A majority of people can't afford to spend more money in order to save more. A tough economy makes it difficult to make good financial decisions, despite cutting back on wants. The cost of daily essentials can ruin a person financially today. As a result of inflation, people are making different lifestyle choices.
Today's climate makes life hard to live. In today's economy, financial decisions are crucial to your survival. Getting ahead requires making sacrifices in your life. Our society is split between people who have money and those who struggle to live off low wages. Spaving can keep anyone broke and you can't break the cycle. The cycle is living pay to pay.

The cost of spending money has risen, and people spend more on essentials than ever before. Low wages make spaving a financial trap. Whenever we see a "limited-time deal" or "buy one, get one free" or take on additional items for an even bigger discount, we should not be misled into believing that it is the real deal. There's no logic in the idea that saving more means spending more. Money loss hurts the average person. The act of getting a good deal can lead to overspending and impulse purchases. Your financial situation and goals are the most important factors. If you want money, you must make sacrifices and give up pleasures until you reach that stage of life. 

How to recognize SPAVING in your own life

1. Spend more money and justify it in your head
2. Use debt or credit 
3. the girl math in your head 
4. Let temptation take over
5. Shopping is a therapy fix
6. Mindset: money comes back to me

How to stop SPAVING 

"Spaving" is a combination of "spending" and "saving," referring to the act of spending money on items because they are on sale or discounted, with the belief that you are saving money. Here are some tips to stop spaving:

1. Set a Budget: Clearly define your spending limits for different categories and stick to them.

2. Make a List: Only buy what you need by creating a shopping list before going out or shopping online.

3. Avoid Impulse Buys: Wait at least 24 hours before purchasing to see if you still feel it's necessary.

4. Understand Marketing Tricks: Recognize sales tactics designed to make you spend more.

5. Track Your Spending: Use apps or a journal to monitor your purchases and identify patterns.

6. Focus on True Savings: Calculate the actual savings and assess whether the item is worth it.

7. Seek Alternatives: Borrow, rent, or buy second-hand instead of purchasing new items on sale.