The little info digital book of mantras for daily affirmations
Welcome to the little book of mantras for daily affirmations
Mantras are motivating chants you repeat repeatedly to yourself, such as "I believe I can". A mantra is usually any repeated word or phrase, but it can also refer more specifically to a word repeated in meditation according to vocabulary. A mantra can be a powerful tool for your soul. Being kind to yourself starts with what you say. Learning how to say the right mantra will increase your quality of life.
The method
Find a mantra
Say it out loud
Believe in the words
Let's feel the words
Embrace the change in your mindset
Sadhguru is the founder and head of the Isha Foundation. A mantra means a sound, a certain utterance or a syllable. Today, modern science sees the whole existence as reverberations of energy, different levels of vibrations. Where there is a vibration, there is bound to be a sound. So, that means, the whole existence is a kind of sound or a complex amalgamation of sounds – the whole existence is an amalgamation of multiple mantras. Of these, a few mantras or a few sounds have been identified, which could be like keys. If you use them in a certain way, they become a key to open up a different dimension of life and experience within you according to the Isha Foundation.
Positive mantra to repeat to add to your daily routine - morning to night.
A mantra is a motivating chant, like the “I think I can, I think I can” you repeat over and over to yourself on the last stretch of every marathon you run. A mantra is usually any repeated word or phrase, but it can also refer more specifically to a word repeated in meditation according to Vocabulary. Creating your manta can be good for your soul. Being kind to yourself starts with what you say.
That girl mantra
I visualize my highest self and then show up as her.
I breathe in confidence and exhale fear.
If I put my mind to it, I will achieve it.
I deserve all of the good things that are happening to me and all of the good things that are coming.
I release anything that does not support my highest good.
I am unaffected by the judgment of others.
I love my body and all it does for me.
My voice is valuable and my opinion matters.
I am worthy of love.
I am grateful for everything I have in my life.
Daily basic mantras
I Am Enough
I am capable
I am grateful for this moment
I am loved and worthy
I love myself
I welcome abundance
I believe in myself
I have everything I need
Doing my best is enough
I am grateful for my body
I radiate confidence
Healing takes time
I am a work in progress
I am courageous
I am energized
I am proud of myself
Positive everyday mantras
Money comes frequently and easily to me.
I trust my inner guidance and follow it.
I accept my emotions and let them move through me.
I take care of myself, mind, body, and spirit.
I trust myself to make the right decisions.
I give myself permission to take up space.
I use my voice to speak up for myself and others.
I trust that I’m heading in the right direction.
I allow myself to make mistakes as they help me grow.
I accept myself exactly as I am without judgment.
I have everything I need to achieve my goals.
I am constantly generating brilliant ideas.
Mantras for Succuss
Never give up
I will figure it out
Stop fixating on failure
Take time to reflect
You get what you focus on
Acceptance of the failures gracefully
Believe in yourself
Better on time than perfect
Decide to succeed
Dream big and dare to fail
Focus on the purpose
Mistakes are an opportunity to grow
One year equals 365 possibilities
Right planning
Strive for excellence
Mantras for Self-love
I am worthy of good things
I deserve the best
Being kind to yourself
Good things continually happen to me
I Love My Body
Honouring your feelings is okay
Everything is Under Control
I am creating a beautiful life
I am intelligent
I trust my decisions
My peace is my power
I accept my awesomeness
I accept my worthiness and value
I am a magnet for positivity
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