This is a sign not be a pick me girl

A "pick me girl" is often seen as someone who seeks male approval by putting down other women or trying to distinguish herself as "not like other girls.“Pick-me girl” are wanting nothing more than to set herself apart from other women and embrace the male gaze. Pick me girl is a identify crisis. Women are allow led the life the want. Setting yourself a part in a way that affect women prcoss in society is a problemI found the most common signs and how to avoid falling into that behaviour. Falling the victim to a pick me is not solution, it's a toxic. 

Signs of a "Pick Me" Girl

1. Belittling Other Women: They make comments like "I'm not like other girls" or criticize other women for stereotypically feminine interests or behaviours.

2. Seeking Male Validation: They often go out of their way to gain male approval, whether it's through actions, opinions, or appearance.

3. Dismissing Female Friendship: They may avoid forming close bonds with other women, claiming things like "I only get along with guys" or "girls are too much drama."

4. Self-Deprecation for Attention: They often downplay their own talents, looks, or intelligence to seem more relatable to men.

5. Agreeing with Everything Men Say: They may change their opinions or interests to match what they think men will like, even if it's inauthentic.

6. Overemphasis on Being Low Maintenance: They stress how much they don’t care about makeup, fashion, or typical "girly" things, implying that women who do care about these things are superficial.

How to Avoid the Behaviour:

1.Embrace Authenticity: Focus on being true to yourself rather than trying to shape your personality around what others (especially men) might want.

2.Support Other Women: Avoid comparing yourself to other women or tearing them down. Celebrate female friendships and sisterhood.

3. Avoid Seeking External Validation: Work on building self-worth that isn’t based on external approval, whether from men or anyone else.

4. Acknowledge That Preferences Are Personal: It’s okay to enjoy typically feminine things or not—there’s no need to define yourself by opposition to other women.

5. Encourage Inclusivity: Recognize that everyone's interests, tastes, and personalities are valid, regardless of gender norms or stereotypes.