"It's official, I'm taking advice from the internet. I saw this trend on social media, so I'm taking this one seriously." - Bree-Ann Gittens. 

Being a ghost means isolating yourself to the point that you focus on your goals only. The only way to affect this change is to put yourself first. It's the ultimate sacrifice to get what you want. Working by yourself can get you results when you are in ghost mode. There is something about creating a plan all by yourself. The only way to get what you want is a grace period to get started now. There's nothing wrong with focusing on your goals. Ghost mode is a phase of your life you won't forget. Instagram reels make it seem so easy, but it's the motivation to your inspiration.


Disappear for 6 months become a ghost, do this and you'll return unrecognizable yourself. 

Mindset + routine + goals = work 

1.) Awake at 5 AM or  6 AM or 7 AM or  8 AM ( Pick a time that works for you) 


Getting up early is considered a life hack.

Develop a healthy morning routine. 

Romanizing your life every day 

Morning Rituals





Start doing THIS

Set your alarm at 9 PM

Set a timer for seven hours of sleep 

Get out of bed as soon as the timer sounds.

2.) Drink 1L water

Water can boost your energy.

It can recharge your brain, it can help you focus and make your mood better. 

Focus on drinking a full water bottle per day

3.) Read 10 pages 

Reading is all about collecting knowledge. Get more inspiration in your life and try reading motivational self-help books

Read this:

Atomic Habits 

5 AM club 

Think and Grow Rich

4.  Exercise for 1 hour, 3 x a week

Make working out a habit. A simple method for increasing physical and mental strength.

Do the following:

Run on the treadmill



Weight lifting

5. Keep a daily journal or personal planner 

Write everything down 

Positive thoughts

Negative emotions



To-do list

You can become more organized and more aware of things you need or want in your life

6.  Limit Phone Usage

Invest in your own life, not social media. Live your life and capture it on your phone, but don't make it everything. 


Social media detox 2 hours later 

Don't get caught up in someone's life

Unfollow harmful influencers 

Remove harmful apps

Exited from the group chats

I do believe in this saying if you keep scrolling constantly, nothing will happen. 

7.  Invest in yourself.

Outsourcing may be the option you're looking for. 

Start investing in






Spend your time on your goals 


One hour per day 

Write a detailed plan 

Stay home on the weekend

Use your lunch break 

Make sacrifices 

Say no 

Say yes to what serves you


I don't believe in waking up at 5 am at all. I  will always be that girl who wakes up after 8 am. Drinking water should be the main drink in your life. I recommended drinking more water and staying hydrated daily. Reading ten pages a day can be good for the soul. Reading is my best escape into a different world than yours. Find an exercise that can be fun and love doing. I think working out 3x times a week is good. It's necessary to invest in recovery days. Have a daily journal to keep your life on track. Journals keep us accountable and make us look forward to our goals. Manage your cell phone like an assistant. Limit your social media usage. Live your own life instead of consuming content. Invest in something you need in your life. I never used paid programs or online courses before, so I don't know if they work. That is a personal investment, and always do your research.