
Reviving the finance bro or manifesting a rich man is going viral. I'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund. 6'5. Blue eyes are words all over TikTok these days. Megan Boni, a 26-year-old New York-based TikToker created an accidental trendy statement. Boni, who posted a clip from her account @girl_on_couch on April 30, hash out a new song. The lyrics are simply: “I’m looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6′5″, blue eyes…” Her 20-second video has more than 38 million views and counting according to CNBC. The idea that we should search for a wealthy, tall, blue-eyed Wall Street-type is to bring romance books into real life. This is an inspiration to find your guy.

I’m looking for a man, I’m looking for a man, I’m looking for a, looking for a, looking for a man in finance. Trust fund. 6’ 5”. Blue eyes. Finance. Trust fund. 6’ 5”. Blue eyes are repeated multiple times.

The video by Boni has gone viral and is now being remixed and interpreted across TikTok. Men in finance are in demand due to a popular trend. In the creative world of social media, these viral theme songs romanticize finding a perfect partner. The qualities of men in financial are hot because they have money. 

Creating your dating standards to find your version of the man in finance 

High Maintenance Dating Standards for High Value Women

Setting dating standards can help women find their dream guy by ensuring they are clear about their values, needs, and boundaries. Here are some key dating standards to consider:

1. Shared Values and Goals: Look for someone whose values and life goals align with yours.

2. Respect and Communication: Prioritize mutual respect and clear, honest communication.

3. Emotional Intelligence: Seek a partner who is emotionally mature and can handle conflicts constructively.

4. Support and Encouragement: Choose someone who supports your ambitions and personal growth.

5. Mutual Attraction: Ensure there is a strong physical and emotional attraction.

6. Trust and Loyalty: A dream partner should be trustworthy and committed.

7. Sense of Humor: Finding someone who can laugh with you and lighten up stressful times can be crucial for a happy relationship.

8. Kindness: Valuing compassion, empathy, and a caring nature.

9. Ambition: Looking for someone who has goals and is motivated to achieve them.

10. Family Orientation: Aligning the importance of family and future family plans.

11. Communication: Valuing open, honest, and effective communication.

12.  Integrity: Seeking someone who acts with strong moral principles.

13. Independence: Respecting each other's personal space and independence.

14. Supportiveness: Finding someone who encourages and supports your personal and professional growth.

15. Compatibility: Ensuring shared interests, hobbies, and activities.