Did you ever hear the saying that you don't have to be rich to be stylish? The truth is that you don't have to wear designer clothing to look stylish. Lucy Hale said these words in the Katy Keene trailer: "You don’t have to be rich to be stylish."

The way you style an outfit or the pieces you wear on your body determines your style. Build a wardrobe based on how you feel or want to be as a person. It doesn’t require you to spend thousands of dollars on clothing. People find trendy clothing for less money every day. It only takes a little research to get started. There are so many thrift stores or low-end fast brands that have trendy or timeless pieces for less money.

Making fashion affordable is easy when you have a budget or invest in pieces. It's not about the price tag, it's about how you style your clothing. Style depends on what you find stylish. Putting on the best fashion brands is not going to make you stylish. You can create outfits out of anything so use what you like to create your outfits. Your wardrobe is a series of garments you love to wear. An outfit is a combination of personal style, color palette, and proportions. It’s all about how you wear the outfit and the fit of the garment.

Invest in your wardrobe by buying high-end investments and low-end clothing. Your style determines what you need from clothing brands. There are lots of styles to choose from, such as luxury, minimalism, preppy, girly, shorty, retro, hippie and alternative. The key to being stylish is to know yourself.

You don't have to be rich to be stylish

Did you ever hear the saying that you don't have to be rich to be stylish? The truth is that you don't have to wear designer clothing to look stylish. Lucy Hale said these words in the Katy Keene trailer: "You don’t have to be rich to be stylish."

The way you style an outfit or the pieces you wear on your body determines your style. Build a wardrobe based on how you feel or want to be as a person. It doesn’t require you to spend thousands of dollars on clothing. People find trendy clothing for less money every day. It only takes a little research to get started. There are so many thrift stores or low-end fast brands that have trendy or timeless pieces for less money.

Making fashion affordable is easy when you have a budget or invest in pieces. It's not about the price tag, it's about how you style your clothing. Style depends on what you find stylish. Putting on the best fashion brands is not going to make you stylish. You can create outfits out of anything so use what you like to create your outfits. Your wardrobe is a series of garments you love to wear. An outfit is a combination of personal style, color palette, and proportions. It’s all about how you wear the outfit and the fit of the garment.

Invest in your wardrobe by buying high-end investments and low-end clothing. Your style determines what you need from clothing brands. There are lots of styles to choose from, such as luxury, minimalism, preppy, girly, shorty, retro, hippie and alternative. The key to being stylish is to know yourself.

Image Sourced: Pinterest

Your financial literacy needs to be updated as you enter your rich girl era. The economy is costing women so much money and the high cost of living and low wages are affecting everyone. By creating new rules and having a plan, rich girls invest their way to success. Being financial independent means working on your financial situation. In my twenty-something years, I've struggled with financial literacy because I'm not financially successful. Having rules and clear financial goals can help me realize the benefits of the Rich girl persona. Your entire financial life depends on your mindset and your discipline. I found these rules on Pinterest. A priority for rich girls is always to educate themselves and come up with new ways to improve their financial standing. Financial wellness is always being improved by rich girls. They are constantly educating themselves.

Rich financial girl era

Financial habit #1: Regularly review and update your financial plan

Financial habit #2: Establish financial goals that are beneficial for your future

Financial habit #3: Create a budget and use it to guide your spending 

Financial habit #4: Find passive income to improve your income 

Financial habit #5: Build an emergency fund to protect your assets 

Financial habit #6: Pay off credit cards in full 

Financial habit #7: Bring food from home / Cut down on take out

Financial habit #8: Talk openly about money with your friends

Rich Girl's money rules

Pay yourself first
Learn how to invest
Give every dollar a job
Spend less than you earn
Have a plan & set goals.
If you have it, don't flaunt it
Keep your finances organized
It's a game. Learn how it works
Always have an emergency fund
Always make money work for you
Learn how to make passively
Use it to solve a problem
Don't use credit if you don't have cash
It's not what you make, it's what you keep

Bree-Ann Gittens is a financial researcher and will not be giving examples.

How to enter the rich girl financial era and Rich Girl's money rules

Image Sourced: Pinterest

Your financial literacy needs to be updated as you enter your rich girl era. The economy is costing women so much money and the high cost of living and low wages are affecting everyone. By creating new rules and having a plan, rich girls invest their way to success. Being financial independent means working on your financial situation. In my twenty-something years, I've struggled with financial literacy because I'm not financially successful. Having rules and clear financial goals can help me realize the benefits of the Rich girl persona. Your entire financial life depends on your mindset and your discipline. I found these rules on Pinterest. A priority for rich girls is always to educate themselves and come up with new ways to improve their financial standing. Financial wellness is always being improved by rich girls. They are constantly educating themselves.

Rich financial girl era

Financial habit #1: Regularly review and update your financial plan

Financial habit #2: Establish financial goals that are beneficial for your future

Financial habit #3: Create a budget and use it to guide your spending 

Financial habit #4: Find passive income to improve your income 

Financial habit #5: Build an emergency fund to protect your assets 

Financial habit #6: Pay off credit cards in full 

Financial habit #7: Bring food from home / Cut down on take out

Financial habit #8: Talk openly about money with your friends

Rich Girl's money rules

Pay yourself first
Learn how to invest
Give every dollar a job
Spend less than you earn
Have a plan & set goals.
If you have it, don't flaunt it
Keep your finances organized
It's a game. Learn how it works
Always have an emergency fund
Always make money work for you
Learn how to make passively
Use it to solve a problem
Don't use credit if you don't have cash
It's not what you make, it's what you keep

Bree-Ann Gittens is a financial researcher and will not be giving examples.

It may take a lifetime to get to know yourself as an individual. Who you are is more than your name, age, background, hobbies and job. Who you are to your core in a journey of personal devlopment. We all have done a search to answer these questions and explore the foundation of who we are. To find yourself, you'll need to go on a continuous journey, not look for a destination. Knowing who you are takes decades of choices, learning and experiences. The more we learn and participate, the more involved we become.

The process of discovering who you are involves a series of tasks as you work on yourself. Your work will help you discover who you are. Start by reflecting on yourself. It's time to be alone and reflect on your life. Doing work is defining what you need or want, making changes, working on your mindset, being alone and getting things done. Who you are will come out of doing your work. At the end you will know that you are willing to take or the standards you created.

The experiences you have can shape you into the person you are today. Change comes from growth and experience things in our lives. It involves making choices, making mistakes, failing, and experiencing drama and confusion. Experiencing things and learning along the way is part of the experience. Your personal experiences can teach you a lot. What you like or don't like is so essential to know. The foundation of who you are depends on it. As older we get the more confidence we become the more comfortable we get in our skin.

Through your experiences, I'll find you in the way you need to see coming. Self-reflecting can lead to a break through in who you are meant to be. I find my experiences are so unique and they help me realize that an amazing person puts myself on pedestal. Who I am is how you characterize yourself. I am a twenty-something who is passionate, creative, optimistic, thoughtful, loyal, and way too nice. The way you describe and use them in your daily life defines you.

THE IMPORTANCE OF KNOWING WHO YOU ARE + Finding yourself through your journey

It may take a lifetime to get to know yourself as an individual. Who you are is more than your name, age, background, hobbies and job. Who you are to your core in a journey of personal devlopment. We all have done a search to answer these questions and explore the foundation of who we are. To find yourself, you'll need to go on a continuous journey, not look for a destination. Knowing who you are takes decades of choices, learning and experiences. The more we learn and participate, the more involved we become.

The process of discovering who you are involves a series of tasks as you work on yourself. Your work will help you discover who you are. Start by reflecting on yourself. It's time to be alone and reflect on your life. Doing work is defining what you need or want, making changes, working on your mindset, being alone and getting things done. Who you are will come out of doing your work. At the end you will know that you are willing to take or the standards you created.

The experiences you have can shape you into the person you are today. Change comes from growth and experience things in our lives. It involves making choices, making mistakes, failing, and experiencing drama and confusion. Experiencing things and learning along the way is part of the experience. Your personal experiences can teach you a lot. What you like or don't like is so essential to know. The foundation of who you are depends on it. As older we get the more confidence we become the more comfortable we get in our skin.

Through your experiences, I'll find you in the way you need to see coming. Self-reflecting can lead to a break through in who you are meant to be. I find my experiences are so unique and they help me realize that an amazing person puts myself on pedestal. Who I am is how you characterize yourself. I am a twenty-something who is passionate, creative, optimistic, thoughtful, loyal, and way too nice. The way you describe and use them in your daily life defines you.

Have you ever cringed over someone else's words or actions? What you are feeling is 100% real and do not second guess it

Your experience is the ICK. I have experienced the ick more than once. Every single guy I talk to online or in person has given me ick and it doesn't anywhere. My experience with ice has me aware of certain actions and behaviours in romantic partners and strangers, too. It's so easy to get sick from modern-day dating and meeting new people. The ick is a way of expressing disgust. A ick is a modern term describing the feeling about a cringe moment or experience that left you feeling that way. The Ick is a relatable term if you are in modern-day dating, friendship, family or meeting someone new. Ick is most common in romantic relationships. 

Christie Kederian, a psychologist, relationship expert, and LMFT explains the term: “The ick is this feeling that you get in the early stages of a dating relationship — you could also feel it later on, but most often in the early stages — where you get disgusted or turned off by some mannerism or action that the person you’re dating does,” she says according to Today.

I believe the source of the ick is often minor behaviour that turns you completely off. Ick is a mini dealbreaker that has red flags that are personal and surprising at the moment. The ick is irreversible once you see it coming. You see the behaviour more and more. Your standards rise when you see the ick. 

Talking about sex before you know the person, poor personal hygiene, rudeness to wait staff, discussing past relationships, lying, not holding a conversation, or not following up with you are all bad examples. Major personal icks are not putting in enough effort on dates, not planning dates, asking you to pay for the dates and acting differently in real life after texting. 

As soon as you start dating someone new and get to know them, you enter a love bubble. After a few dates, an ick can happen at any time. The ick is a dealbreaker, and people part ways. You can't ignore the ick because it will resurface. You can't continue with a person when the problem is too big. 

Can a relationship survive the ick? It depends on the relationship and whether this is worth fighting for. When the ick comes up in your romantic relationship that is when you reflect and communicate with your partner. This is your decision to make rather than to stay or leave. The ick can be the end or beginning of new standards and moving on. 

The stages of getting the ick in the moment

1. When you get the ick - you think about it 

2. You don't address the issue in the moment 

3. You keep thinking about it and you don't know what to do

4. You get to move on from the issue

5. You can't recover from the ick 

Stages of an ick

1. It's not right - you scream in your head

2. You feel it in your gut 

3.You feel weird about the situation and you stop thinking about it 

4. Your disgusted 

5. You turned off

6. Talking and ranting about it a few times 

7. The decision

8. You can't get over it

9. You mourn it 

10. Moving on 

11. Let it go of the situation

12. You may think about time to time

13. It's best thing that happened to you and you dodge a bullet

Documenting the endless number of icks: What do you do when you get the ick? + the ick explained

Have you ever cringed over someone else's words or actions? What you are feeling is 100% real and do not second guess it

Your experience is the ICK. I have experienced the ick more than once. Every single guy I talk to online or in person has given me ick and it doesn't anywhere. My experience with ice has me aware of certain actions and behaviours in romantic partners and strangers, too. It's so easy to get sick from modern-day dating and meeting new people. The ick is a way of expressing disgust. A ick is a modern term describing the feeling about a cringe moment or experience that left you feeling that way. The Ick is a relatable term if you are in modern-day dating, friendship, family or meeting someone new. Ick is most common in romantic relationships. 

Christie Kederian, a psychologist, relationship expert, and LMFT explains the term: “The ick is this feeling that you get in the early stages of a dating relationship — you could also feel it later on, but most often in the early stages — where you get disgusted or turned off by some mannerism or action that the person you’re dating does,” she says according to Today.

I believe the source of the ick is often minor behaviour that turns you completely off. Ick is a mini dealbreaker that has red flags that are personal and surprising at the moment. The ick is irreversible once you see it coming. You see the behaviour more and more. Your standards rise when you see the ick. 

Talking about sex before you know the person, poor personal hygiene, rudeness to wait staff, discussing past relationships, lying, not holding a conversation, or not following up with you are all bad examples. Major personal icks are not putting in enough effort on dates, not planning dates, asking you to pay for the dates and acting differently in real life after texting. 

As soon as you start dating someone new and get to know them, you enter a love bubble. After a few dates, an ick can happen at any time. The ick is a dealbreaker, and people part ways. You can't ignore the ick because it will resurface. You can't continue with a person when the problem is too big. 

Can a relationship survive the ick? It depends on the relationship and whether this is worth fighting for. When the ick comes up in your romantic relationship that is when you reflect and communicate with your partner. This is your decision to make rather than to stay or leave. The ick can be the end or beginning of new standards and moving on. 

The stages of getting the ick in the moment

1. When you get the ick - you think about it 

2. You don't address the issue in the moment 

3. You keep thinking about it and you don't know what to do

4. You get to move on from the issue

5. You can't recover from the ick 

Stages of an ick

1. It's not right - you scream in your head

2. You feel it in your gut 

3.You feel weird about the situation and you stop thinking about it 

4. Your disgusted 

5. You turned off

6. Talking and ranting about it a few times 

7. The decision

8. You can't get over it

9. You mourn it 

10. Moving on 

11. Let it go of the situation

12. You may think about time to time

13. It's best thing that happened to you and you dodge a bullet


Tap into your dark feminine era 

In contrast to the girly feminine concept, the dark feminine is misunderstood. The dark feminine is rebirth, female empowerment, shadow work, and owning your power every day. The dark feminine represents a new kind of feminism. By doing showdaw work, women tap into their inner strength and empower themselves. Dark feminine era promotes a profound energy that is different from today's norms. Women are in control of their lives and make decisions based on what is in their best interests. In the realm of feminism, women are empowered to use social media as a way to learn and get inspiration for themselves. 

Women use it to unlock dark feminine energy. According to TikTokers, these are submissive, cute personas such as Marilyn Monroe, who utilized this power to manipulate men (a bit like "the sexy baby"). Dark feminine energy, on the other hand, is about being dominant, assertive and most importantly, sultry. It’s about setting boundaries, saying no to people and manifesting success according to Vice. 

Dark feminine energy goes beyond trends. It offers peace of mind that you are fully in control of yourself. Women should be fully stepping into the dark feminine while living in a patriarchal society. In her dark feminine era, a woman can be passionate, self-insured, emotionally intense, or seem like a 'bitch,' but she is also protecting herself, and she's unbothered. As a result of dark feminine energy, women reject societal expectations. Women have a right to be unapologetic about themselves and express themselves and not listen to other people.

A step-by-step guide “Dark Feminine” according to Pinterest

Dreaming big and making my dream achievable 

Putting effort into my appearance and feeling good  

No romantic relationship for a while

Taking myself on dates 

Setting so many more boundaries 

Meditating everyday 

Cutting off that l no longer aligns with 

Romanticizing my life 

Say it as it is 

Getting extra picky with people around me 

Reinventing myself

Daily journaling/ shadow work 

Focusing on myself and making money 



Weekly self-love and self-care practices 

A guide to unlocking  “Dark Feminine Energy”

Say no 
Prioritizes self 
Self- esteem 

Entering the Dark feminine era: a reminder for women to reclaim their dark energy


Tap into your dark feminine era 

In contrast to the girly feminine concept, the dark feminine is misunderstood. The dark feminine is rebirth, female empowerment, shadow work, and owning your power every day. The dark feminine represents a new kind of feminism. By doing showdaw work, women tap into their inner strength and empower themselves. Dark feminine era promotes a profound energy that is different from today's norms. Women are in control of their lives and make decisions based on what is in their best interests. In the realm of feminism, women are empowered to use social media as a way to learn and get inspiration for themselves. 

Women use it to unlock dark feminine energy. According to TikTokers, these are submissive, cute personas such as Marilyn Monroe, who utilized this power to manipulate men (a bit like "the sexy baby"). Dark feminine energy, on the other hand, is about being dominant, assertive and most importantly, sultry. It’s about setting boundaries, saying no to people and manifesting success according to Vice. 

Dark feminine energy goes beyond trends. It offers peace of mind that you are fully in control of yourself. Women should be fully stepping into the dark feminine while living in a patriarchal society. In her dark feminine era, a woman can be passionate, self-insured, emotionally intense, or seem like a 'bitch,' but she is also protecting herself, and she's unbothered. As a result of dark feminine energy, women reject societal expectations. Women have a right to be unapologetic about themselves and express themselves and not listen to other people.

A step-by-step guide “Dark Feminine” according to Pinterest

Dreaming big and making my dream achievable 

Putting effort into my appearance and feeling good  

No romantic relationship for a while

Taking myself on dates 

Setting so many more boundaries 

Meditating everyday 

Cutting off that l no longer aligns with 

Romanticizing my life 

Say it as it is 

Getting extra picky with people around me 

Reinventing myself

Daily journaling/ shadow work 

Focusing on myself and making money 



Weekly self-love and self-care practices 

A guide to unlocking  “Dark Feminine Energy”

Say no 
Prioritizes self 
Self- esteem 


Spring will arrive on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Self-care is the theme for this year. Spring is the time to change and reset your life after winter. We live in such a different economy than we did a year ago. The new season is here, and you need to reset creatively and healthily. I enter this season with a list of things to complete. This year is about getting my life together before becoming 30 years old. Spring ushers in a new beginning.


Routines rituals 

Wake up early 
Create new workouts - yoga, dance or YouTube videos
Drink more water - update water tumbler or bottle
New iced Coffee drinks
Practice gratitude with a new journal
Create a new Music playlist
Read a book - romance, self-help and audiobooks
Creating a daily goal setting
Spend time outside - get more sunlight

Healthy habits

Shower routine - the everything shower, detox bath
Go to bed early 
Prioritize more hours to sleep
Have a list of affirmations
Deep breathing exercises
Plan your day- tasks, goals and
Meal planning
Avoid stress
Eat less meat and dairy
Eating Fresh
Go for a hot girl walk
Build healthy relationships
Learning something new for fun
Practice meditation at home


Make the Bed 
Tidy Up as You Go
Wipe Down Surfaces
Tackle Laundry Each Day
Categorize Papers 
Clean your home desk 
Donate Regularly
Clean your skincare and makeup essentials
Buy new containers
Clean Your Fridge Weekly
Buy new home supplies or decor
Clean Up After Cooking
Have a Place for Everything


Make a detailed to-do list. 
Create action with steps to archive your goals
Incorporate your to-do list into your life
Use a planner or calendar to manage your schedule 
Create a bullet journal spread in your planner - Pinterest has many ideas
Develop systems and routines to help you in your daily routine
Stop procrastinating on everything
Clean and declutter regularly
Update your supplies or essentials if needed - Amazon  
Every Sunday is a Sunday reset

SPRING PREP - spring to-do list/ with getting into a routine, healthy habits, cleaning, and organizing


Spring will arrive on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Self-care is the theme for this year. Spring is the time to change and reset your life after winter. We live in such a different economy than we did a year ago. The new season is here, and you need to reset creatively and healthily. I enter this season with a list of things to complete. This year is about getting my life together before becoming 30 years old. Spring ushers in a new beginning.


Routines rituals 

Wake up early 
Create new workouts - yoga, dance or YouTube videos
Drink more water - update water tumbler or bottle
New iced Coffee drinks
Practice gratitude with a new journal
Create a new Music playlist
Read a book - romance, self-help and audiobooks
Creating a daily goal setting
Spend time outside - get more sunlight

Healthy habits

Shower routine - the everything shower, detox bath
Go to bed early 
Prioritize more hours to sleep
Have a list of affirmations
Deep breathing exercises
Plan your day- tasks, goals and
Meal planning
Avoid stress
Eat less meat and dairy
Eating Fresh
Go for a hot girl walk
Build healthy relationships
Learning something new for fun
Practice meditation at home


Make the Bed 
Tidy Up as You Go
Wipe Down Surfaces
Tackle Laundry Each Day
Categorize Papers 
Clean your home desk 
Donate Regularly
Clean your skincare and makeup essentials
Buy new containers
Clean Your Fridge Weekly
Buy new home supplies or decor
Clean Up After Cooking
Have a Place for Everything


Make a detailed to-do list. 
Create action with steps to archive your goals
Incorporate your to-do list into your life
Use a planner or calendar to manage your schedule 
Create a bullet journal spread in your planner - Pinterest has many ideas
Develop systems and routines to help you in your daily routine
Stop procrastinating on everything
Clean and declutter regularly
Update your supplies or essentials if needed - Amazon  
Every Sunday is a Sunday reset


Your official copy of girl code. 

Wait Until Your Friend is In Their House Before You Drive Away

Tell A Girl Her Outfit Has a Malfunction or If It Looks Bad

Be The Amazing Photographer You Wish You Had

Never Go After Your Friends Crush or Ex

If You Arrive Together, You Leave Together

Always Check In on Your Friend While They’re on a First Date

Never Let Your Girlfriend Go to The Washroom Alone in Public

Rescue Any Girl You See Being Annoyed By a Creepy Guy

Boost Every Woman’s Confidence

Tell a Girl If Her Man Is Cheating On Her

Help Your Girl Send Angry Texts To Her Man

Always Take Her Side… Regardless of Who She’s Up Against

Assist in the Change Room At All Times When Shopping

Always Seek Permission Before Hitting on Your Friend’s Relatives

If Your BFF’s Torn About Getting Something They Deserve, Give Her Guidance

If You Have an Extra Tampon, Help a Sister Out 

Always Be There When Your Friend Needs You After a Break-up

Do Your BFF’s Parents Proud And Protect Her

Be a Good Wingwoman

Continually Insult Your Bestie to Remind Her You Love Her

If You Suspect That Another Woman Is Hanging Around Your Friend’s Man, Tell Your Friend

Defend Your Friends In Their Absence

Never Ditch Your Friends For a Boy

Always Keep Their Secrets Safe

Never Abandon A Drunk Friend

Speak Up If You’re Concerned About Your Friend’s New Friend’s Intentions

If Someone Breaks Your Friend’s Heart, Kill Them

Even if You Don’t Agree With Your Best Friend’s Relationship, Stand By Her

Don’t Forget To Remind Your Friend of Your Bond When You Need To

Be Any Girls Security Guard When Trouble Arises

Always Show Your Friends That You Appreciate Them Don’t Be Afraid to Vent to

Your Bestie And Let Them Vent to You

If Your Best Friend Has a Reason to Hate Someone, So Do You

Celebrate Their Successes Like They’re Your Own

Don’t Let a Girl Walk Into a Stall Without Toilet Paper

Grab Your Friend’s Phone When Necessary

RESOURCE HUB CONTENT The 36 Unwritten Rules Of Girl Code All Women Need To Live By (readunwritten.com)

Girl Code: the unwritten rules all women need to know and need to live by


Your official copy of girl code. 

Wait Until Your Friend is In Their House Before You Drive Away

Tell A Girl Her Outfit Has a Malfunction or If It Looks Bad

Be The Amazing Photographer You Wish You Had

Never Go After Your Friends Crush or Ex

If You Arrive Together, You Leave Together

Always Check In on Your Friend While They’re on a First Date

Never Let Your Girlfriend Go to The Washroom Alone in Public

Rescue Any Girl You See Being Annoyed By a Creepy Guy

Boost Every Woman’s Confidence

Tell a Girl If Her Man Is Cheating On Her

Help Your Girl Send Angry Texts To Her Man

Always Take Her Side… Regardless of Who She’s Up Against

Assist in the Change Room At All Times When Shopping

Always Seek Permission Before Hitting on Your Friend’s Relatives

If Your BFF’s Torn About Getting Something They Deserve, Give Her Guidance

If You Have an Extra Tampon, Help a Sister Out 

Always Be There When Your Friend Needs You After a Break-up

Do Your BFF’s Parents Proud And Protect Her

Be a Good Wingwoman

Continually Insult Your Bestie to Remind Her You Love Her

If You Suspect That Another Woman Is Hanging Around Your Friend’s Man, Tell Your Friend

Defend Your Friends In Their Absence

Never Ditch Your Friends For a Boy

Always Keep Their Secrets Safe

Never Abandon A Drunk Friend

Speak Up If You’re Concerned About Your Friend’s New Friend’s Intentions

If Someone Breaks Your Friend’s Heart, Kill Them

Even if You Don’t Agree With Your Best Friend’s Relationship, Stand By Her

Don’t Forget To Remind Your Friend of Your Bond When You Need To

Be Any Girls Security Guard When Trouble Arises

Always Show Your Friends That You Appreciate Them Don’t Be Afraid to Vent to

Your Bestie And Let Them Vent to You

If Your Best Friend Has a Reason to Hate Someone, So Do You

Celebrate Their Successes Like They’re Your Own

Don’t Let a Girl Walk Into a Stall Without Toilet Paper

Grab Your Friend’s Phone When Necessary

RESOURCE HUB CONTENT The 36 Unwritten Rules Of Girl Code All Women Need To Live By (readunwritten.com)
