I love using positive affirmations to uplift my mood. Some days my mood is great, and others, it's bad. I love reading quotes these from the Everygirl website. I love getting quotes from all online websites. 

1. I’m allowed to take up space.

2. My past is not a reflection of my future.

3. I am strong enough to make my own decisions.

4. I’m in control of how I react to others.

5. My only job is to learn and grow.

6. I’m courageous and stand up for myself.

7. I will succeed today.

8. I deserve to forgive, and I deserve to feel joy.

9. I’m worthy of love.

10. I love myself deeply.

11. My body is healthy, and I’m grateful.

12. I’m more at ease every day.

13. I’m calm, happy, and content.

14. My life is a gift, and I appreciate everything I have.

15. I surround myself with positive people who will help bring out the best in me.

16. I don’t need someone else to feel happiness.

17. I’m allowed to take time to heal.

18. All is well.

19. The point of life is balance, not perfection.

20. I choose only kind words for myself and others around me.

21. My potential to succeed is limitless.

26. I have the power to create change.

27. I know exactly what to do to achieve success.

28. I choose to be proud of myself.

29. I will not compare myself to strangers on the internet.

30. I am enough.

31. I let go of all that no longer serves me.

32. I am so close to achieving my goals.

33. My life gets better as I get older.

34. I can do anything I put my mind to.

35. I’m worthy of respect and acceptance.

36. My contributions to the world are valuable.

37. My needs and wants are important.

38. I make a significant difference in the lives of people around me.

39. I am blessed with amazing family and friends.

40. I attract abundance into my life.

41. My life is full of amazing opportunities that are ready for me to step into.

42. I’m free to create the life I desire.

43. I’m open to new adventures in my life.

44. I’m bold, beautiful, and brilliant.

45. My body is perfect in the way it’s intended to be.

46. When I allow my light to shine, I subconsciously permit other people to do the same.

47. No amount of worrying can change the future.

48. To make small steps toward big goals is progress.

49. Negative thoughts only have the power I allow them.

50. I can choose to feel good

50 Positive Affirmations That Will Change Your Life & validate your feeling


I love using positive affirmations to uplift my mood. Some days my mood is great, and others, it's bad. I love reading quotes these from the Everygirl website. I love getting quotes from all online websites. 

1. I’m allowed to take up space.

2. My past is not a reflection of my future.

3. I am strong enough to make my own decisions.

4. I’m in control of how I react to others.

5. My only job is to learn and grow.

6. I’m courageous and stand up for myself.

7. I will succeed today.

8. I deserve to forgive, and I deserve to feel joy.

9. I’m worthy of love.

10. I love myself deeply.

11. My body is healthy, and I’m grateful.

12. I’m more at ease every day.

13. I’m calm, happy, and content.

14. My life is a gift, and I appreciate everything I have.

15. I surround myself with positive people who will help bring out the best in me.

16. I don’t need someone else to feel happiness.

17. I’m allowed to take time to heal.

18. All is well.

19. The point of life is balance, not perfection.

20. I choose only kind words for myself and others around me.

21. My potential to succeed is limitless.

26. I have the power to create change.

27. I know exactly what to do to achieve success.

28. I choose to be proud of myself.

29. I will not compare myself to strangers on the internet.

30. I am enough.

31. I let go of all that no longer serves me.

32. I am so close to achieving my goals.

33. My life gets better as I get older.

34. I can do anything I put my mind to.

35. I’m worthy of respect and acceptance.

36. My contributions to the world are valuable.

37. My needs and wants are important.

38. I make a significant difference in the lives of people around me.

39. I am blessed with amazing family and friends.

40. I attract abundance into my life.

41. My life is full of amazing opportunities that are ready for me to step into.

42. I’m free to create the life I desire.

43. I’m open to new adventures in my life.

44. I’m bold, beautiful, and brilliant.

45. My body is perfect in the way it’s intended to be.

46. When I allow my light to shine, I subconsciously permit other people to do the same.

47. No amount of worrying can change the future.

48. To make small steps toward big goals is progress.

49. Negative thoughts only have the power I allow them.

50. I can choose to feel good

Welcome to Miss Well Energetic via YouTube 

Let's meet up virtually via YouTube

Welcome to Miss Well Energetic via YouTube 

This months Positive Affirmations: you need to say this out loud to universe

 Universe is listening......


Positive Affirmations Poem 

I am one of kind
I deserve the best 
I can make my dream life a reality
 I am creating the life 
I want I deserve good things
I can’t be replaced

I am everyone's dream girl. 
My energy is magnetic AF
 I am too powerful to resist 
No one compares to me 
I radiate confidence 
My presence has a magnetic pull on everyone to me

I am loved and appreciated
I am confident 
I am enough 
I am beautiful
 I am radiant 
I am strong
 I am magical

Positive Affirmations to Add to Your Daily Rotation: June 2023

This months Positive Affirmations: you need to say this out loud to universe

 Universe is listening......


Positive Affirmations Poem 

I am one of kind
I deserve the best 
I can make my dream life a reality
 I am creating the life 
I want I deserve good things
I can’t be replaced

I am everyone's dream girl. 
My energy is magnetic AF
 I am too powerful to resist 
No one compares to me 
I radiate confidence 
My presence has a magnetic pull on everyone to me

I am loved and appreciated
I am confident 
I am enough 
I am beautiful
 I am radiant 
I am strong
 I am magical

Pride is full of love, acceptance and feeling free to be yourself. According to someone at the Toronto Pride event, this was the biggest Pride event ever. Toronto came out to celebrate and support the community. The vibes were magical, and so much love in the air. I was standing next to a gay couple at the concert. He loved his boyfriend so much, and that’s the world where I want to live in. At the end of the day, love is love, and it’s not anyone's opinion to judge. I didn’t go to the parade because I was prepared to go or had information. I saw a calendar on the website for a live performance to end the Pride celebration on June 24, 2023. 

Bright Lights closed the festival weekend out with electropop icon Lights, who is playing her first-ever Pride. The event also has an all-female artist closing extravaganza with Bright Lights also features breakout sensation Devon Cole and the highly talented memyself&vi and Favvkes live at TD Main Stage (Nathan Phillips Square). Guest appearance by Fefe Dobson, who sang Ghost, and everyone was singing. I let myself go, and I was screaming the lyrics of Ghost. 

The show was good, and you can feel the bass. Toronto's Pride and the production team did great with all performances. The show was 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm. You have to be there to feel the vibes. Favvkes was amazing with rockstar songs and vibes. Memyself&vi slowed it down with their music. It was giving the neighbourhood vibes. Devon Cole has an aesthetic with her music. She is so sweet and relatable. Cole gave an hour performance, and her song has so much meaning to it. I know Lights from my many music days that were eight years ago. Her music has changed, and l was feeling it. She was amazing in her fur coat and matching black leather shorts, and a one-side chopped top. Lights music has changed, and I’m happy that I waited. She gave me a show that I won't forget. 

Life Lately: Going to Toronto Pride for the first time + Pride live music event

Pride is full of love, acceptance and feeling free to be yourself. According to someone at the Toronto Pride event, this was the biggest Pride event ever. Toronto came out to celebrate and support the community. The vibes were magical, and so much love in the air. I was standing next to a gay couple at the concert. He loved his boyfriend so much, and that’s the world where I want to live in. At the end of the day, love is love, and it’s not anyone's opinion to judge. I didn’t go to the parade because I was prepared to go or had information. I saw a calendar on the website for a live performance to end the Pride celebration on June 24, 2023. 

Bright Lights closed the festival weekend out with electropop icon Lights, who is playing her first-ever Pride. The event also has an all-female artist closing extravaganza with Bright Lights also features breakout sensation Devon Cole and the highly talented memyself&vi and Favvkes live at TD Main Stage (Nathan Phillips Square). Guest appearance by Fefe Dobson, who sang Ghost, and everyone was singing. I let myself go, and I was screaming the lyrics of Ghost. 

The show was good, and you can feel the bass. Toronto's Pride and the production team did great with all performances. The show was 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm. You have to be there to feel the vibes. Favvkes was amazing with rockstar songs and vibes. Memyself&vi slowed it down with their music. It was giving the neighbourhood vibes. Devon Cole has an aesthetic with her music. She is so sweet and relatable. Cole gave an hour performance, and her song has so much meaning to it. I know Lights from my many music days that were eight years ago. Her music has changed, and l was feeling it. She was amazing in her fur coat and matching black leather shorts, and a one-side chopped top. Lights music has changed, and I’m happy that I waited. She gave me a show that I won't forget. 


The Law of Attraction are broken down into seven “mini-laws” that can help you get the results you want in your life. 

#1 The Law of Manifestation

This is what most people think of when they hear the words ‘Law of Attraction.’ The Law of Manifestation states that our thoughts and feelings create our reality –and what we focus on is what we will manifest in our lives. 

(Pro tip: Law of Attraction affirmations are a powerful way to keep your goals top of mind and help you focus on what you want (as opposed to what you don’t want) so you’re able to create the life you desire.) 

#2 The Law of Magnetism

The Law of Magnetism states that everything that has happened in your life – the people, things, and opportunities that have come into your life, as well as the circumstances in which you have found yourself – is a result of the energy you put out into the world. You attract what you are

#3 The Law of Unwavering Desire

Do you truly want the things you believe you want? The Law of Unwavering Desire states that your desire to achieve or attract a certain thing must be strong and unyielding for you to manifest it in your life. When your desires are weak and without a rock-solid foundation, they won’t be able to attract what you want.


#4 The Law of Delicate Balance

The universe is comprised of balance—between various forces and elements. And as we are microcosms of the universe, we also crave balance. When the different aspects of your life are in balance, you can experience true peace and joy. But to achieve balance, appreciation and gratitude are required. 

#5 The Law of Harmony

The Law of Harmony describes the coordinated interplay of forces and elements that comprise the Universe. Harmony is the flow of life. When you are in tune with it, everything seems easy, as if you are swimming with the current rather than against it. Tapping into the Law of Harmony and striving to live harmoniously with all other beings will open you to the optimism that the Universe has to offer. 

#6 The Law of Right Action

The Law of Right Action states that your words and actions affect the world around you and determine the quality of your experiences in life. How you behave and treat others will determine how others treat you. When you focus on the right action and are kind to others—always being sure to do to them what you would wish done to you—you will attract more positivity into your life. 

#7 The Law of Universal Influence

It’s easy to feel small and insignificant when staring up at the stars at night. But the truth is, every one of us is an integral part of the Universe. We make an impact on the world with everything we think and do. Our energy vibrations become a part of the fabric of the Universe. That’s why it’s so important for you to be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions—as well as signs from the Universe— to demonstrate the impact of your actions and point you in the direction of your dreams. By doing so, you will be able to effectively control your energy and increase the positive impact you have on the world around you.  

All information from Jack Canfield

Law of Attraction Quotes 

“See yourself living in abundance, and you will attract it.”
— Rhonda Byrne

“Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it’s possible for you.”
— Jack Canfield

“Think the thought until you believe it, and once you believe it, it is.”
— Abraham Hicks

“Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.”
— Benjamin Disraeli

“I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative.”
— Michael Losier

“There is a truth deep down inside of you that has been waiting for you to discover it, and that truth is this: you deserve all good things life has to offer.”
— Rhonda Byrne

“Here’s the problem. Most people are thinking about what they don’t want, and they’re wondering why it shows up over and over again.”
— John Assaraf

“Look forward to where you want to be and spend no time complaining about where you are.”
— Esther Hicks

“We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.”
— J.K. Rowling

“Every single second is an opportunity to change your life because, in any moment, you can change the way you feel.”
— Rhonda Byrne

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”
— Willie Nelson

All information from Gratitude Blog

The Laws of Attraction

The law of attraction is the energy of your thoughts manifests through your experiences. Creating positive thoughts can lead to positive experiences manifesting in the future. Attracting positivity in your life can help you achieve your goals in every aspect of your life. 

How to Use the Law of Attraction

Start using the law of attraction to create the reality you want. Attracting, not chasing, is the rule. Attracting is what you want, and focus on bringing it into your reality. 

This is the best way to use the law of attraction in your own life, including:
  • Be grateful
  • Visualize your goals 
  • Look for the positives in a situation
  • Learn how to identify negative thinking
  • Use positive affirmations
  • Reframe negative events in a more positive way

The law of attraction is cultivating a positive mindset, so you can live your best life. Stay self-motivated every day and continue working toward your goals on your own schedule. 



The Law of Attraction are broken down into seven “mini-laws” that can help you get the results you want in your life. 

#1 The Law of Manifestation

This is what most people think of when they hear the words ‘Law of Attraction.’ The Law of Manifestation states that our thoughts and feelings create our reality –and what we focus on is what we will manifest in our lives. 

(Pro tip: Law of Attraction affirmations are a powerful way to keep your goals top of mind and help you focus on what you want (as opposed to what you don’t want) so you’re able to create the life you desire.) 

#2 The Law of Magnetism

The Law of Magnetism states that everything that has happened in your life – the people, things, and opportunities that have come into your life, as well as the circumstances in which you have found yourself – is a result of the energy you put out into the world. You attract what you are

#3 The Law of Unwavering Desire

Do you truly want the things you believe you want? The Law of Unwavering Desire states that your desire to achieve or attract a certain thing must be strong and unyielding for you to manifest it in your life. When your desires are weak and without a rock-solid foundation, they won’t be able to attract what you want.


#4 The Law of Delicate Balance

The universe is comprised of balance—between various forces and elements. And as we are microcosms of the universe, we also crave balance. When the different aspects of your life are in balance, you can experience true peace and joy. But to achieve balance, appreciation and gratitude are required. 

#5 The Law of Harmony

The Law of Harmony describes the coordinated interplay of forces and elements that comprise the Universe. Harmony is the flow of life. When you are in tune with it, everything seems easy, as if you are swimming with the current rather than against it. Tapping into the Law of Harmony and striving to live harmoniously with all other beings will open you to the optimism that the Universe has to offer. 

#6 The Law of Right Action

The Law of Right Action states that your words and actions affect the world around you and determine the quality of your experiences in life. How you behave and treat others will determine how others treat you. When you focus on the right action and are kind to others—always being sure to do to them what you would wish done to you—you will attract more positivity into your life. 

#7 The Law of Universal Influence

It’s easy to feel small and insignificant when staring up at the stars at night. But the truth is, every one of us is an integral part of the Universe. We make an impact on the world with everything we think and do. Our energy vibrations become a part of the fabric of the Universe. That’s why it’s so important for you to be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions—as well as signs from the Universe— to demonstrate the impact of your actions and point you in the direction of your dreams. By doing so, you will be able to effectively control your energy and increase the positive impact you have on the world around you.  

All information from Jack Canfield

Law of Attraction Quotes 

“See yourself living in abundance, and you will attract it.”
— Rhonda Byrne

“Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it’s possible for you.”
— Jack Canfield

“Think the thought until you believe it, and once you believe it, it is.”
— Abraham Hicks

“Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.”
— Benjamin Disraeli

“I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative.”
— Michael Losier

“There is a truth deep down inside of you that has been waiting for you to discover it, and that truth is this: you deserve all good things life has to offer.”
— Rhonda Byrne

“Here’s the problem. Most people are thinking about what they don’t want, and they’re wondering why it shows up over and over again.”
— John Assaraf

“Look forward to where you want to be and spend no time complaining about where you are.”
— Esther Hicks

“We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.”
— J.K. Rowling

“Every single second is an opportunity to change your life because, in any moment, you can change the way you feel.”
— Rhonda Byrne

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”
— Willie Nelson

All information from Gratitude Blog

The Laws of Attraction

The law of attraction is the energy of your thoughts manifests through your experiences. Creating positive thoughts can lead to positive experiences manifesting in the future. Attracting positivity in your life can help you achieve your goals in every aspect of your life. 

How to Use the Law of Attraction

Start using the law of attraction to create the reality you want. Attracting, not chasing, is the rule. Attracting is what you want, and focus on bringing it into your reality. 

This is the best way to use the law of attraction in your own life, including:
  • Be grateful
  • Visualize your goals 
  • Look for the positives in a situation
  • Learn how to identify negative thinking
  • Use positive affirmations
  • Reframe negative events in a more positive way

The law of attraction is cultivating a positive mindset, so you can live your best life. Stay self-motivated every day and continue working toward your goals on your own schedule. 

Toronto Blue Jays hosted their own Pride weekend event 

I love going to a sport event like the blue jays during the summer. The Pride weekend featured drag queens and Pride flags. The vibe was amazing. The Jays lost the game.

Saturday June 10, 2023

Pride weekend at Toronto Blue Jays : Happy Summer Girl Diaries

Toronto Blue Jays hosted their own Pride weekend event 

I love going to a sport event like the blue jays during the summer. The Pride weekend featured drag queens and Pride flags. The vibe was amazing. The Jays lost the game.

Saturday June 10, 2023




Pride Toronto - LGBTQIA+ girls and community
FAN EXPO - For Toronto fan girls 
CNE Toronto - End of Summer fun 

Honda Indy - Action & Spicy rom-com readers 

The Toronto Outdoor Art Fair - For the artsy girl in your life

Toronto Caribbean Carnival - For the culture 

Pride Toronto

Location: Church and Wellesley Village, Toronto
Pride is an annual event hosted by Pride, Toronto, a non-profit organization. This is a historically significant event for the city's LGBTQIA+ community. The main center of this festival is Church and Wellesley Village. Marches and parades are also held along Yonge Street, Gerrard Street, and Bloor Street. Toronto celebrates this international festival like no other city, attracting nearly one million people annually!

Honda Indy 

Location: Exhibition Place
Dates: July 14th-16th 2023
The Honda Indy features a temporary 11-turn street race course. It is the perfect summer festival for those seeking a thrill from the stands! This event also hosts 'Rookie Racers', a safe activity for junior riders who want to try out street racing. Here, you can enjoy exceptional stunts and even receive autographs from athletes.

Toronto Jazz Festival 

Location: Festival map and venues
Dates: Details of ticketed shows are already available here. Further details are forthcoming, so make sure you keep checking the festival website.
If you are a music lover, do not miss the Toronto Jazz Festival! (2) The festival hosts around 500,000 guests and features the biggest names in jazz. Festival stages are spread out across multiple outdoor and indoor venues, providing visitors with several options to choose from. The event also includes both ticketed and free shows. We recommend this summer festival to everyone, because who doesn't love some smooth jazz?

The Toronto Outdoor Art Fair

Date(s): July 2 to 9, 2023
Location: Nathan Phillips Square 
For six decades, The Toronto Outdoor Art Fair has been one of the best opportunities to see what’s just around the corner in the art world, with hundreds of emerging and established artists sharing their best work. Each July, Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto’s City Centre fills with over 350 visual artists and crafts makers, launching careers and raising funds to support the arts throughout the year.

Toronto Caribbean Carnival

Date(s): August 3 to 7, 2023
Location: Downtown Toronto
Toronto’s Caribbean Carnival is a colourful celebration of the hundreds of thousands of Jamaicans, Trinidadians, Haitians, Dominicans, Bermudans and Guyanans who make up the city’s Afro-Caribbean community traditionally centred in the York District. 

CNE Toronto

Date(s): August 18 to September 4, 2023
Location: Exhibition Place
The Canadian National Exhibition, better known as ‘The Ex’ to locals, is the event that Toronto’s beloved Exhibition Place is named for. To say there’s a lot to see at the Canadian National Exhibition is an understatement—this is Canada’s biggest annual fair and dates back almost 150 years.

FOR INFOMATION: Annual Festivals & Events in Toronto | Concerts & Celebrations (destinationtoronto.com)


Enjoy four-full days of Comics, Sci-Fi, Horror, Anime, and Gaming at FAN EXPO. Let your inner nerd and fanboy out at this annual event.
When: August 24 to 27, 2023
Where: Metro Toronto Convention Centre – 255 Front St W 

FOR INTORMATION: https://fanexpohq.com

It’s officially #hotgirlsummer, your local Toronto summer tour guide is out




Pride Toronto - LGBTQIA+ girls and community
FAN EXPO - For Toronto fan girls 
CNE Toronto - End of Summer fun 

Honda Indy - Action & Spicy rom-com readers 

The Toronto Outdoor Art Fair - For the artsy girl in your life

Toronto Caribbean Carnival - For the culture 

Pride Toronto

Location: Church and Wellesley Village, Toronto
Pride is an annual event hosted by Pride, Toronto, a non-profit organization. This is a historically significant event for the city's LGBTQIA+ community. The main center of this festival is Church and Wellesley Village. Marches and parades are also held along Yonge Street, Gerrard Street, and Bloor Street. Toronto celebrates this international festival like no other city, attracting nearly one million people annually!

Honda Indy 

Location: Exhibition Place
Dates: July 14th-16th 2023
The Honda Indy features a temporary 11-turn street race course. It is the perfect summer festival for those seeking a thrill from the stands! This event also hosts 'Rookie Racers', a safe activity for junior riders who want to try out street racing. Here, you can enjoy exceptional stunts and even receive autographs from athletes.

Toronto Jazz Festival 

Location: Festival map and venues
Dates: Details of ticketed shows are already available here. Further details are forthcoming, so make sure you keep checking the festival website.
If you are a music lover, do not miss the Toronto Jazz Festival! (2) The festival hosts around 500,000 guests and features the biggest names in jazz. Festival stages are spread out across multiple outdoor and indoor venues, providing visitors with several options to choose from. The event also includes both ticketed and free shows. We recommend this summer festival to everyone, because who doesn't love some smooth jazz?

The Toronto Outdoor Art Fair

Date(s): July 2 to 9, 2023
Location: Nathan Phillips Square 
For six decades, The Toronto Outdoor Art Fair has been one of the best opportunities to see what’s just around the corner in the art world, with hundreds of emerging and established artists sharing their best work. Each July, Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto’s City Centre fills with over 350 visual artists and crafts makers, launching careers and raising funds to support the arts throughout the year.

Toronto Caribbean Carnival

Date(s): August 3 to 7, 2023
Location: Downtown Toronto
Toronto’s Caribbean Carnival is a colourful celebration of the hundreds of thousands of Jamaicans, Trinidadians, Haitians, Dominicans, Bermudans and Guyanans who make up the city’s Afro-Caribbean community traditionally centred in the York District. 

CNE Toronto

Date(s): August 18 to September 4, 2023
Location: Exhibition Place
The Canadian National Exhibition, better known as ‘The Ex’ to locals, is the event that Toronto’s beloved Exhibition Place is named for. To say there’s a lot to see at the Canadian National Exhibition is an understatement—this is Canada’s biggest annual fair and dates back almost 150 years.

FOR INFOMATION: Annual Festivals & Events in Toronto | Concerts & Celebrations (destinationtoronto.com)


Enjoy four-full days of Comics, Sci-Fi, Horror, Anime, and Gaming at FAN EXPO. Let your inner nerd and fanboy out at this annual event.
When: August 24 to 27, 2023
Where: Metro Toronto Convention Centre – 255 Front St W 

FOR INTORMATION: https://fanexpohq.com
