What is manifestation? 


  1. an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea 

If you manifest your dream life or goals in the past, you can make it a reality today. Manifesting is a movement of bettering yourself and doing the work for your future self. You are strong as your mindset is. If you believe you can make your goals happen, then you can make it happen. Manifestation starts within yourself, then it comes reality outside of you. 

Maintain a positive attitude and mindset to get your end game. Discipline can help you to achieve your goals. The practice of using manifesting or manifestation has gained popularity among women today. Manifesting is based on the idea that you can think your dreams into reality by keeping a positive attitude and a clear vision and doing the work to get there. Manifestation methods equal attracting your dream goals into your life. Focus is the key to your success as a master of manifestation. Our mindset shapes our thoughts, beliefs, values and behaviour. Use the law of attraction while attracting your dreams. Visualizing is a simple and effective manifestation method to help you achieve your goals in your life. There's no secret or recipe to maintaining your dreams. 


CHANGE YOUR MINDSET: stop all negative beliefs 
MEDITATE: Connect with yourself 
SPEAK IT INTO EXISTENCE: ask, and you shall receive 
REPEAT POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS: create your mantra and repeat it daily 
VISUALIZE: envision the reality 
SHOW UP: talk, walk, and dress like the person who already has what you want 
PUT IN THE WORK: take the small steps toward the bigger picture 

How to use manifestation?

CHANGE YOUR MINDSET: stop all negative beliefs 

Start with changing your mindset. Your old mindset isn't working, so let it go. The only way to change is to experience a breakthrough. It's not pretty. It's difficult and painful to experience. It's a solo journey to find your way. You know when you know when you are ready for change. Build a strong mindset so anyone or anything can break it. 

MEDITATE: Connect with yourself

The most intimate and complex relationship is yourself.  Learn and explore more about yourself every day. Connect deeper with yourself and your emotions. What is triggering you, what's holding you back, and how do I change my perspective.? 

SPEAK IT INTO EXISTENCE: Ask, and you shall receive 

The universe is real, and it's something to believe in. All you have to do is speak it out in existence. If you don't say it out loud to the universe like nobody knows it. It won't reach anywhere, and the universe will not listen to it. Ask and believe, then do the work to achieve your goals. The universe will give results only to the ones who do the work. Receiving means doing the work and making it happen for yourself. 

REPEAT POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS: create your mantra and repeat it daily

Find or create positive affirmations for everyday life. Saying a quote can impact your mood. Create a mantra and repeat it daily; rewire your brain. It's changing the way you think and see things. Positive affirmations are motivation and spiritual vibes that change your well-being. 

VISUALIZE: envision the reality 

Sit down and visualize your dreams and goals and how to achieve them. Change your perspective on your goals. Take small steps and keep a positive mindset while achieving your goals. It's a long-term game you're playing at. Write it down and make a plan to achieve it. 

SHOW UP: talk, walk, and dress like the person who already has it

Give yourself a glow-up and build your dream woman. It's okay to embody your dream woman right now. So why not talk, walk, and dress like the person you want to be in life? Do the work, build a mindset and create your dream lifestyle on your schedule. Start with being happy with what you have, then build on it. It's humbling and changes your perspective on your needs and future wants. 

PUT IN THE WORK: take the small steps toward the bigger picture 

It's time to work on your goals and make shit happen for yourself. You are going through the journey and leaving a stronger person. Your mindset will take you where you need to go in life. Take a small step every day until you can take a big step toward your goals. The big picture takes time, so work on the journey. Restart and reset your goals, and change comes with the territory. 

how to apply the manifestation method

Manifestation methods are an inside job. Manifestation methods only work if you work on them. It's an inside job for one person to complete. Nobody will get you there, but you have the requirements within yourself. keep going and embrace redirection. It only works if you do. The secret and recipe are already in you. It's already yours and all you have to do is claim it.