The prince charming of today is no longer present in the male species. Better off single and working on yourself than waiting for Prince Charming. Relationships are difficult and confusing. Heartbreak occurs when you don't find the right person. A romantic encounter that ends in disappointment is the worst feeling ever. In today's society, finding and settling down with someone takes longer. Some people are lucky, while others are not. Sometimes, the only option is you're better off single.

I've always been single all my life and my brief dating history has made me realize that a romantic relationship is not it I prefer my own company and I am happy doing things alone. Throughout my life, I am becoming more and more aware of myself as a solo traveler. There are people who are not interested in romantic fairy tales. It’s estimated that 45% of women ages 25–44 will be single by 2030, according to a study by Morgan Stanley.  

Being single is a gift. Live intentionally and cherish your singlehood. A single person must know their value, take themselves out for a date, commit to themselves, and pick up new hobbies. This is a lifestyle. It's a self-development journey and time heals all wounds. Your singlehood is the best part of your life.
Being single has its perks. As a single person, you spend more time with yourself, and you get to know yourself better. Make your interests and hobbies a reality by pursuing them. More freedom to do what you want to do. There is no judgment on how you live your life. You don't need to plan your life around someone else's schedule. 

Invest in keeping up with friends and family. You can strengthen your relationship with family and friends by having more time for them. Learn how to be comfortable in your own company. Understand what you need or want from life and enjoy the journey. Improve your financial situation by managing your money better. It may be better financially for you to stay single and make the right choices.

Being single is a choice. You invest time in yourself, not relationships, when you choose to take advantage of the perks. Being single is a personal gift you can give yourself. Your journey takes time so enjoy life with yourself. Don't let anything stand in the way of being the person you always wanted to be. Get to know yourself and what makes you tick. After all the work is done, look at yourself and see the process. One day it will click, and your person might be there or other things will be there instead.