About to wrap up a decade of my 20s and prepare for my 30s and long term plans. I'm almost 30 and I know what I'm doing if I don't know how to get there. As a 28-year-old, I'm not your average adult. As my life has progressed, I have had setbacks, victories, and let go of the values and beliefs I once held dear. I see life so differently now as I get older. My life is different and that's okay. In gratitude for my life and health, I'm grateful. I'm currently building a life for myself. Currently, I am focusing on getting a career and achieving my personal goals. The cost of adulthood is high, and if you don't have the money, you'll struggle. Being an adult isn't an easy process. Despite not understanding adulthood completely, I am becoming a more mature individual. Making a process requires both a plan and a list. For success, you need to know your order of life and your finances. It was an era of many phases and a journey of spiritual growth for me in my 20s. I'm currently planning for 30 and the foundation I want. 


Balanced lifestyle - work life / social
Find a routine
Take care of your appearance 
Spend money on self-care
Spend money on what you want while saving
Let go affect off drama and don't let you
Set an annual reading goal.
Forgive yourself for past mistakes
Learn how to cook healthy meals
Pick a cause and be passionate about it
See a Broadway play.
Have a strategy for dealing with stress.
Start chasing your dreams own your terms 


Travel somewhere you don’t know the language or have never been before.

Take a risk  and put yourself out there

Treat yourself to something nice and pay for it in cash.

Build something from scratch.
Make your favourite foods at home 
Find a hobby


Budget your money 
Saving account - save 40% 
Make plans for your future self
Pay off student loan debt
Invest in traveling fund 
Living with my family 
Have a Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Go see live music you love
Develop your personal brand.
Prepare a rainy day fund.
Manage time effectively.

Join a club or sign up for classes.