Pinterest is a manifestation app for everyone to use. Scrolling through Pinterest is a girl activity.

Here's a guide on how to use Pinterest:

1. Create an Account: 

   - Go to the Pinterest website or download the app.
   - Sign up using your email, Google account, or Facebook account.
   - Set up your profile by adding a photo, username, and bio.

2.  Explore and Discover: 

   - Use the search bar to find pins (images or videos) on topics you're interested in, such as fashion, recipes, or home decor.
   - Browse through categories and the home feed, which displays pins based on your interests.

3.  Pin and Save Content: 

   - Click on a pin to view it in detail.
   - If you like the pin, click the "Save" button to add it to one of your boards.
   - You can create new boards and categorize your pins based on different themes or topics.

4. Create Boards: 

   - Boards are collections of pins centered around a specific theme.
   - To create a board, click on your profile, then click "Create board."
   - Name your board and add a description if desired.
   - Choose the board's visibility (public or secret).

5.  Add Your Own Pins: 

   - Click the "+" button and choose "Create Pin."
   - Upload an image or video from your device or add a link to content from a website.
   - Add a title, description, and link to provide more information about the pin.
   - Choose a board to save the pin to and click "Save."

6. Follow and Engage: 

   - Follow other users or boards that interest you to see their pins in your feed.
   - Like, comment, and repin content from others to engage with the Pinterest community.

7.  Use Pinterest for Inspiration and Projects: 

   - Create boards for various projects, such as wedding planning, travel itineraries, or DIY crafts.
   - Use the "Tried it" feature to mark pins you've tried and add notes or photos to share your experience.

8. Utilize Pinterest’s Tools: 

   - Use Pinterest Lens (camera icon) to find ideas by taking photos of objects you’re curious about.
   - Explore the "Shop" tab for shopping ideas and purchasing directly from pins.

9. Organize Your Pins: 

   - Use sections within boards to further organize your pins.
   - Rearrange and edit pins and boards to keep your profile tidy and easy to navigate.

10. Stay Updated: 

    - Check your notifications to stay updated on new followers, comments, and activity on your pins and boards.

By following these steps, you can make the most out of Pinterest and use it as a tool for inspiration, organization, and creativity.