Being single by choice is a the best way to protect yourself from rusty man and drama. The concept of being single by choice allows you to prioritize your own happiness and live life on your terms. Here are some tips for embracing and enjoying it according to internet. 

1. Focus on Self-Growth: Use this time to work on personal goals, hobbies, and passions. Whether it's learning a new skill, traveling, or improving your health, focus on your own development.

2. Enjoy Your Independence: Embrace the freedom to make your own decisions without considering a partner’s preferences. Explore your own tastes, from daily routines to big life choices.

3.Cultivate Strong Friendships: Nurture meaningful relationships with friends and family. Social connection is important, and close friendships can provide support and companionship.

4. Practice Self-Love: Make self-care a priority. Treat yourself to things that make you happy and content, whether it’s spa days, journaling, or indulging in a hobby.

5. Set Clear Boundaries: If others question your choice, stand firm in your decision. It’s important to set boundaries and communicate that being single is your preference, not a temporary phase.

6.Challenge Social Norms : Understand that societal pressure often leans towards relationships, but being single is just as valid. Normalize it for yourself and others.

7. Enjoy Solo Activities: Do things you love on your own, like going to a movie, dining out, or taking a solo trip. Learn to enjoy your own company.

8. Stay Open to Change: Being single now doesn’t mean forever. If you ever decide to pursue a relationship in the future, it should be because you want to, not because of societal expectations.