Self-isolation is a private bubble where you focus on yourself behind closed doors. This is a chance for you to focus solely on your stuff without anyone judging you. Now is the time to devote your full attention to what matters most to you. Your time and energy are dedicated to yourself. 

Here’s how to focus on yourself

 Focusing on yourself involves several key steps:

1. Set Clear Goals: Identify what you want to achieve in different areas of your life, such as career, health, and personal growth.

2. Prioritize Self-Care: Ensure you are taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. This includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and activities that reduce stress.

3. Limit Distractions: Reduce time spent on social media or other activities that do not contribute to your well-being or goals. 

4. Practice Mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to stay present and centered.

5. Develop a Routine: Establish a daily routine that includes time for work, hobbies, rest, and self-reflection.

6. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no to demands on your time and energy that do not align with your priorities.

7. Engage in Personal Development: Continuously seek opportunities to learn and grow through reading, courses, or new experiences.

8. Reflect Regularly: Take time to reflect on your progress and make adjustments as needed. This can be through journaling or talking with a trusted friend or mentor.

Here’s how to be unrecognizable 

1. Manage Your Time.

You’re not overwhelmed, you’re unorganized.

-Wake up Earlier
- Create a To-Do-List
- Set Deadlines
- Stick to your Schedule

2. Focus On One Thing.

Everyone wants results, but nobody wants to stay focused.
The gap between your current life and the life you want is called Focus.
Focus 100% on one thing, instead of doing 5 things with 20% focus each.

3. Make Gradual Improvements

You can’t go to level 10 with level 1 habits.
- Start by reading one page
- Start by writing one paragraph
- Start by doing one workout
- Start today Then focus on getting 1% better every day.

Minor improvements over time lead to big changes.

4. Look At Things Diagnostically.

Instead of focusing on the negative, ask yourself:
- What am I in control of?
- What can I do better?
- How can I improve things?
A problem-solving mindset will help you move past roadblocks much faster.

5. Create A High-Value Network.

Evolution designed humans to get along with each other for survival.
Spend less time with people who hold you back. Increase time with those who can pull you forward.

6. Read Quality Books.

Books have a high ROI.
You get decades of knowledge condensed into a few hours of reading.
The time, money, and mistakes you save yourself are well worth the investment.
Make it a daily habit and you’ll get yearly returns.
You should check out this blog: 17 Books you can read in one go

7. Get Into Deep Work.

Your focus is currency. How you spend it is your biggest investment.
- Block off a few hours
- Focus on one thing
- Remove distractions
They’ll get you ahead of 90% of people.

8. Find your Purpose.

Without direction or a clear plan, it’s hard to live a fulfilled life.
Everything in life becomes easier once you find your purpose and get clarity on what’s next.

RESOURE: Do these for 60 days to become Unrecognizable | by Aman Bhatia | Medium