording of yourself speaking. It will be shocking and painful, but it's the best way to improve.

18. How to give a proper apology: Express genuine empathy with the other person, take responsibility, and offer a remedy to fix things.

19. How to ask stupid questions: Just do it. Ninety-nine percent of the time, everyone else is thinking the same question and is too embarrassed to ask.

20. How to make good decisions: Ask yourself, "Which choice will pay off now more than later?" The easy choice pays off right away, but the best choice will pay off at the end.

21. How to measure wealth: It's not by the things you can buy, but by the things that no money can buy.

22. How to pick the right advice: Advice like these are not laws — they are simply hats! If one doesn't fit, try another.

According to CNBC article written by Kevin Kelly 
