Adulthood is not without its hardships

Failure to launch describes a young adult who is struggling to make the transition from childhood to adulthood. Living in today's economy and with high living costs makes it possible to become an adult. Increasingly, young adults are having difficulty launching (or thriving). A lot of young adults remain "stuck" or not developing in a way they think is age-appropriate, and achieving maturity is not easy for them. As we enter adulthood, rites of passage no longer exist as they did two decades ago. Attending college or having a full-time job is not as easy as it seems.

In the current economic climate, it is becoming harder to make it out of our family home. Your life circle plays a part in your life. Your life is a series of choices. Obstacles, barriers, and mistakes all play a role in your life. Adulting will be easier if you have help or an advantage. Starting from scratch by yourself isn't easy for the average person. As an adult, you will face new opportunities and responsibilities that you will have to face regardless of your age.

ADULTHOOD: The new reality

It takes more than just survival to survive as an adult in today's society. In adulthood, achieving results takes more time and effort. There are so many uncertainties that come with being an adult. Growing up and being an adult is a process when you start from zero. I'm still learning about adulthood. Adulthood is less about accomplishing set milestones now than it was in the past. Just realize that adults live their own lives with a job. Sometimes it's happy, sometimes it's not.

Adulthood means being responsible and living in today's world. Digital age technology has created an addiction to social media, the Internet, and the Internet negatively impacts growth. Watching someone adult faster than you online is tough. Successful adults have a guide or a plan. It is about navigating the chaos of society that makes you an adult.