Financial self-care

Achieving financial independence means being in control of your finances. By understanding your financial situation, you can increase your chances of success. Your relationship with money is a long process until you get it right. The only way to become independent is to learn financial literacy.                                                          


1. Create and stick to a budget
2. Educate yourself on your finances
3. Prioritize your debt repayment or educate you
4. Build and maintain an emergency-funded
6. Seek financial education resources
7. Cultivate a mindset of gratitude and abundance
8. Avoid impulsive spending


1. Regular intentional check-ins with your finances
2. Be present in your spending and saving choices
3. Equip yourself with knowledge
4. Shirt from scarcity thinking to embrace possibilities
5. Celebrate every financial win, big or small


1. Create a realistic monthly budget which you use to control where your money goes
2. Set financial goals for the future
3. Write down positive money affirmations and read them aloud
4. Listen to financial or money-related podcast
5. Use an app to help you organize and keep track of spending
6. Deal with debt head-on by prioritizing debt payments
7. Forgive yourself for any previous bad money habits and expensive mistakes
8. Save money each month for a treat or investment fund